Why do so many "racial realists" have such a problem accepting Jewish superiority?
Why do so many "racial realists" have such a problem accepting Jewish superiority?
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Fuck off and google the average IQ of Israel.
It’s under 100
Meme flag
>Kikes are superior
((Wonder who made this thread))
>spoonfeeding OP
The 110 average Ashkenazi IQ is a trick caused by only testing a small sample of university educated jews.
That being said, I'm high IQ and quite honestly have nothing against the jews. I find zog conspiracies quite unbelievable, I'd sooner believe it's remnants of soviet psyops causing us troubles.
They are actually quite unintelligent and aren't able to engage with cognitive dissonance, so they will hold unrealistic double standards just to make themselves feel important
Here is a prime example of my post
"Instead of engaging with the valid point, I am LITERALLY just going to blame the jews, like I criticize "niggers" for doing about white people"
South Koreans are the most successful group in Canada and that nobody has a problem with them. Jews have been removed 359 times throughout history. Canadians hate Jews (but not South Koreans) because a kike sued for abortion, a kike gave us affirmative action, a kike made it so 12 year olds are taught anal masturbation, and the only politician to be convicted of treason throughout our entire history.. was a kike.
Jow Forums asserts that Jewish supremacism is off the charts and that your influence is overwhelmingly negative, if not genocidal. We assert that you must be removed from the west because you are an existential threat to our survival. We see you as brotherly citizens. You see us as cattle to be exploited and enslaved.
I'll wait patiently for your argument/rebuttal, then i'll explain why Jewish supremacy is an untenable position.
>I'm smart
>Jewish nepotism extending to governments, media and banks is unbelievable
Even if you use the wildest IQ claims there are more whites with this level of intelligence than there are Jews on this planet. Jewish supremacism/subversion/corruption/deceit are off the charts.
Most people can't seem to grasp their level of supremacism.
>Im going to blame the jews for my shortcomings in life because I dont have the mental capacity to better myself as a human
Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans
Yes, nepotistic businesses draw in nepotistic cultures. Still unconvinced.
literally no one says that. youre parroting a character you made up
The Jewish Problem - Joseph Goebbels
What superiority?
Doesn't understand that the stakes are -extinction-
You act as if this is a new accusation. Jews have been removed at least 359 times for their supremacism, deceit, corruption, debasement, and/or child torturing. Jews are hated everywhere they go. South Koreans are the most successful group in Canada and nobody have a problem with them.
Jow Forums establishes patterns of behaviour going back centuries and all across the planet when we make our claim that Jewish influence is overwhelmingly negative, if not genocidal.
Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat," he said to some laughter.
Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews. "With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant."
Hating jews doesn't mean I don't think they have a high IQ
Why did Hitler hate Jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you.
Oh yeah, then please explain why comparing Blacks to Whites based on IQ is that whites are smarter, but comparing Whites to Jews is that.... Jews have some conspiracy to appear smarter? thats literally the point of the OP - just kill yourself
>dis guy is so smart he make a video abt da jewish problem therefore he must b right!! all the evidence is 100% conclusive and OMG jews are involved in the news they must have secret cult meetings under a pizza restaurant in DC
>I've convinced myself that jews are dangerous to the point of pushing extinction, yet the only thing I do to combat them is post more anti-semetic hate on a website already full of it
Stalin's Jews
"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish"
I love that video famm
YouTube censored this 50 year old speech by a Jew a few days ago. It had 400k+ views 96%+ likes. He was a childhood friend of Untermeyer/Morgenthau and served on the American delegation to the council of Jews in Amsterdam. Freedman explains in detail how Jews turned on Germany during WWI and the interwar years.
The parallels to America are ridiculous.
I can't see one person on here who is blaming Jews for a disability they have? Almost like this is some brainlet shitposting.
They're a parasitic and destructive people
We plan to exterminate you.
Both niggers and Jews are parasites who adamantly demand the right to live in our countries. We just want to be left alone by these invasive alien vermin.
Based leaf
By all means, if jews are superior, leave us completely alone and form your own superior state. The difference is that whites want to be left alone without niggers or jews, but both jews and niggers want to be attached to whites. I wonder why that is?
If Jews were so smart they would have bred.
Israel absolutely demolished the chosen race meme.
Why can't I do both?
you literally sound like a nigger making excuses for the black/white iq gap and you don't even realize it lmfao
you can, in a way its just admitting your own intellectual stupidity and downfalls... thats why you people get so obsessed with white pride bullshit to begin with
You're forgetting that blacks are liberated farm equipment and Israel has an average IQ of 95. These are our lands ratboy, nobody cares how Jewish the media is in Israel and how much drug/tranny/fag/interracial/open borders propaganda they blast at their own people.
Jews are wholly incompetent leaders that despise their underlings. They are leading us down a genocidal path on purpose, perhaps worst of all they throw their collective weight against any goy that pushes back on their genocidal agenda.
>yeah well da joos can't talk n shieeet
>yeah well da white man can't jump n shieeeet
you're only illustrating my point further
No, I blame the Jews for being the Synagogue of Satan and raping and eating babies and harvesting people's organs like craven vampire scum. At the same time, I strive to better myself so that I can defeat you demons in combat and slaughter your entire bloodlines.
Like everything else, jews have to lie and deceive the goyim.
You know the reason you have an ugly nose? Because you are arabic.
Jews are in the arab gene pool. Even the Askenzais.
It's not just Germany either when laying out Judaeo-Bolshevism it's good to give the whole picture. I like to talk about Yagoda in Ukraine. Trotsky in Russia. Morel in Poland. Kun in Hungary. Mandel in Belgium. Adler in Austria. Herzog in Brazil. Lukanov in Bulgaria. Epstein in China. Slansky in the Czech Republic. Jakobson in Estonia. Brandes in Denmark. Roitman in Romania. Slovo in South Africa.
etc. etc.
> thats literally the point of the OP - just kill yourself
nice shifting dude very subtle! i argued your post not OP's, brainlet.
>please explain why comparing Blacks to Whites based on IQ is that whites are smarter, but comparing Whites to Jews is that.... Jews have some conspiracy to appear smarter?
that's not the contention. first, jew iq is 110, not 135. second, even if you include IQ in the calculation by just counting the whites with 110+ IQ, jews have still insanely disproportionate positions of power and money. So IQ doesnt explain it
That's because you're a jew
The ANC was created by kikes and the Jew Bonnier family in Sweden that owns virtually all their domestic media pushed the anti-apartheid propaganda throughout Europe, while the lugenpresse in America handled the rest.
>just lay down and let the jew kill you goy
I literally said nothing of this sort, buddy - try to develop some self awareness if you want to have discussions with people who hold different political views
I don't like Jews but Jew girls are better looking than white girls.
>Jew Bonnier family in Sweden
Of the seven largest Swedish dailies five are owned by Jews and the remaining two by American investment banks, one being Goldman Sachs. The Jewish Bonnier family in Sweden have the largest monopoly owning four of the biggest papers 96 book publishers, 42 business and trade press newspapers, 105 digital news platforms, 9 film companies, 176 magazines, 23 major papers, 33 TV stations, and 33 “other” media outlets.
OP will tell you this is because Jews are gods chosen race. I will tell you it's because Jewish Supremacism is off the charts.
doesn't make a difference because we're talking specifically about ashkenazi and you know it. what you are doing is akin to taking moldovas iq and italys iq and averaging them and saying "see! europeenies aint so smart!"
.. in fact the open borders campaign in Sweden started in 1964 when David Schwarz penned "The Immigration Problem in Sweden" in the Dagens Nyheter. This started a fierce debate led by Schwarz & his Jewish co-thinkers. All Jewish contributors favoured multiculturalism and this campaign resulted in an immigration bill in '75. The Conservative rightest party, which first embraced multiculturalism, was led by Gunnar Heckscher of Jewish descent. Israel even pays migrants $3,500 to "relocate" to Sweden.
You found me out man. I actually am a Jew Vampire Demon bent on eliminating the white race. Sry :'(
I get it, you cant actually speak for yourself, just stop tagging me - thanks
I knew it. But, seriously you're all going to die.
The only Jew's that have high average IS are Ashkenazi Jew's and I think it's about 111 which is still substantially lower than mine or anyone else in my family.
So wait a minute normal kikes are stupid but the ones that stole some European genetics are gods chosen race? How does that check out? My "Jewish Supremacism" explanation with patterns stretching back centuries and all across the planet, with quotes from the leading Rabbis of Israel on Jewish Supremacism, makes a hell of a lot more sense than your drivel.
lol yeah you did. you literally said jews are shit at having conversations and that's your evidence that they aren't smart. you people lack so much self-awareness
IQs* sorry posting from my phone.
>stole from european genetics
lmao i see, so they are whiteys like you. why kick them out then?
Jews are not white because yids are neither European nor Christian. Jews exterminated tens of millions of Europeans in the 20th century. Jews believe Christ is boiling in his excrement for eternity and that Mary was a whore. Kikes in America even favour Muslims over evangelical Christians, it sure puts this into perspective doesn't it? pewforum.org
fuck! this user is more intelligent than everyone else here
" you literally said jews are shit at having conversations"
please quote and refer to my post where I "literally" say this - i'll wait
>lack of morals / willingness to lie and deceive = superiority
There are more high IQ whites in america than there are even jews in existence, of which the number rounds out to only roughly 14 million.
Jews hold a massive deathgrip on world politics on a level that is astounding, often to the point of belligerence, while at the same time opening up the opportunity for them to insert their own ideals and goals of malice onto the world and populations that they dominate.
It is no doubt that they have a high IQ, but it is also no doubt that they manipulate themselves into power through nepotism with the assistance of their other fellow jews.
Exactly this.
Why do so many "racial realists" have such a problem accepting Jewish superiority?
Superiority is subjective, but I think you mean IQ based superiority right? I have never heard of a race realist saying that, could you link one of the "many" race realists that says that?
Also the reason for Jewish over representation in high level jobs is not just IQ, if that would be the case the group of non Jewish whites would have been much larger in these jobs.
>us whites would never do anything of the sort!
>they stole european genetics!
>they aren't white!
0/13 kikes are fuckable, christ
Your niggers are 25% European. Are they white? Of course not. Jews are only white when it suits them.
even if all jews had average IQ of 110-120 there and whites had an average IQ of 100 there still would be more high IQ( IQ 130+ ) in total because there are only very very few jews
The hottest kikes are the nogs.
There is no source indicating Jews have higher average IQs. Assuming the Arab population of Israel have IQs slightly lower than Israel's Arab neighbors (Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt) the average IQ of Israel is still just under a hundred, around 98.
my mistake, I read your post too quickly, however my claim still stands as you are experiencing cognitice dissonance in this very thread and are projecting that at jews. You realize that right?
Your posts are very weak. God must be one sick mother fucker if you are his chosen people.
Talk about fucking mutts. Do these kids all have Downs?
god your namefag is cancer, off yourself you smug little shit
>. first, jew iq is 110, not 135. second, even if you include IQ in the calculation by just counting the whites with 110+ IQ, jews have still insanely disproportionate positions of power and money. So IQ doesnt explain it
Chick third from the left is that chick from H3H3
The IQ of the human species go like this:
Jews>Whites>Asians>Indians>Arabs>South and North America Natives>Africans>Australian Abos
niggers don't have higher iqs than whitey.... hmm maybe the white genetics actually dumbed them down a bit? I mean if you are claiming that the white genes are the reason they are smart you'd think.... they'd have to be almost 100% european but since you're denying that I can only guess that it's not their whitw genes that is responsible for their iqs. after all how would they be higher than the average whitey if that were the case?
heh I wish
If Jews aren't smarter than whites, how do they control and trick them so easily?
Yes, controlling the mainstream media means controlling the weak minds (more so the collectivists prone to group think) that follow it.
Last one on the right side is cute.
>something something we white men have too much empathy to hurt them
>*destroys 1/3rd of the world*
Israel is 25% arabic.
out of the Jews who live in Israel, only 45% are Ashenazi
I'll accept it if they go be superior somewhere else.
hell yeah man, hottest shit around
Even if, if Ashkenazi IQ was as high as it tests Israel would still test at around 100, things usually tend towards the mean. Arabs aren't actually that dumb, especially not against the Africans and mulattos America has.
She's actually 6/10 in today's day and age. If she were obese like 30% of today's "fat positivity" women she'd be a 4/10 or a 3/10.
being able to brainwash someone doesn't necessarily make them lesser, or weaker.
Au contraire, collectivism correlates with lower intelligence.
if you think she looks 'passable' from your perspective, then you yourself must either look like shit, or have really low standards
Its 115 not 135 faggot
prove it