Can you IMAGINE what we could have achieved through black excellence if there were no wypipo?
Can you IMAGINE what we could have achieved through black excellence if there were no wypipo?
More mud cookies!
12-way gangrape?
Your people invented rape.
Haven't you done enough?
Mud cookies with rock chips.
youre talking about people that still havent mastered agriculture yet? correct?
>first people to screw over blacks were the Portuguese
>negroes blame white people
Yeah, I can imagine. Actually I don't need to. Judging by current behavior there is no reason to assume that africa would have changed at all.
Unless we count future colonization by Arabs or Asians of course.
This needs to end. These bait threads. Nobody sane feels the way OP does. Not even the black people who even somewhat have their shit together. Black Panther isn't meant to be seen as this black supremacist statement, Killmonger isn't meant to be seen as the good guy, he isn't even meant to be seen as justifiable. He's evil and he's called "Killmonger for a reason". BP doesn't have the "YAAAAAAAAAAAS KILL WHITEY" sentiment that Tumblr, Black Twitter, and even Jow Forums thinks it does. All it really is is generic capeshit. Nothing more, nothing less. You'd get the same experience going to see Thor as you would going to see BP.
What IF white people didn't exist? Who would unreasonable blacks blame for their own bullshit? Asians? Hispanics?
>same experience
Nobody. Only whites seem to have this empathy gene where we feel bad about something and then even go so far as to advantage other people over ourselves because of that guilt. You don't find that anyplace else.
So I doubt that Africans would have any say about guild at all. Colonization and functional slavery would have not ended. And judging by the way the Chinese handle unwanted ethnic groups even today with European's to raise a stink about it, I imagine they would handle population problems in Africa pretty solidly without us around to bother them over it.
Slightly irrelevant, but BP flopped in China I think. Well, not flop so much as get disappointing sales. It did great in South Korea and Japan though.
>if whites never existed
Then you would have been enslaved by the Arabs or the Asians instead. Whites bring Churches, Schools, Technology, and Medicine when they colonize, however, to their credit. The alternative invaders do not share this peculiarity.
Asians excel at tech more than even we do, though.
laughed so hard at that pic
dunno are you gonna get a white comic book guy to draw it for you?
I didn't say they didn't have technology or couldn't create it themselves. I said they didn't 'bring' it. They don't give it. They don't care. This can be seen in how the Chinese treat the Africans they interact with, today.
Hadn't heard.
>muh Wakanda
>muh magic meme metal
>we wuz kangz
Niggers masturbating to a fictional kingdom invented by Jews to sell comic books to niggers.
Now a billion dollar movie.
Welfare money used to buy tickets is then paid back to the Feds in taxes so the Feds can afford more welfare. Circle of life.
t. Alberto Barbosa
>first people to screw over blacks were the portuguese
implying slavery in africa wasn't already there
implying they were not the ones who offered slaves since they had nothing to trade back
>last month's slide thread
hi Jow Forums how do i clear my browser cookies so the website updates?
We already know. 10 million years of no progress.
i truly feel sorry for black people due to the fact that slave owners bred them to be idiots, but maybe it would help if you would re-breed your human genome into intelligence, it would realistically only take about 3 generations at the maximum.
Hell,there are more slaves today in Africa than ever existed in the US. That is today.
Fuck them.
>Can you IMAGINE what we could have achieved through black excellence if there were no wypipo?
But there are "wypipo" so you'd better learn your place or you'll not be spared the whip.
How did I do POL?
>Millennia in a continent rich in natural resources
>Perfect ecosystem to develop farming
>Never invented anything
>Never created anything
>No written word
>No science
>No technology
Fucking Mayas and Incas, even the fucking taino indians which where borderline autistic created more things than niggers. Everything was made by niggers, every nation exists because of niggers, all cultures took from the nigger and yet niggers got jack shit to offer the world but aids, rape and violence. I'm a spic and even I'm annoyed by this BS so I can't even imagine what it must be like for actual white people.
i wouldn't be surprised. Africa is such a shit-hole now... they kill themselves over nothing, i heard stories about Guinea, in highschool there was a guy who moved to portugal just 2 years back( noted than in this year I and a collegue were the ONLY 2 white dudes in class), he lived in guinea and neighbours would literally smash glass bottles and started trying to knife each other with broken glass for little things. Only positive story i heard was about crime there, if there is a thief, the people in the community will yell right away "THIEF THIEF" and everyone will chase the thief and most often beat him to oblivion (or dead).
I am not saying native africans are evil by nature but that continent is so bad now that it doesn't even matter anymore. Now is so corrupt and people are so crazy and quick to violence and chaos.
forgot to say, in pic they are supposedly trying to remove the evil spirits from that man (voodoo) xD
Well they need a bigger rock if they intend to break them out.
fucking keked
Lol I was the only white kid in my class too baka
Wakadans was created by white people, with out white there would only be shit holes countries.
in recess, wouldn't they like talk african between themselves (annoyingly loud too) and leave you like wondering what they were saying? it's like they expected me to learn over time their language!?... seriously they would talk a mix of african and portuguese ( creole) and left me and the other white kid guessing. Only had portuguese talk if they were alone, in a group they would talk their language
Black Panther was created by Stan Lee. It wouldn't exist otherwise.
no, sorry.
Well according to abbos after approximately 60000 years you might have invented a stick
They don't invent, just miniaturise and steal ideas, then use slave labour to mass produce cheaply
The Andaman Islands
Keep in mind the Arabs were in Africa before the colonial Europeans.
Would Stan Lee be allowed in a white ethnostate?
Favelas, Super-AIDs and famine worldwide(excluding Asia)((excluding Poo in loo land))?