Horror on streets of Germany: State of emergency declared as 80 men brawl with MACHETES
Horror on streets of Germany: State of emergency declared as 80 men brawl with MACHETES
>A police official told the newspaper Der Westen: "There are three rival groups. It may be a conflict between Turks, Lebanese and Kurds.
Goddamn it, Germany... you were smart once. Did the Russians rape ALL your grannies? Is that why Germany went Retard?
Sounds like it'd be pretty fun to watch desu
It's just young Germans having some fun.
pick one
Europe is lost, this is what the cancer of neoliberalism does
they are slowly becoming real Germans
Before i even clicked the link, i knew Turks or Lebanese would be involved. They do the same here when they have gang fights, or they used to.
Germany is in for a very big surprise. They completely shit up a beautiful country for no reason other then "muhh feels".
There are not 80 men.
There was no brawl.
There are no machetes.
What the shit? Common household spice.
Germany! Yes!
Ban the machetes.
Germany! Absolutely yes!
>inter ethnic conflicts that don't even involve germans
This is how you know its bad.
thats nothing really
in poland we have full medieval battles with machetes and axes since the 90s between football clubs
germanics are really subhuman, they let millions of these asians in and now it's all going to shit
germany needs to be mercy killed
Bin that machete, fight with confetti
Part & Parcel
Serves them right for inventing space travel.
So tolerant and diverse!
sounds cool.
is he ok?
I went to Duisburg in 1989 and it was lovely.
The krauts can't contain themselves.
They want to start another world war
Europe is lost, this is what the cancer of neoliberalism does
>when the vindaloo was extra spicy
If they had binned their knives and conducted weapons sweeps this would not have happened.
You should learn from us, Krauts.
Perhaps you will get the war your after
Eh, no skin off my back as long as they're killing each other and not spilling European blood.
Looks like he lost his footing
Fucking hell, that's brutal
this is some gangs of new york shit
absolutely unsurprising when you invite 750,000 young men from countries with a violent religion
>this is what the cancer of neoliberalism does
Fidel is right
what the fuck is wrong with these retards
>I went to Duisburg in 1989 and it was lovely.
not anymore apparently
>invite 750000
try like 5 million
>literally import the world
>import it's problems too
>The average street shitter
>being able to afford a gun
let me just cut in and say he is fine
Attempted suicide due to drug addiction, made a full recovery in the hospital and is now on his way to the halfway house
Look at them scurry around like a bunch of perplexed animals, not one of them willing to put him out of his misery.
Everyone filming, 1 person "helping".
someone please explain, I'm not clicking that shit
>now on his way to the halfway house
nothing to see here
Seriously. If you could get them to do this in a sports arena you'd make millions.
some people would say that's a bad thing, personally I'm more of a colon half full kind of guy
i wonder if there were military medics there, with an on base surgery 500 yards away, if he was saveable. say a gi got rpgd or whatever. our western med skills are pretty impressive
Looking pretty RARE there my dude.
Oh god please tell me there is video of this. I want to see Kebab removing himself.
He doesn't need a drink you stupid skank! He needs his other half and some facking supa glue.
550 thousand?!! What do you mean 300 thousand?
>cancer of neoliberalism does
Are you still brainwashed or is Fidel pointing a gun to you as you write this?.
Communism is cancer, and you and Venezuela is the rotten cells of America.
his last moments were wallowing in shit with no help. all he wanted was off the designated ground :(
But GDP is up
Island beaner never said communism is good. It's pretty fucking clear what neolib economic policies bring.
We just need common sense machete reform ........ btfo again pro machete fags
>>watch video
>>pedo shop
Do the pedo-elite control all of these areas?
Toss that Blade
And fight with glade
But really though Europe is fucked
Ban assault machetes
what did they meme by this?
These people are brutal. Turn up the volume.
Hey man show bobs.
>the German Caliphate is already experiencing infighting
Looks like the guy got cut in two by a train. And he's still alive. Not a pretty site.
Aww btfo good one bro how can conservafags even compete
Alright guys lets leave cuba alone when we chimp out
Didn't notice that! That is very interesting. Maybe someone hinting to all the readers ?!
>why are german youths attacking eachother with machetes??!
pic related
you're alone this time
Gangs of New Weimar.
Then I imagine he would have easily survived.
Apparently he was a railway construction worker, but was still in training...
All this crazy fucking shit happening in Europe right now is the beginning phase of what will bring biblical prophecy to fruition. Europe will only take so much and will be restored to the likes of the holy Roman empire era and the middle East along with every shitskin goat fucking Muslim being utterly destroyed. King of the north is gonna rise soon. Europe will push back hard, then shits gonna hit the fan on an epic scale.
It's their logo.
Pretty sure they took in over a million.
German youth attacking each other with machetes
Swedish youth attacking each other with AK-47s
French youth attacking each other with trucks and bombs
just what the heck is going on with European youth???
>Apparently he was a railway construction worker, but was still in training..
I'd say he was under-trained
Where the fuck was this spirit when the commies invaded holy shit
Are Germany doing this to redpill the other nations about OPEN border? Genious!
> Be me
> 1920s or whatever
> The great war sucked. really sucked
> welp, guess I gotta sell my wife for food
> hear about this new hitler guy, seems cool
> he's beating up reds and making speeches
> join the SA
> keep beating up reds, herr hitler takes power
shattered economy based on foreign banks and currency gets fixed, quality of life shoots up, those nasty jews disappear
> FeelsSoGood.yes
fast forward to now
> Be me
> 2000 teens ish or whatever
> these immigrants suck
> like, really suck
> hear about this new hacker called Jow Forums
> talks about removing those immigrants
> shitposting leeches into life, elects meme
History shall repeat gents, just you wait. Uncle Adolf is waiting
there were at least a few women and old people
Ehhh no this is definitely a case of run over trained
I think the event left him feeling divided
Obviously a split decision there
I believe the news quoted him as saying he felt he was being "railed on"
Don't worry he's on track to a speedy recovery
Someone should put a HWNDU flag in his hand
And they say we don't hi cap mags and semi autos to defend ourselves...
With a caption that says "I regret nothing"?
stupid idiot sleeping on the train tracks.
how is he even alive though? shouldn't he have bled out by then?
"I regret half of noth-" would be more apt