I fought in the army for ten years, and it was all for nothing because the guy I voted for to "bomb the shit" out of ISIS pussies out to his puppet Putin. Not voting republican again.
Israel dies this year
He sent heavy weaponry to Al-Tanf recently so we'll see. Acta non verba.
Jesus, he can’t win with you absolute faggots.
>trump bombs the shit out of isis
>isis capitulates and disbands
Congrats on helping to create ISIS brah.Your fruits of labor paid off in the browning of western civiliztion in europe.
dont be a shill.
You know we should have never been in Syria
remember that Jow Forums is a brainwashing machine and controled oposition
This is a good thing
israelis are weak people! Netanyahu is a manlet and a pussy!
>I fought in the army for ten years,
Forgets Vietnam.
> It was all for nothing
Are you new?
WTF. Why, why is he letting the Kremlin secure the EU gas monopoly. They were too weak.
Start the video at 5:44
>An ally can turn, you're gonna find that out.
What has Trump done so far? How many promises has he kept? I wanted to believe in him too, but he is a disappointment so far.
Good, now "surrender" the rest of that shithole.
You fucking kike faggots!
If he stays, "Oh he's a neocon zionist war-monger shill!"
If he leaves, "Oh, he's surrendering to Putin."
Kill yourself right now.
Bad bait. You should have never joined the Jewnited States army to begin with you faggot.
>I fought in the army for ten years
stolen valor larping faggot
just kill yourself
Tax reform, muslim ban, trade restrictions are the biggest ones
>I fought in the army for ten years
Things that never happened. Get out of the basement shill.
New Ottoman Empire?
How is this a bad thing?
Fighting your sexuality doesn't count
Not gonna get my hopes up. Could be a precursor to invade Iran. But if it’s indeed true and we withdraw WITHOUT INVADING IRAN I’ll vote for him again.
You need to worry more about the legalization of child marriage, and the fact these people will be able to receive govt. benefits.
>us pulls from syria
>islamic alliance attacks israel
>us goes with iran and russia
it has been nice knowing you gentleman
>I served Israeli interests for 10 years, now trump is letting Russia kill muh isis compatriots and I'm pissed
Take a sharp stick, spray it with glue, roll it in broken glass, heat it with a torch and shove it up your pisshole you fucking yid.
>appointed a shit ton of judges
>tax reform
>killed obama care with tax reform
>upped deportations
>deregulated like a mother fucker
>economy is killing it
he's done a lot. Probably won't do a whole lot more though unfortunatly, statistically a president's most productive time is his first 2 years in office
Eat my dick
I thought trump was a kike?
wtf i love trump now
>I fought in the army for ten years, and it was all for nothing because the guy I voted for to "bomb the shit" out of ISIS pussies out to his puppet Putin.
Did you think ISIS would last forever? ISIS has been bombed the fuck out of already. He did what you voted for, and now you are complaining?
Israel is on its own
Go away kike.
They want war with Izrael for couple of reasons:
1. Orthodox Jews are out of control
2. Niggers
3. Palestinians
4. ther sandniggers
It's all getting out of control, and if you didn't know, Izrael looks like garbage.
This is war will be like a reset button, to wipe out all those above, and start all over again from scratch.
> Not voting republican again.
Honestly, Trump is such an obvious Putin puppet.
So many facts have piled up.
b-b-but muh neocon don!
It’s Hillary’s/Obama’s war not Donald’s...of course he will be surrendering ...how stupid are you user
ISIS is defeated.
Next you will complain that he built the wall too high.
It wasn't for nothing. It was for God's Chosen.
It was never trumps war you retard
>complain that drumpf leaked secrets while simultaneously leaking those exact secrets
The Jews must be all crying right now.
Who cares about Israel? They are strong enough to mop the floor by everyone in the region including Russian presence.
I worry about the treasonous compromised moron in the WH. And how he's making his retarded decisions.
NeoCon trash.
Syria is on the list of 7 and we should have never been there. Russia should wipe the walls with anyone not being from Syria.
America just bombed 300 russians and now we are pulling out before they can tag us back.
>Who cares about Israel? They are strong enough to mop the floor by everyone in the region including Russian presence.
>I worry about the treasonous compromised moron in the WH. And how he's making his retarded decisions.
Israel dies this year, cunt. Zionism is dead, Jewry is dead. The NWO is dead. Central banking is dead. Debt is dead.
You're all fucking cancer and you're all gonna be removed from this earth.
Yeah, Trump surrendered the Middle East. Obama's weakness and complicity in the formation of ISIS is a non-issue, however. Unironically kill yourself.
Saw you in the other thread kek
>economy is killing it
Lmao the US economy will never be killing it. Not to profane trump but it's so fundamentally flawed and based on the petrodollar. Tax reforms won't do shit.
Ww3 when? next month?
This is pretty good news. No American needs to be in Syria, let Israel fight its own battles. Neoconservative scum btfo.
>Israel dies this year, cunt.
It's the strongest conventional power in the whole ME. It's a nuclear power with a chip on its shoulder. With a Kushner in the WH.
So good luck with that.
>I fought in the army for ten years, and it was all for nothing
Fuck, I'm one of the last people to defend Drumpf here, but blame Bush, Obama and yourself for wasting your life fighting for Israel, you idiot.
>Debt is dead.
Sorry faggot but you'll have to pay it back.
>trump fulfills his promises.
>hahaha muh 4d chess right guys?
>Collusion: A secret agreement between two or more parties for a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose.
Agreement implies equality between parties, otherwise it would be a "concession" or "acquiescence". So which is it leftards? Get your story straight and you might have actually taken Trump down. Your confused spastic arm-flailing lurching from one story to another killed any and all credibility your deranged theories might have had.
Good. I'm sick of us doing the world police bit and seeing things get worse every time we topple a "dictator"
>I fought in the army for ten years
>his puppet Putin
You had no right to be there, Putin does
So far Trump has done nothing to make it seem like he wasn't an Israeli shill. If he follows through with this though this will be the first major thing he's done right.
Stay on Australia topics, retard.
You dumb liberal piece of shit.
It was always for nothing. Did you actually think it was for something other than Greater Israel? This smells like concern troll shilling. Sage
>So far Trump has done nothing to make it seem like he wasn't an Israeli shill.
Actually he's do so much that you can't even shill properly anymore.
The US is doing nothing good in Syria, it's better for us to just pull out altogether since Trump can't side with Assad without getting absolutely blasted by media and world leaders for being literally Hitler (harder than usual, that is) so the best option really is to just leave. Since Trump got elected, ISIS has been dying pretty fast due to less CIA nigger funding and more Russian/Iranian bombing of them.
I'm looking forward to Assad's victory.
Fucking pussy. I fought in the army too fighting for the kikes. The only worthwhile thing about it was personally killing a handful of shitskins.
Fuck Syria. Good one less kike war we need to be in. Funny how once the CIA niggers lost funding ISIS was stopped.
>no argument just ad hom
y u mad tho?
>wanting your brothers and sisters to die for nothing.
Unironically join the 22/day faggot.
>le neocon tax reforms
Fuck off
This means Assad wins. This is exactly what you stupid fucks wanted before Trump did it. Stupid flipflopping kikes.
Good, if you oppose this please take your gun to the Middle East and fight over a piece of sand.
You are wrong on so many levels. Fist off pussy, you didn’t “fight” for ten years in the army. You maybe deployed once in that time. And NOT to fucking Syria. Second, the fucking Jews and Obama administration created isis. Trump pretty much killed off their pipe dream when he bomber them out of Iraq by allowing the military to ACTUALLY fucking fight them, unlike Obama and McCain who didn’t want their literal butt buddies getting hurt. After that, surrendering to Russia? Are you fucking dense? We were there to fight isis, not fucking the Assad government and through them Russia.
Your lack of geopolitical understanding combined with your pussy statement leads me to believe you are just some weak ass who was turned down by the military because you couldn’t lift your fat ass off the ground to do a couple of pushups.
>Leaving a country that is aligned with Russia, in the care of Russia
Oh... no?
Well fuck, I'm all out of arguments. You've won this time. Time to open the borders wider and get my dick cut off.
You have been fighting dicks hand to hand all your life and nothing will change.
you wasted ten years of your life fighting for israel. you should be glad trump isnt continuing this jew war against fake "isis" (israel)
>not fighting Israel's wars for them is a bad thing
Nice try (((shill)))
The situation in the Middle East can only improve once western powers stop sticking our noses in everything
>Demoflats are pro war
What timeline have I entered? What the fuck is going on?
Be surrounded by sand nigger countries, try and destabilize their countries through creating terrorist groups and proxy wars, my bodyguard is resigning and going back home, fear retaliation from sand nigger countries, what do?
assad must go
>implying that Russia and Syria didn't defeat ISIS
Who are you kidding?
What has Assad ever done to me?
>withdrawing from Syria
You're going to have to work on your framing next time you shillpost 3/10
i am kidding dude
Because the EU can go die in a fire, Sideways Austria.
its a shame you didnt fucking die you kike ball sweat sucking nigger