1400000000 population

>1400000000 population
>5000 years civilization
>largest army in the world
>largest economy in the world
>fascist one party state
>authoritarian dictatorship
>fearless and patriotic populace

truly we cannot compete

Attached: PLA.webm (1536x864, 2.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>only one aircraft carrier

Attached: laughingpilots.jpg (870x300, 56K)

>largest economy

>largest Army
topkek What's with all the 85 IQ niggerposts on this board?

the history of the Chinese in warfare is absolutely pathetic they don't like fighting and they will split into a trillion different factions the moment they are faced with any adversary

>5000 years civilization
Go home chinaman, we all know Chinese civilization has been shattered and reformed into something new numerous times. It's not a 5000 year unbroken string.

>fearless and patriotic populace

>>largest army in the world
It doesn't know it yet but. Russia is so fucked.

they're communist in name only.

>fearless and patriotic populace
You're a fool if you believe this


Attached: Capture.png (1190x1333, 2.69M)

... and have never won an armed conflict

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>believing current china is the continuation of ancient chinese

china is a literal dystopia.

Attached: whatthefuck.gif (350x300, 1.99M)

5,000 years of incompetence, failure and famine.

Fuck I remember reading that. Fucking hell on Earth.

that army isn't meant for us

also, in case you're retarded, it's for the subjugation of the chinese people.

>no more tomcats
game over nigger

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too advanced for us

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this kills the canadian nationalism

Attached: Iygu5[1].jpg (637x333, 51K)

he actually did it, absolute madman. I always get that temptation when driving but would never do it. In a bus too , brutal.

there is no such hubris from me i am well and scornful of our sabotage and suicide.
btw i don't like to interrupt as mistakes are being made but the f-35 is similarly suicide for the usn/af/mc/a

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>truly cannot compete

Attached: 220px-Hirohito_wartime(cropped).jpg (220x279, 22K)

The Avro Arrow was worse in every aspect when compared to its contemporaries. The F-35 is objectively one of the most capable fighters ever to see the sky. The Raptor is the only thing that would give it a run for its money on the kinematic side of things, but nothing comes close to the electronic suite in the Lightning

oh no no no no no

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we dont have to compete. only the faggy boomers want to so they dont get blamed for screwing everything up

>that sea of black hair

people of non-european decent are ugly

Attached: SCOTTISH PEOPLE.png (1080x1156, 824K)