How's the job hunt, Jow Forums?

How's the job hunt, Jow Forums?

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>tfw finally landed a career with nepotism
Much shame.

I applied for about the same number of jobs and had several interviews. Still no luck after 6 months.

There is currently no job hunt, was asked, sought after my current place of employment about 2 years and 4 months ago. I've heavily considered leaving many times though

Absolute shiet OP. Can only land temp work. Just want ww3 so I can shoot guns n shiet and get hot babe north korea waifu.

>I now understand why women in the workforce is a net negative

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I'm already employed, but when I look for better jobs all I see are just similar ones that pay roughly the same

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Not so great mate. I'm sure something will turn up eventually with enough applications though. Just want to sort myself out and get my life on track. Learn something new and gain independence and whatnot.

Going well. I got a job in a flyover state for more money and a lower cost of living that's away from the leftist idiots ruining the coast. Democrats have screwed up the state I currently live in and I can't take it anymore.

got a 4% raise today. life is alright.

That's great user, maybe you can start a company that makes knives and sells on black market. Profit off those laws. Look at the great job opportunities your government is offering.

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Crashed my email client with sent resumes....twice! ......nothing

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I seriously hope you guys don't do that

i finished my education in 2012 with my bachelor degree, thought the world would end any day, I supported myself by working self employed until 2016. the world never collapsed, probably a fools errand

nice1 m8. But nah I'm looking to do something that's legal.

TFW haven't looked for a job since I quit the last one 3 months ago

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I have a job ama

Got an interview tomorrow at 1.
Wish me luck, faggots!!

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It's okay, I thought shit would hit the fan by 2012, by 2014 I was drinking heavily.. I couldn't believe it. I thought I'd be dead or about to be dead in a fema camp by then.


I get calls now and then asking if I'm interested in "new opportunities".

I tell them to fuck off bc I already make +$100k/yr.

Don't give up hope, camp is calling you home!

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I live in NYC and jobs are a plenty. I want to move but am seeing how difficult it is to land a gig in smaller areas.
I need to get out of this shithole city.
t. Systems Analyst

Horrible. I think those jobs that I applied to are rigged because I have a white skin and they need to fill their diversity quota.

don't fuck it up faggot

I haven't started looking yet. still living off my bitcoin gains from last year. I should probably start. doing nothing all day gets pretty boring.

>haven't worked or attended school since 2015

how do i explain to potential employers that i was a neet who did nothing but smoke weed and travel for 3 years? seriously what do i say when employers ask me what i spent 2015-2017 doing? it feels like being a neet is worse for a resume than something like going to prison. at least people can understand that

131 applications over the last month or so. I hate interviews and talking to people. How do I get a job that lets me be alone?

>keep getting interviews
>"well be in touch"
>call them back days later
>"position filled"

Pretty ok, got a decent consulting job out of college a few years back and now I'm leaving it for graduate school.

I just lied on my resume and made up a job for a gap year I took. Usually employers (at least for professional-level jobs) don't even check references, and if they do, I give them a fake google phone number with a fake voicemail.

i got a job, they've given me an induction date after asking me for a dozen pieces of information even though they're desperate for me to start and now they want even more so im not doing it now, cba. NEET life is better.

>Applied 20 jobs
>8 interviews
> 4 jobs offers

Took one at 13$ a hour full time sitting in a.c not doing shit.

>no h.s degree
> shit job history
>criminal record
I live in the middle of but fuck nowhere and everywhere is hiring and I could get a 14 or 15 a hour job but it's just twice the work and not worth it imo. But yea you guys with degrees and shit who can't find jobs must be completely autistic .

I work for a year / live as a neet for a year back and forth. I had an old boss from about 4 years ago calling me offering $21/hour a few weeks ago, all the manual labor jobs are getting desperate since Trump. Economy is booming, beaners are crawling back to the shadows. Had to tell him sorry I got enough money for 5 more months of neet life.

They'll think you're trying to hide something, like getting fired for theft or whatever. Just tell them you did day labor to get by when you needed the money, worked on a farm for few months, w/e. If they ask for #s just make them up they never actually call.

>I don't apply to positions
>companies call me based on old online job platform CVs
>in the end I turn them all down

Why do these fucking tards assume that I have any interest in leaving my current company to go work for them for the same pay?
They act like they're doing me a favor by offering me the job.
YOU're the one that contacted ME. I have no interest in you or your company. If you want me to move you're gonna have to pay you fucking nigger.

ayy lmao i know that feel

t. leaf who has to work for shekels

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Don't feel bad for the advantages you're given, fair or unfair. Do your best and earn your keep.

One thing that's on the rise is reverse hiring, where management is bypassing H.R. by asking employees whether they know anyone that may be suitable for the position they're looking for, instead of reading through the list of scumbags and fuckheads that H.R. insists are worth vetting. Chances are good this may be the case.

Just bagged a full time gig at the Injun casino. Full benes and tasty perks.

I gave up, going to join the airforce while Im still able.

Good luck fren.
>don't fuck it up faggot

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lol yeah for sure thought the world was gone back then

Let's say your job is like a small target, the further away the harder it is to land. If you want to hit easy targets like mcd's or dominoes then using a shotgun and shooting out hundreds of applications is fine. If you want to land a job further away you're going to need to prepare and have the right tools to snipe it.

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REEEEE I applied to every internship in this shithole. I will probably end up killing myself.

throw bacon at local mosque before an hero. Maybe you'll get arrested and get swole in prison. You could get some job connections with hardcore anglo skinheads. Shit, prison might be a good employment program, you get fit, get connections, and have some time to think about things. The only con is your booty hole.

>13 for sitting on your ass in ac

I would take that. I had to work my ass off for $12 at my last job. Currently unemployed now though

>an hero

What is he supposed to do, shoot himself in the head with his gun? Also ive heard prison rape is just an american thing

Got stupid lucky and landed a $25/hr office job that’s stressful for maybe 2-3 hours a day and the other 4-5 hours I can shitpost. I’m 26 so if I just stick around and catch a $2-3/hr raise every year I’m already done. Keep trying bros, go for smaller/growing businesses and avoid established corporations who couldn’t give less of a fuck about you.

My company is doing this, it's yet another anti meritocratic policy. The free market for job opportunities is very dead but at least this way it's not racially or sexually unfair, nepotism doesn't discriminate.

Have a BS and masters, worked through both of them, lots of experience including management. All I get are calls for senior grunt positions. Problem is my new city is full of non-technical managers and they are really, really bad at tech so the grunt work is extra heavy.

Fucking hate working for people that don't know what they are talking about, everything becomes an emergency.

Just got hired at McDonald’s. NEETlife BEGONE

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You will soon find out McDonalds is not a job annon but a nightmare. Good luck.

Good. God a new job last year and now practically unfirable since I made it past my trial period of my union power plant job.

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If its between that and being homeless, im happy for you. Otherwise you can probably do better

Probably and I will keep looking for something better. But I’ve been applying at places for 2 years now and have only gotten a few interviews and fewer calls, so I’ll take what I can get

It's okay user. Use your position to feed meritocracy wherever you can.

Been working the last 5 years (was unemployed for 2 months within those 5 years).

>started off stocking shelves at Dollar Tree part time/10 hours a week
>moved onto a small warehouse job with only 6 other co-workers for a year
>got laid off in favor of someone's family member, they wanted to bring me back full time after not giving me work for a few weeks, was already looking for another job and told them to basically fuck off
>unemployed for a little over a month now, finally found another warehouse job basically carrying wood over your shoulder like a slave, was getting paid under the table so I wasn't even officially an employee and they could do whatever the fuck they wanted with me
>sure enough after two weeks I come in to start the 3rd week, boss says heres your check, bye
>unemployed for another month, find yet another warehouse job (evolution fresh) sister company of Starbucks
>since I'm reliable and have a great work ethic and dont complain, they work me like a dog dumping crates of bottles of various juices onto an assembly line, all day everyday
>12$ an hour which was the most I ever made at that point so I say fuck it and put up with it
>do that for 7 months and luckily get an interview at a high school my ex-girlfriend worked at for a custodial position
>end up getting the job (thank christ) and have been there now for 3 years

Unionized, 22$/hr, medical, dental, vision paid for and retirement plus it's so easy, it's a joke. The way I worked when I started pissed alot of the guys off because I was so used to working hard, non stop they I made them all look bad but now I've settled down and only work hard half the day while doing fuck all the other half.