Was David Allan Coe racist when he said nigger?


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No, he was just having bantz and singing bawdy songs.

Anybody who disagrees is a nigger, jew, faggot, or other kind of low-iq mongrel.



She should lose his job, children, wife, livelihood. I'm down for even putting him in prison. Such language will not be tolerated.

the context in which it is said, no he isnt racist

Now this maybe just a little bit. But his drummer wrote it or something


> because there is nothing quite as worthless as a white girl with a nigger
Quality bantz

You stupid faggots are so uncultured to have never heard his X-Rated album. He hates niggers for sure with lines like"why any self respecting white girl would fuck a goddamn nigger".

"To think I ate the pussy where that big black dick had been"

It is obvious. He also sang a nice ditty called "Suck 'em Silly Shirley".

No it was just a good metaphor, free rent in exchange for some manual labor.

Coe sold a bunch of racist albums from ads in biker magazines. also . . . .


In 1982, Coe released another independent album, Underground Album, which contained his most controversial song, "Nigger Fucker," which resulted in Coe being accused of racism.[10][11] Coe responded to the accusations by stating "Anyone that hears this album and says I'm a racist is full of shit."[6] Coe's drummer, Kerry Brown, is black and married to a white woman, as was Brown's late father, Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown.[8]

> They played this song at my high school prom.

he was righteous.

He still gets my money. I love that fucker. My God I heard he has a song called Burnin the coal takes a toll.

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He's actually one of my favorite artists.

Is it true that he's really a jew?


Anyone who thinks he didnt hate niggers hasnt heard his best works.


It's gold

01. - Nigger Fuckers 00:00
02. - Whips And Things 02:26
03. - Cumstains On The Pillow 06:25
04. - Pussy Whipped Again 09:44
05. - I Made Linda Lovelace Gag 13:13
06. - Little Susie Shallow Throat 16:33
07. - Pick'em, Lick'em, Stick'em 19:30
08. - Masturbation Blues 22:18
09. - Rock & Roll Forever 26:04
10. - Don't Bite The Dick 29:07
11. - Jimmy Buffet 31:30
12. - Lay Me Down Some Rails 35:18
13. - Fuckin' In The Butt 37:27
14. - One Monkey Don't Stop No Show 39:41
15. - Coffee 42:52
16. - Nothin´ Sacred 48:18
17. - Panheads Forever 52:08
18. - Three Biggest Lies 55:16

They just don't make em this based anymore.

Dont bite the dick that fucks you honey.......

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DAC is a god and "fuck anita bryant" is a timeless song

Funny how it is just a job to them. Most do not cat as long as they get paid. Better to be a black drummer making good money playing nigger fucker than being broke.

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"I Made Linda Lovelace Gag " is a pretty good one too

That would be one hell of an accomplishment.

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Nigger Fucker is a better song. So is Whips and Things. So is Cumstains on the Pillow.

Consider the good stereotypes he promotes, such as, "where that big black dick had been" and "working like a nigger for my room and board." (Hard working) Now consider the fact that a black man was his drummer for years after he wrote those songs.

Retard, listen to the man speak about that album.

Or they read the interview where he debunks ignorance.

In this context, no. But he did songs that could be considered racist and, honestly, I dislike them. Not because of P.C.ness but because I think they are in bad taste. I like his "prison cowboy" stuff the most, all those sad, lonely songs. This is where he shines.


Coe does not need pussy shits like you, He has fans like me.

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my god, this brings me back to highschool

Why does modern country suck so much tough? It's all like pop-country shit.

Johnny Rebel is better.

Well it sure couldn't be the Jews, we know that's a certainty.

It is impossible for a white person to say the n-word and NOT be racist. Even if she/he is saying it ironically, quoting someone, just joking, etc....

he has a few songs i like. but over all he sucks. his voice isnt very fun to listen to either.
my "local" country station that i get on FM is all pop bullshit. it sounds influenced by nigger beats and its just shit.
i like hank williams, but only the first and second

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Only if he called a black man a nigger

Calling a nigger a nigger is perfectly acceptable

As Trugils simpson says. They all playing dress up acting like they playing them country song. Chris Stapleton, Sturgil Simpson, Wheeler Walker Jr, Allison Kraus., and Jamey Johnson all make good music.

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Sturgil Simpson you drunk fuck.

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i mean, its "working like a nigger"
so, hes saying he has to work hard for what he is earning.
but lets be honest, we know those niggers dont work.
is he lying to us?

Nah he's a devoted Christian -came from a poor family in Ohio- pretty much as non-jewish as they come

clearly Q predicted this

Had (((Mojo Nixon))) a point? youtube.com/watch?v=qPuJAr6LXeU

Hank 3 has some real gems, but I don't care for a lot of his punk/metal stuff

The loudmouth in the corner.

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Is Mojo Nixon chosen? I like some of his songs.

He means working but not getting paid much...

Ironically, I first heard this song on wkcr in New York City on a radio show they did at Columbia university called "Tennessee border"...

The host was this girl w a really sexy voice, but she was bookish too- a typical music nerd - but she was also somewhat based.

She played 'if that ain't country' w the "working like a nigger " line and all and didn't skip a beat or even bother to explain it.

This was about ten years ago

this sounds a bit more bluegrass
fucking love this shit

no, its the reason i dislike him.
but at the same time i understand why he tried to branch out, not much money in country anymore

Me too but there is no denying he looks the part.

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Wheeler Walker Jr
Jamey Johnson
Whats that country version of Nickleback?

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Aaron Lewis has really impressed me

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what station was it?
fuck i had good times listening to these tunes.

>Nigger Fuckers
gets me every time

jamey johnson has one i dont mind.
the rest can get tossed in a fire.

>when you get cucked so fucking hard you write a song about it

Yeah, it's a real shame that (((they))) have destroyed country music on the radio with the garbage they play.

I really like Whitey Morgan and Bob Wayne too

if you were driving around blasting this, could you get charged with somehting?
honest question.

He beat a guy to death in prison for trying to rape him

video or i didnt happen

>wheleer walker jr

he's a satire artist you fucking retards

He kinda alluded to it


at 1:10, it's the best you're gonna get.

How is it Chris Stapleton had no recognition on radio until 4 years ago. I enjoy his music. It reminds me of my morning trips to school in my dads truck. He at 71 still jams Nigger fucker as loud as he can with the windows down while riding through nigger town. As gentle as he is today he always had a wild side. Wore a chain as a belt to the dives in his twenties. They looked to start brawls back then.
You want it to be satire but we rednecks call that art dipshit.

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who /georgejones/ here?

I used to press your pussy up against my mouth, but its had a couple kids and its all stretched out.

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DAC is a God. Mount Rushmore of country music:

>George Jones

Merle Haggard, Willie, Randy Travis, Hank Jr., Clint Black and Keith Whitley/TG Sheppard tie round out the top 10 (jerry reed, johnny paycheck and johnny rebel get honorable mentions for bringing the bantz).

Oak Ridge Boys, CCR (fuck you, that's country) and Statler Brothers best bands.

Definitive list for anyone wondering what country sounded like before it turned into dogshit somewhere in the late 80s/early 90s.

John Conlee would have made the list if he hadn't made the most depressing song ever about the absolute state of me right now. At least I got a kid out of it...

>You want it to be satire but we rednecks call that art dipshit.


Fuck off poser.


Ain't got enough dick to go around!

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God fucking damn Jow Forums sucks balls these days. I’m not dumb enough to think that I can just walk away from here, but Jesus fuck this is awful.

hes fucking degenerate, but hes also based.
i love people with no filter, and i lack one at times, but ive always thought people with no filter were retarded.
i might be borderline retarded
also thanks m8s

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I know who it is dipshit, but we have wanted a mainstream modern day Coe. Fuck You Bitch.
I am outlaw country all day, but then I have my Alabama side. Listen to Jamey Johnson sing the stars in Alabama to know why we are moving country back to the right of center. We never liked that faggy millennial crap shoved down up our asses by the Jew.
Sit on my face cause I ain't to picky, and ride my face till your pussy is sticky.

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also, its not as bad as HABBINING threads or Q bullshit. quit being a nigger

what song is that?

>We never liked that faggy millennial crap shoved down up our asses by the Jew.

Funny you should say that, why don't you go have a listen to some of the music put out by that kikes queer brother while you're at it poser?

>Born in Houston, Texas to a Jewish family

Summers in kentucky

You tryin too hard to get me let you suck my dick.

based he has good ass songs new orleans represent

his dui arrest is pretty pathetic. didnt know he made that music though.
quit being niggers. we're talkin bout sweet country music fellers

Used to bartend at this Mexican joint a few years back. Was bullshtting with a couple of nogs at the bar about the new Nas album that had just dropped at the time when my fucking phone starting ringing. Had Coe's Nigger-Hatin' Me set as my ringtone. Managed to obnoxiously fake cough over "... but I don't like niggers, nosiree" and shut it off right before "...a hog eating slop and a big black spook". Good times. Told them it was a weed song by Willie Nelson. Nogs are easy as children to change the subject with; mention something they like (drugs) and they automatically forget what even brought it up in the first place

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It's a damn good joke.

Flasback I was 16, all it took for me to cream was a girl in a nightgown. Well I guess its a whole a new world.
Pictures on my phone.

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River is my fav

Chris stapelton and jamey johnson are overrated, most of their songs are written in a pop music style/chord structure. They're not THAT much different than most other pop country.

Jamey Johnson sounds like a whiney butch that can't get over women.

There is no pleasing you fuckers then.

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Pussy. Stand for your convictions.

If my dick is up then why am I down.

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Any love for Rebel Son?

All I've heard from Stapleton is that Tennessee Whiskey song. Is he old-school good or just the best at what passes for country these days?

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His stuff with the steeldrivers was a lot better
He still has a few good solo tracks imo. Up to no good livin, nobody to blame etc..

Then how do gauge his fucking music. Try Scarecrow or Try his work with the steeldrivers which is his older work in bluegrass. He is old timey tallent.

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I enjoy a singer that needs no help digi, or a picker that can make that string moan.

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Now here were two grown up people
Who failed to use common sense
They strengthened their own selfish pride
At little Sue's expense

You know she didn't ask to be brought to
This world
To drift from pillar to post
But a divorce never stops to consider
The ones it hurts the most

John Micheal Montgomery
The little Girl.

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Right. Get shitcanned from a gig I'd spend drinking jack and cokes, eating red chile enchiladas, watching espn and bullshitting with people, and averaging 200 a day in tips on an 10:30am-4:00pm shift because I forgot to turn my ringer off. Makes sense to neets and poorfags I guess.

Ended up getting the boot for embezzlement a few months later but cut into a shitload of that kike owner's shekels first, not to mention getting at least half a dozen wetbacks deported with anonymous calls to La Migra on my way out the door.

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