Why don't more Americans claim English as their ancestry? Are they ashamed of it?
Why don't more Americans claim English as their ancestry? Are they ashamed of it?
Most "American" is probably british
My father's side has roots in England, but he came over in the late 1700's, so at this point it's pretty irrelevant. I only claim Polish ancestry because my great grandparents emigrated from Poland.
Thats a meme map based on limited knowledge and last names, but this guy is probably right, albeit British =/= English, though you hear about far more Scottish Americans than English or even Welsh. Feels like people pick their favourite percent and roll with it.
Because in Indiana, almost everyone is German and speaks partial german
What's that one Irish part of California?
>Feels like people pick their favourite percent and roll with it.
Most white Americans are basically British but this why it isn't reported right
Well most are German.
Save for Utah, Florida and New England. Ever wonder why these three places are so infamous for shitposting and overral terrible quality posts?
>Ever wonder why these three places are so infamous for shitposting and overral terrible quality posts?
If only we had state flags on Jow Forums.
Stay the fuck out of Little Finland, faggots.
t. Little Finn
A Floridan anglo sticks out like crazy. No need for state flags
There's a plugin for extra flags that works on chrome and Opera but it wasn't updates since the big Firefox update. You see a lot of other users on int band and pol, you even get to recognize various ones (bant is full of like 4 manx posters for whatever reason)
cause my last name is Scot
A lot of people don't know, don't care, or just consider themselves American because they feel no connection whatsoever to the former European nations their ancestors came from.
I had no idea there were so many ppl of German ancestry in the US
Same way I identify as part German and Irish despite being English. I have blood there.
I wish I was more german than italian.
The vast majority of those "American" responses are people who were essentially English but have been here forever, yet weren't urban or rich.
You have to consider that the first large waves into America in the 18th c were German, British or French, and the French in a lot fewer numbers. Then came Irish/more Brits and Germans, then Spanish/Greek/Italian, and once again more Brits and Germans. The earliest people here never stopped coming, so there are a shit ton of old German/British families and young ones alike. At least until the '60s when white people stopped moving to America. Now all we get are the beaners and muzzies.
You're a disgrace to that flag. Kill yourself faggot.
>Bong mutt
Wut? I thought we were the mutts.
I know the exact estate my Limey ancestors came from but like many Burgers I am a Euromutt.
I am of proud English ancestry, can verify can pinpoint exact regions all that good stuff. English ancestry is very under reported.
I am assuming New Joysey?
Staten island.
Fuck off nigger. We're white.
Germans migrated to America in droves in the mid 1800s followed by other continental European such as the Italians, ruining the United States forever.
Wasp nigger.
>We're white
I keep telling the Europoors that every day but they don't believe me :(
You're not italian.
>Move to another country because you are too lazy to improve your own
>Instead of improving your new country vote for more gibs and support your government invading foreign countries, ruining it with your servile instincts
America would be better if every continental was hanged on the shores of the Atlantic to serve as a warning to other would be migrants.
They made Puerto Rico an 'Ethnicity' ?
True, but Italians are white, not shitskins. They think Italians should be lumped with shitskins and not with whites.
Italians are better than other humans.
I said nothing about Europeans being white or non-white, I said their servile instincts ruined America.
>Continentals begin to migrate to America
>America fights a pointless war against Spain
>America now forced to maintain a colonial empire that benefits the people in no way
>America fights in WW1
>Social security and other bullshit programs
>America fights in WW2
>America is now world policeman in a perpetual state of war
My father's side came from England in the 1880s and my mother's side has been here since colonial times. I'm mostly Anglo but I have no real connection to England.
Would it be weird for me to check English on the next census or should I just stick with American? Should old stock Americans check a European identity if their family has had no connection to the country for several generations?
I have blood all over Northern Europe. England, Ireland, Germany (Saxony), Normandy, Scandinavia, even Wales and Scotland to a lesser degree.
>Would it be weird for me to check English on the next census
No. Not that it matters, check whatever you want, nobody really gives a shit.
This. My family has been in PA longer than most of these European countries have existed
Choose whichever you like, it really doesn't matter. I'm Anglo-Saxon and even I don't have much of a connection to England. Probably because of my blood from all over Northern Europe as I said
Those who claim to be american are what? anglo?
95% of the time, yes.