Why is the left so much better than the right at changing things?

>Leftists want to change something
>Organize hundreds of thousands of peaceful protests, capturing a nations attention

>right wants to change something
>30 neckbeards sperg out with walmart tikki torches and run a fat chick over with their car

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Unfortunately, they have the entire media on their side.

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James Fields accelerated because an Antifa faggot pointed a gun at him. You're gonna be triggered by the court results.

Also, I'm pretty sure the left tried to turn the whole world red, but only managed to trick a few 3rd-world niggers into making their countries shittier, before collapsing internally.

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backed by the state, took over universities

This. The media determines the conditions of status and morality in the United States. It's just easier to signal for status and fall in line.

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>tfw four years of Jow Forums were a blackpilling socially isolating mess of depression
>tfw four hours in Auburn University screaming DATS RITE at Richard Spencer's Speech was the most fun I've had in a decade
You're not going to stop me. I'm joining whatever Houston has for alt-right meetups. I'm tired of being alone.

But you have the gunz, unfortunately you are too afraid to use them.

According to the media, we can't control ourselves from using them

Because they have the final boss on their side.

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The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:







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Those on the right generally go into fields where making money requires works. Most engineers I know really hate leftists as they're usually the ones who're the reason why their pay slip is a lot smaller than it should be, either through costing companies a lot of money over stupid shit or heavy taxation.

Those on the left generally take courses that only really opens them up to positions of political power, usually starting out heading local government before working up the political ladder.

Graduates are the ones who decide how successful a country is, the more qualified citizens, the more successful the country, but when you have an excess of those with a left wing perspective taking courses that only make qualified for one field of work, of course they're almost entirely populate that field, in this case politics. While someone with a degree like engineering will from the very start go off to work as an Engineer and feel content with that line of work, even if they think they deserve more pay.
It's no surprise that countries who push more money into getting a qualified industrial workforce are the ones dominated by ex-military servicemen as they're considered the most suitable leaders.

The right have hard time organizing, because people have jobs and responsibilities. No time to stand in a park for 5 hours holding a fucking sign

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The conservative american is a natural born coward

Jow Forums is a bunch of idiots that think they know how the world works anyway, so put that together with a bunch of other idiots who think they know how the world works except they have social skills and one will win over the other

>Prop up a goblina and a too-dumb-to-get-into-college chinless manlet to impotently reeee in front of the Capitol

>Elect President of the United States

It called having a job so you can pay your bills because you are a responsible adult.

leftist don't have jobs, in fact most of them are on welfare, antifa mostly

>>Organize hundreds of thousands of peaceful protests, capturing a nations attention
>nothing changes

neckbeards sperg out with walmart tikki torches and run a fat chick over with their car
things change immediatly

its about quality not quantity

You know the brain development of that baby will be FUCKED!

it had neither quality nor quantity unfortunately


I am not even meming

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Nice try meme flag

Average “rightist” has to work a full time job and thus can’t drive across country for a protest every week.

>Everyone I don’t like is Shareblue

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That’s what being a reactionary means. You wait until the last fucking minute to rise up against the left just like Russia.

totally this. the best way is to infiltrate the left and pervert the message. I'm 100% positive you can manipulate modern feminists' obsession with rape into them demanding patriarchal laws against fornication and adultery.

The right has zero power worldwide.

The alleged "moderate intellectual" upper class lurched hard to the left. They grew up with the fantasy notion that no sane person can disagree with their views. When Brexit and Trump struck, they had no choice but to frame it as a "Nazi revolution". This Trump/Brexit crowd were secretly sane moderates; the only allowable response that protected their massive ego was to become radically left.

These people control corporate America, all media, all social media, most administrative government, all international organizations and the entire school system.

Their psychological breakdown over Trump caused this powerful monster to go full commie. All the Alex Jones "globalist" hyperbole is 1000% real; there's no secret meetings, just millions of slightly powerful people who all think the same and believe dissent is evil.

We have no power compared to them.

> just like russia
It is also probably too late already.

They elected king nog for 8 years and all we put up was shit romney and john mccains crazy ass.

The right is less inclusive than the left.

While the left does indeed slide into identity politics on a regular basis they're no where near as bad as the right. Rightfags will purity spiral till even jesus himself isn't good enough.

The left just hates straight white men. The right hates anyone who isn't them.

If the right could find itself more inclusive and not push people away by being dickheads they'd have larger numbers which is what really matters.

Yeah it's amazing the turnout you can get by paying welfare trash to protest. Also, leftists are very stupid and easily manipulated by headlines they read and baseless emotional arguments.

>they won't let me murder muh kidz! huffpo sez thats my constitutional n shit!

what went wrong?

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They have institutional support.

Damn and I thought America’s education system was bad. Russia had a reactionary revolution in 1991 which caused the downfall of the Soviet Union and followed up with the elected president Yeltsin and later on Putin. Ever wonder why Russia wants to re-establish a czardom? It’s because the reactionaries took power and made the public want to find its roots. If that shithole can go from far left to far right so can any other nation after enough time of leftist autonomy.

why cant superior white nationalists make their own media?

Ride on. We need more people like you. I'm in a job where a doxxing would get me fired in a second but I envy people who made it out to good events.

you seem mad friend

tea party wasnt white nationalist

learn the different

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Because it’s easier to destroy than to preserve.

Russia has nothing to do with western left and right and I am a Russian immigrant.

I plan to kill Kikes for fun and profit.

They have all the institutional and corporate power. Once the neolib cabal demands to much of the average american more will become reactionaries. Most are just to comfortable atm to shift to far to the right.

The bundy standoff was only four years ago. Conservative militias in America aren’t stupid enough to show their hand like the left 24/7. The right is a hell of a lot stronger than it lets on.

>judeo christian traditions

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Plus white natinals are too obvious. They need to be nuanced, small pills until the time is right.

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Because (((the left))) controls all the levers of power in society.

Because they're already in control. Leftist protests are a display of power, not an attempt to get power.

Our niggers are under better control than yours. Now go drink 20 Antarctica and kill yourself. We have guns and can be organized in a moment's notice. You are shit out of luck.

The russian ideologists think of reestablishing ceaser in order to justify Putin's rule. They are paid for that. Also, Russia is still far left with its 60% flat rate tax, free healthcare, free education and retirement for females at 55.

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Correct. Every single form of mass media is leftists.

Because the left is collectivism and the right is individualism. A leader of the Libertarian party talked a lot about this in an interview. You can't get the right to band together as easily on anything ever.

I think it's an illusion. The right is actually more effective at getting its agenda completed, for better or worse.

Wrong. We can bring their power and internet down and cut off their supply lines and watch and laugh when the niggers murder them.

It’s an example. Since globalization the political spectrum has become uniform across almost all nations and after enough time of dissatisfaction people will try to change the status quo. The left has proven to be ineffective especially in your Orwellian shithole country. Give enough time and reactionaries will take action. The right is slow to act but it’s effective.

Money. Richfags back the left.

Because when their new world blows up they can stay on top by selling you the next utopia.

you mean, why is the left so good at getting attention when the right doesn't act like children for everything?

Because their agenda suits the needs of the insanely rich federal reserve-y types and they pay for the protests and stuff.

The left is better at changing things because they are serving the globalist agenda.

Because the left is simply riding a wave of inertia. Believe it or not, the left is the legacy of the founding fathers.


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How is that an excuse? Hitler had a whole degenerate nation against him until he ran. The left were constantly being against the media, yet people followed. The problem is, the Right is too lazy in getting people offended, and instead talking carefully and playing by the left's game rules. Spoiler alert faggots, that won't work. You gotta think outside the box.

You have to infiltrate art. Wanna know how the left got popular since the 90s? Music. Many lyrics and styles were lefty and preached about fighting the system(conservative, capitalist, etc). They influenced many young minds. YouTube. Make a web series discussing the benefits of National Socialism, conservatism, ethnic pride, etc.

>inB4 muh family
>muh job
>Muh image
Than nothing will change, and stop complaining about faggots, because you're not contributing shit other than shitposting on Mongolian basket weaving forum.
t. Hard right/fascist rock band member

You must be LARPing. So conservatives didn't elect Trump president? The left wing policies are self.defeating. The conservatives of the past didn't want us to go down this overly tolerant path because they knew it would send in misery. But they we're labeled racists or whatever 'ist' label applied and overuled by the masses who essentially said 'fuck it let's try it, it beats being called bad names and the folks on TV swear it will work.' But now we are finding out that the old conservatives were right, the experiment failed, and then old guys weren't racist, sexist, whatever...after all. They just knew that hey, chicks and dudes need to we'd each other and get along in order to raise kids...and that raising kids in a proper family is psychologically natural and essential to basic happiness. Oh and guess what people of different races just don't get along...shocking...we only had thousands of years of evidence on that. But guess what it's hard to forget these days because the niggers remind you the next time you into one.

It might have socially liberal policies like social welfare and state provided health care but they also have socially right wing policies like anti homosexual laws and pro Slavic/nationalistic customs. Russia looks like a centric authoritarian regime like pre world war Germany which is pretty significant considering their history for most of the 20th century.

So you don't want justice for Kate? Why are you such a piece of shit? What happened to fighting violence against women?

>Leftists organise hundreds of thousands of peaceful protests, capturing a nation's attention
>achieve nothing

>Righties get into office
>make America great again

To be honest, they are better at organizing and forming a group. Right wingers seem to keep to themselves and see other right wingers that don't hold the exact same view as them as an adversary.

The left effects change because that is literally its motivating purpose. Leftism is innately chaotic, it desires overhaul and upheaval of the current reality. There is no point at which the leftist is satisfied.

The right is innately conservative, but sometimes becomes reactionary. As a result, most of its behavior is aimed at stalling the encroachments of the left. When the left pushes too far, the right overcorrects and acts in drastic manner, but it is never drastic before that point and never has been in history.

>there's no secret meetings, just millions of slightly powerful people who all think the same and believe dissent is evil.
Watch this mutt not even consider Jews as the fault. Fuck off with this shit.

LARPing as nazis doesn't help. They also are well organized in general. We should work on organizing, we also need to be more aggressive and do things like boycott progressive companies and deplatform progressive voices.

It’s like they don’t think things through

Because the left is defined by social engineers and their experimental policies. Some wealthy men entertain themselves by paying for stuff to happen in pursuit of an imaginary utopia regardless of what the actual outcome is. They assume that causing change is the same as making an improvement by dint of being change.

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We tend to be gainfully employed and are smart enough to understand how a functioning republic works.

>Far right
Nigger, they still worship Stalin/Lennon like gods.

The Soviet Union had anti-homosexual laws punishing as strict as the UK at the time. It has nothing to do with the political spectrum.

Russia does not have any nationalistic in their internal politics. To the contrary there more muslims in Russia that in europe in capita. They enjoy pussypass in court. And the russian nationalist movement is repressed by Kremlin most of all.

The pre-war Germany was ruled by the socialist party and they introduced many socialist policies. I believe Hitler would be more left on the spectrum, somewhere between Cuba and Ukraine.

Its because leftists are FANATICS. They are willing to do anything to win, they never relent. They never play honorable and use anything at their disposal to gain advantage. Leftists were able to subvert high trust white society with ease and now that they control basically all levers of power, will try their hardest to prevent us from entering institutions, and they will likely succeed in doing so.

Right wingers, until only very recently, were never fanatical. They just lazily assumed things will continue on, letting left have small victories over time. Weak and degenerate the right has become until the laughing stock of today.

Honestly the only course left to us is military coup or societal collapse

the top leftists are true believers. the top right wingers are scam artist con men.

No, this is bullshit answer of non-fanatics. You simply don't care enough about society or control over it to fight. This is why right wingers are LOSERS and left wins. Left will do anything.

that was astroturf

>why cant superior white nationalists make their own media?
There are tons of nationalist media channels, a better question is why can't the multinational corporation funded media compete with nerds in their basements filming themselves playing games?

You're right, most of the kids sulking on this channel came here after they were permanently angered by Trump winning, and they wanted a place to take out their anger. Its plain crazy to think they're paid shills and not just crying nerds

>Right is individualistic
Bullshit. Lolbertarians are centrist fenceshitters who are not an accurate representation of the right(conservatism, fascism), which is what we need more than peterstein philosophy.

Because they are the footsoldiers of the elite right now. They push open borders and gun control. If you saw them actually advocating things that threatened the elite they'd be ostracized outsiders instantly. The same way occupy wall street quickly got shit on

>. I believe Hitler would be more left on the spectrum, somewhere between Cuba and Ukraine.
That's actually a curious thing that I wanted to ask /nsg/ general if one pops up. I know National Socialism(which is not Marxist socialism) was a mixture of right and left policies, basically anything that helped improve and benefit the country. It was a third position. I wanted to know Hitler's political spectrum.

>No, this is bullshit answer of non-fanatics. You simply don't care enough about society or control over it to fight.

Call me when they are busting left wing militias you guys have the loudest voice because it's amplified by the media. Not to mention your ideas are fed to you by the same media so they are just best at capturing the emotion.

If it ever came down to it you guys have voluntarily disarmed yourselves simply having your rights eroded isn't exactly a positive change.

The Russian people idolize Putin and Putin hates Lenin. Also no one likes Stalin because he was a genocidal dick hole.


>the right wants to change things
we are just trying to prevent morons from running this nation off of a cliff in the name of "progress"
>leftists changing anything
no, you screech and bitch and moan until actual americans capitulate to your terroristic demands just to try to get you to shut up for a while.
your big problem is that the rest of us have figured out that you will never stop bitching no matter what demands we cave to so now we would just rather kill all of you and be done with it

White nationalists are retarded and have no power.

Because the Jews are mostly left wing. Anyone remember the jewish Bolshevik movement? Basically a bunch of degenerates that took power and legalized and authorized many things the left preach about today. Today is no different. The kikes on top fund these civil protests/movements to get the same results. Today's lefties are nothing more but nonviolent Bolsheviks, spreading cultural Marxist where they go. The Right has gotten complacent, until recently. There is still too much to do.

billions upon billions of dollars from donars on their side. has twitter and facebook on their side. Army of useful idiots to sit around and protest all day for gibs

the right does things, the left just chants.

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If A right winger goes out in public to speak or hold a protest they get targeted and attack forcibly removed or arrested by police

Not really... not in reality...in appearance only...an appearance created by the media. They're fractured groups do have a common enemy...the straight white male (the glue that keeps.this place running)...and they can tolerate each other long enough to point the finger at whitey...but they are not United...Muslims and fags...hahahahahahahahah

They are brainwashed plebs and when they have moments of clarity they are disgusted with themselves...pathetic

Didn't take long for the correct answer. Not sure why this thread is still going after this.

Russia is as nationalistic as it gets in modern terms m.youtube.com/watch?v=h4YfPbvL9Gk

I said Russia is a centric authoritarian nation like pre war Germany. Notice how I say centric. The economics are fairly left wing despite allowing a free market but the social system is right wing. It’s citizens brutalize homosexuals and Muslims and the government backs right wing gangs and militias.



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Its a lot easier to rally people towards new change than it is to rally people to change things back to the way they used to be.

I'm writing a pro-fascist post-apocalyptic book series myself, do you guys have an album I can buy?

>Why is the left so much better than the right at changing things?