>Sessions responds to Goodlatte, Howdy, etc. Request for second special counsel
>says no, that he already has a guy looking into it and will wait for his report
>guys name is John Huber, from Utah
What can we expect from this guy Huber?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>from Utah

So mormon. So LDS. So raging pedosexual. So trusted by the powers that be to protect the others. So entirely useless to we the people.

what the hell do they have on Sessions besides being a closet faggot and pedophile like his pal Lindsey Graham?

Trump should have dumped his ass after the election.

>What can we expect from this guy Huber?
Since he was appointed by Jeff Sessions we can expect, verbatim, "While senior staff at the FBI were extremely careless in their use of unverified and salacious information from a questionable source, it is my determination that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Although the office of the Attorney General makes final decisions on matters like this, I am expressing to Attorney General Sessions my view that no charges are appropriate in this case."

Horowitz will resign immediately after and Nunes will bring a motion to impeach Sessions, but no floor vote will be held on it.
Screencap this post.

I'm so glad there is no 2nd counsel. It would be a circus the Dem Schiff Nunes counter memo x 100.
I have high hopes for this spec prosecutor because it's not going to have the inherent element of media charade, just business.

Do you have an actual NEWS source?

He's an Obama guy too.

Sessions own fucking letter to Congress

Lemme guess, butthurt that they hired John Solomon?

Use a browser and take your pick, lazy nog

Which is here, btw

Absolutely infuriating.
>"We understand that the Department is not above criticism and it can never be that the Department conceals errors when they occur...If anyone falls short of these high standards, I will fulfill my responsibility to take necessary action to protect the integrity of our work."

This from the guy who lets Rod "Contempt of Congress" Rosenstein run the DoJ while he crusades against marijuana and pretends to give a shit about California pissing on the Constitution.

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You can't trust the Department of Justice to investigate themselves. These are the people who said breaking the law isn't prosecutable when Hillary Clinton did it and who refused to provide documents under subpoena until they were literally 30 minutes from being thrown in jail. And that's just what they've done for us lately.

Utah? I bet this guy is connected to Evan McMuffin.

Are you saying Jeff Sessions as head of DOJ is same as Loretta Lynch as head of DOJ?

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The DOJ page had the names Obama, Holder, and Ashcroft.
Not great.
Was hoping a Utah user could weigh in

Chances are a 2nd counsel would be deep state crony. Better for Sessions to keep this under his control.

>John Huber
>was first nominated for the position by President Barack Obama

Nice pick Jeff.

No Sessions is worth three fourths of a Lynch.

fake news

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>Huber offered his resignation in March 2017 at the request of the Trump administration.[2] However, United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions subsequently appointed Huber as interim U.S. Attorney under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act.[3] Huber was renominated by President Donald Trump in June 2017.[4] On August 3, 2017, he was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate to an additional four-year term as a U.S. Attorney

Why the fuck did Trump ask that he resign only to reappoint him two months later? WTF

pretty sure the Rothchild blackmail engine has dirt on everybody.... I am also uncertain at this point who is capable of being extorted after the NSA "failed to preserve" a shitload of data mid January (yes, the NSA also failed to preserve data, The FBI data scrub may of even been in conjunction with this)

If Jeff Sessions were any more worthless he'd be a woman

I guess it is common to ask U.S. Attorneys to resign when a new president enters office. Many resign voluntarily. They must have liked him if they re-appointed him.

That might have been information that was being used to blackmail Congressmen and Senators. If it was obtained illegally, then it is useless even if the data shows that those people were committing crimes.


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He's successfully prosecuted a lot of gun criminals and correctly determined that the perpetrator of a mass shooting in Utah was a Russian terrorist.

So altogether, pretty good guy, for a Republitard

The resemblance is uncanny.

How many corrupt US officials has he successfully prosecuted?

apparently the guy has early stages of dementia and is obsessed with marijuana.
I suspect he was another deep state appointment trump had to make to avoid getting JFK'd.
I doubt he will be around much longer.
the right hates him (because he won't investigate hillary), and the left hates him (because he won't indict trump)

Guy didn't work in DC

what is the fucking point of having this guy as AG?

Why is anyone surprised? Sessions announced a year ago that he won't be going after anyone for crimes committed before he was sworn in. He even said so under oath in regards to Hillary.

mormons are polygamists who believe in having like 30 white babies with multiple different wives.
you seem to be confusing them with muslims

>impeach Sessions
lol, it's not an elected position.
sessions is 100% beholden to the executive branch

He looks like a raging pedo and likely blackmailed to be useless

So what?

What is the guy in this pic looking at?

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I don't think there were any to investigate prior to this administration so none I guess?

Obama appointed him so he's pretty good at his job

I don't know if you guys have read the posts from the conservative treehouse website. They're narrative is completely flipped from Jow Forumss but legitimately in depth

This. Because as you peel back the layers you see nothing cheese trafficking. Every one of the players in all of this stuff has their, um, thumb in something pizza related.

He holds the keys to every vote in the Senate. Fire Sessions, lose the Senate Republican vote.

Congress can impeach the AG, dweeb. They recently discussed impeaching the head of the IRS. Election has nothing to do with it.

if that's true i was unaware, my point was that trump could get rid of the fucker anytime, and he needs to.

Zero corruption under Bush? No illegal torture? No fraudulent evidence given to Congress?

Grow the fuck up, neocon.

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>illegal torture

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Well, every Republican vote. There's still the Democrats. Trump can still be cucked by the Democrats. (again)

Says Sessions "appointed him", in reality the prosecutor was originally appointed by Obama

Dick cheese

He'll find nothing and that'll be that.

hes mormon you dopes and was in charge of west valley

west valley is our south africa hell hole of polynesians, blacks, and mexicans

this guy is going to be the most hardcore attorney you will probably see

west valley accounts for almost all utah murders before the mexican flood and refugee flood to put it in perspective

its a hellhole

look below, Trump reinstated him after firing all the attorneys

think about that

Keebler gets fired in two weeks and no Q didn't predict this and Mueller is not our guy

No, Attorney General, while he serves at the pleasure of the president, he reports to Congress. The Vice President can call for his removal, but the AG is immune from being removed unless the Supreme Court finds him contempt or in violation of Treason. Given the SCOTUS is communist, it will be nearly impossible to have him resign by choice.

If he does resign, he loses his immunity.

i didnt know this guy existed but between trump and the mormon church finding common ground in their visit and the mormon church supporting him during his inaugeration

the only reason he hasnt brought charges yet is most likely sessions as behind closed doors trump most likely demanded this specific prosecutor

He's not involved in the day to day affairs in DC. He has not contact there. He's certainly independent enough to perform such an investigation.

Fucking cuck faggot. I have a debate topic for Jow Forums:

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
Does this still apply today is or is it relegated to fancy historical quotes?

so typical fbi stooge?

i digress. i was from utah. im mormon.

the mormon church is pissed at this degenerate america. its still fighting gay marriage, gay adoption, etc.

its fighting the jews trying to tax them while excluding themselves.

so if trump put a mormon after going after the clinton mafia, anons this is your best be he is dead serious as this guy is a very devout mormon

or like ive always said, the next civil war will probably be jews vs. mormons with the rest of the country lining up between one of those two orgs whether they know it or not

you faggots are so kiked you dont get that not a single mormon is put in charge of the political posts in these orgs

if they were, you would see a different america as we literally have a prophet of ours calling these mafias and communists traitors and we believe in the death penalty for treason

can I get an unbiased source



what the hell do you care about america. i already showed you dumb euros all your constitutions were rewritten in the 60s, 70s and 80s by the eurocommunist party

merkel, may, etc all publicly wear communist fashion

the european union is the driven out bolsheviks 2nd USSR and its right in front of you. at least my fellow americans would raise hell if someone took their constitution but you guys dont even want to actually realize what has happened

you just want to blame america

I've made two posts in this thread. You're sounding a little unhinged. And for the record, I have family in the states.

>we believe in the death penalty for treason

yeah no brah. LDS has no room to take about treason or terrorism. It is stocked to the hilt with pedocriminals. That is the worst of the worst criminal. There is no justification for that crime. This also explains the constant dox on all people. Looking for counterblackmail. Anyway, LDS makes the Catholic Church like upstanding citizens. LDS is even beyond the Moozlim pedocriminality.

not unhinged. pissed because kikes shill hard against mormons constantly and being one of the last white groups in america its like being a south african but worse as the few other whites think youre the enemy

see this thread for evidence

T-t-trust the plan guys.
Trust sessions

>prime example here
now that i dont live in utah i realize how true the 56 percent meme is. is much worse than that

so yeah actual whites (blue eyed, white skin) if you think mormons are the bad guys you are being lied to and eating it up

I see. I hadn't really thought of it that way as I stopped being baited into hating my fellow whites a long time ago.

Welp, that does it for the insufferable Qfucks
>muh trust Sessions
>muh trust the plan
>become a robot who follows a larp & sits around waiting for shit to happen

Sessions is a piece of dog shit shill, bought and paid for by Soros and Hillary

Sessions resigns by the end of April.

Trump fires sessions?

my bad for thinking you were another kike. apologies

the worst part of this all is my religion used to be very militant but now since we cant fight the world without horrible atrocities being done to our children like the south africans the general line is to lay low

if it gets any worse though at this rate it will be like ww2 and ill have to fight whites

did you know mormon leadership actually actively went against fighting in ww1 and ww2 as they didnt want to kill other white christians?

yet here we are, a dying race rejecting god and embracing degeneracy and as a father it drives me nuts

so again, apologies

Every time I click Conservative Treehousec website my phone pops up a virus infected warning. They must have some good stuff.

Sessions is a plant.

>did you know mormon leadership actually actively went against fighting in ww1 and ww2 as they didnt want to kill other white christians?
You made me remember that I heard this once when I was stateside. I was quite young so I didn't have the means to look into it then. Do you have some articles or documents I could read?

Trump keeps sessions, weed never gets legalized and trump loses re-election

This would seem indicative that he is possibly /ourguy/, although that could go either way I guess

Lurk more.

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Maybe try not spreading lies about foreign countries?

no u

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this is the killer that's going to take it all down?

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Any executive member can be impeached, but the strict limits apply equally for all levels.

Sessions knows hes the only thing stopping Trump from firing Muller. Repubs would have to stand in defense of the firing to save themselves in republican primaries, only to then get toasted in general elections. Sessions stays on until at least the midterms so he can save the Republican party from truly staggering midterm losses. So stays on till end of 2018 barring Trump firing him.

Almost all of America was for staying out Of WW2 until pearl harbor. This doesnt surprise me.

RNS: You note in the book that Mormons in the 1930s were not just tolerant of Hitler but downright enthusiastic about his policies, including things like getting rid of brothels and passing laws against homosexuality. Why were Mormons such strong supporters of Nazism?

David Conley Nelson: Ordinary Mormons were ordinary Germans. Hitler was very popular, so they supported the government. There’s nothing unusual about that. But also, the LDS mission presidents recognized the vulnerability that an American-led church had under this dictatorship, and they put together a program to formalize the church’s support of the government. By doing so, they resurrected the 12th Article of Faith, which the Mormons had not obeyed before during their history of missions in Germany. Between 1851 and 1918, Mormons had been banned in a lot of the German states, so to get around that they would register as English teachers, students, or commercial developers instead of as missionaries.

RNS: One of the sadder stories in the book is of LDS First Counselor J. Reuben Clark, whose anti-Semitism seems to have been off the charts. Even after the war, he was still handing out copies of the anti-Semitic tract “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

Nelson: Mike Quinn says it best: J. Reuben Clark was an anti-Semite, but it was an anti-Semitism fueled by the xenophobia and nativism of the Progressive Era. Through his legal and business work Clark had the conflicting view that Jews were Communists on the one hand, but that they also embraced capitalism and were cheating in their businesses. I’ve seen no evidence that he changed his mind about Jews after the war.

Then Trump gets impeached. Liberal pundits speculate on this "Saturday Night Massacre 2: Kremlin Boogaloo" scenario all the time. The Democrats only need 25 Never Trump Representatives to start an impeachment and they only need 16 Never Trump Senators to force him out of office. They don't actually care if they succeed, they think they'd get a supermajority next election if impeachment happens at all.

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In December of 1933, a newspaper article was written in the Church News section of The Deseret News. The title of the article was “Mormonism in the New Germany.” This article praised the new regime of Adolf Hitler and sought to compare the glory of LDS teachings with the new doctrine of Nazism that was spreading across the German nations. The article's author, Dale Clark, was not the only Mormon to openly praise Hitler and Nazi Germany. Many other Mormon publications, including The Millennial Star, were used to compare and contrast Mormonism with Nazi Germany.

The first correlation of the LDS church with Nazism centered on the dynamic leader of Germany, Adolf Hitler. He was charismatic, strong, dedicated to his beliefs, a great orator, and was widely viewed as a savior figure to the Fatherland. Many Mormons could appreciate the qualities of a figure like Hitler, as these characteristics were the same ones valued in a General Authority of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Those traits continued to stretch into more concrete beliefs that Latter-Day Saints could identify with, namely the Word of Wisdom.

the weimar jewish republic hated mormons like the modern weimar american republic is being trained to hate mormons

so i get pissed about the kikes and our sjw degenerate ex mormons because while they pat themselves on the back supporting gay couples raping innocent kids, they will do everything to destroy my family that just lives in peace

Thanks, user. Good breads just on the strength of the knowledge.

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no problem. the biggest redpill is a son of an ex nazi soldier is one of the major leaders of our church and he suffered the post war deprivations of our so called liberation

i only blame hitler for being dumb enough to ally with the japs when he couldve bombed them for attacking the 2nd most german country in the world, america

that caused the largest german civil war in history

heres an anti mormon

here our the scriptures he quotes

1 Nephi 1:19
And it came to pass that the Jews did mock him because of the things which
he testified of them; for he truly testified of their wickedness and their

1 Nephi 1:20
And when the Jews heard these things they were angry with him; yea, even as
with the prophets of old, whom they had cast out, and stoned, and slain; and
they also sought his life, that they might take it away.

1 Nephi 2:13
...they were like unto the Jews who were at Jerusalem, who sought to take
away the life of my father.

1 Nephi 4:36
...that the Jews might not know concerning our flight into the wilderness,
lest they should pursue us and destroy us.

1 Nephi 10: 11
...concerning the dwindling of the Jews in unbelief. And after they had
slain the Messiah, who should come, ...

1 Nephi 15: 17
...he shall be rejected of the Jews, or of the house of Israel

1 Nephi 17:44
... the Jews also sought to take away his life; yea, and ye also have sought to take away his life; wherefore, ye are murderers in your hearts and ye are like unto them.

and hes right. mormons and jews cant coexist. they will murder us for our love of liberty and christ and we will defend our liberty and families blood for blood

i have looked for another militant christian org but i cant find one sadly or i would have more hope

its a pretty black pill to take and its a funny age when the neo nazis are my next greatest hope


thanks for listening. may god bless you and your families and countries.

we dont deserve to live and die like cattle, penned in by usury and mortgages with our history destroyed and overwritten by false academics and media

i am personally trying to think of a way to force south african white refugees as a religious persecution thing by having the sa refugees pretend at least mouth they are mormon since we are still a minority enough religion they can get into america on that vs. their white skin and that will give the church and Trump an out

who knows maybe youll see me my work in the news

God speed you.

game over drumpfkins
its so funny watching you guys crash and squirm

Bless you and your work, user

american politics 101.

Huber investigates and if he can't prove anything republicans can still go into the midterm running on dem shadiness and needing a special counsel.

Pretty sure Jeffy boy had a phone call with jim jordan et al right before making this announcement. Im cool with it though because its like hedging your bets. desu the FISA abuse is the biggest fucking boulder hanging over the dems and it should be safeguarded properly as a political billy club.