We're coming out of Syria very soon, let others take care of it - Trump. President Donald Trump has made a surprise announcement that US forces will be withdrawing from Syria, citing the defeat of Islamic State and the need to defend US borders and rebuild “crumbling” infrastructure. “We're coming out of Syria very soon. Let the other people take care of it now,” Trump said during a speech in Richfield, Ohio on Thursday, dedicated to his infrastructure initiative.
Because we only got involved because John "Traitor that needs to hang" McCain helped organize a false flag and beat the drums of war, along with nobel peace prize winner Barack Obama. What he means by "let other people take care of it" is that the rebellion will probably totally collapse and Assad will suddenly find a swift victory.
What the fuck was the point of arming rebels so that we had to go and clean them up?
Nicholas Sanchez
I'm that guy saying for the rest of his tern I won't criticize Trump and this Syrian announcement has me smiling ear to ear. >disengaement of Afghanistan wen?
Ian Russell
You don't realize what's going on do you? The swamp investigaiton here at home is going to expose all of Israels crimes against the world and everyone is going to turn on them. Israel is inherently illegitimate and soon Palestine will get their land back.
Alexander Powell
Because it's none of our business and he's trying to win back votes he lost when he appointed bolton
Matthew Fisher
I think the only reason we're in Afghanistan is so that the Jews don't get access to the opium anymore.
Samuel Richardson
It's deliberately cut off before Trump apologizing for not seeing the hand and shakes with Bibi.
Dylan Perez
barron is sick of seeing /sg/ threads shit up the feed. needs more t*rk posters
I like the talk. Need action. Stop zog wars now. I really love and appreciate that our president will say this but can he actually stop it?
David Scott
The Syrian war started because Qatar bribed Clinton to overthrow the Syrian government so they could build an oil pipeline. We killed half a million people over a fucking oil pipeline. Fuck Qatar.
Isaac Adams
>NK Is gonna reunify >Iran Still has the nuke deal >Russia is working hand in hand with the US to counter the israeli threats.
Carson Diaz
Listen we have to be level headed. The chances of the swamp being taken down through legal means is equivalent to me fucking pic related. I want to believe but all the circumstantial evidence is useless until it yields results.
We need those troops in Iran for the upcoming invasion, obviously
Nolan Perry
>Listen we have to be level headed. The chances of the swamp being taken down through legal means is equivalent to me fucking pic related. I want to believe but all the circumstantial evidence is useless until it yields results. Listen, nobody believes that you're anything other than a kike shill.
>President Donald Trump has made a surprise announcement that he is fulfilling yet another campaign promise >"Weren't those all lies and empty promises that would ensure permanent Democratic Party rule?" asked Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer during a suicide attempt in Washington, DC on Thursday, dedicated to 'Madame President.'
Do Americans really believe they are building schools atm in the middle east ? lmao
Xavier Harris
Because Russia won in Syria and the US is fleeing like a whipped dog. Vietnam 2.0. The empire will collapse soon and peace can finally come to the Middle East, under Russia+Iran. And the minute the US empire collapses, Israel becomes a mere afterthought.
Wyatt Jenkins
Not surprising, gotta reroute all the troops straight to Iran.
Carter Hall
Justin Brooks
LOL McCain/Obama/Clinton/Brennan wasted all that money and blood funding ISIS
Jack Murphy
a pathetic nonsensical mess and bundle of lies. russia is prophesied in bible as attacking somebody in middle east. gog magog. russia is one of those. israel is the other? no. but israel will be attacked. see below in this post for more details. zion comes from above. this president has given zero indication he doesnt like zionism. the exact opposite. and this one bot is always in here posting same shit saying he isnt zionist. nice debt. nice wall. nice advisers. usa is a bitch country. two seconds ago he was saying muh gassings. maybe more "gassings" will happen now. why are republigoyim even still a party after all the indictments of reagan. 911. and this fraud? russia plays everybody. theyre kiked too. and US and russia are pulling eachother's diplomats. not ONE thing makes any sense. and nobody has any future. i hope youre happy. stupid swampy order out of satanic chaos frogs trying to explain things. muh dancing israeli muslims? just imagine. even with all the communist "borg" chess, ANYBODY attacking the rothschild state. even if any of these people are antichrists who are purposefully ruining their economies for a global currency. which they are. who benefits from a global currency? israel. somebody will attack them. but it wont be dolan. we've all seen the zoggy meme pics of zoggy russia too so what is the motive? we all know fake kikes will wipe themselves out to hide shit. but i think muh iran will be attacked as always and especially by the fat grapefruit. and russia will defend them. and iran and others will lose it and take it out on israel. and then the rest can happen. that's who the other party in gog magog is. not israel or your fat jew college cuckold. this was posted by a russian government source. why not an american one? are there even any of those? are you just desperate? why should anybody believe a fucking fat jewish trump faggot
Carson Brooks
I should mention that Iran wishes to simultaneously sell it's vast oil reserves on the global market while also developing nuclear energy to meet their domestic demands, enabling them to sell even more oil on the global market. This prospect is severely threatening to the US petro-dollar, which is supported by the sell of Saudi oil for US dollars. The commercial banks in the west stand to lose everything if the Iran sells it's oil cheaply for gold and the dollar's value falls.
Gavin White
>tfw this is the real reason
Elijah Nelson
>Trump did it on purpose. I agree. By now Trump must know that when you are getting up from the chair when you were sitting with a leader of another country that you shake hands and smile for the cameras.
look at this handshake it was taken at the beginning of March
Nicholas Wright
So is this legit? Any other sources?
Nicholas Hill
>They''re pulling resources for a bigger upcoming conflict. I was thinking the same.
Lucas Edwards
everything is fake. what changed that isis is even allegedly dead? fucking nothing. a bunch of isis kikes got discovered in syria and now america is "pulling out". whenever there is a news story. there's one lie for the left. and another lie for the right and they meet in the middle
Angel Wood
I mean, he wouldn’t lie about something like that, would he?
>i fucking gave them my daughter who reminds me of my cheating prostitutes >theyre afraid
Chase Morgan
Close, those are natural gas pipelines, not oil. Iran and Qatar both have access to the largest proven natural gas reserves in the world by a large margin. However, they have very limited domestic use for it. They need a pipeline to efficiently export it to Europe where it is used to provide heat in winter. Russia doesn't want either of these pipelines built because they provide something like 70% of the natural gas to Europe.
Ayden Murphy
Fucking awesome. It's obvious we created ISIS with Libyan weapons to try to criminally destabilize the middle east.
Oliver Baker
YES, that was very interesting statement
Leo Powell
hi bolton. bomb iran!
Juan Johnson
>Because Russia won in Syria and the US is fleeing like a whipped dog. ^^^THIS^^^
see: even under THIS scenario. kikes will never let this happen. israel is going nowhere but its borders might be. that has nothing to do with america. syria. russia. or iran. read your bibles. that doesnt make israel Godly or better than anybody. they are divorced by God. but the third temple comes from above. and God doesnt want a wasteland. in either case. all roads lead to bibi. all unbelievers in Christ go in a furnace. God always wins and will. and after 1,000 years after that with Christ. the entire world gets destroyed. good job