What "left-wing" views do you hold?
What "left-wing" views do you hold?
I too think niggers are too stupid to take care of themselves.
Term with no meaning
We should also abort their offspring on a massive scale.
Hating a man simply based on skin color is moronic.
pro environment
pro animal rights
pro sustainability
pro euthanasia
anti (((capitalist)))
forgot, anti religious
Israel must be nuked
I believe society should have a degree of 'equality'
I'm thinking Scandinavia style socialism -- pre immigration.
I know it only works for certain people genetically and culturally though. It's a shame they blew it. Too many freeloaders now for it to function properly.
Gay Marriage ok
banning incandescent bulbs turned out OK
nothing else I believe is lefty
We should take away everyone's guns. I just want it all to end already and watch everyone die
Ironic isn't it?
>pro euthanasia
Forgot that one.
I'm not as cynical about the environment as some here.
I know Global warming is likely a jewish hoax. But it shouldn't poison out thinking about taking care of the natural environment.
Nice, about the same here.
My enemies deserve the rope :^)
just the environment
I dont even think I have one lefty view
Fuck you're dumb
pro environment is a right value
we just arent retarded about it.
It's okay to be /lgbt/.
legalize marijuana
i take it Mein Kampf is among your favorite books?
not global warming tho
Liberal atheist views? Like Bill Maher or just run of the mill SJW shit?
Is the first, then its that islam is cancer
killing black babies
I dont have "views" and I dont "hold" anything to be true or false
I have KNOWLEDGE and am AWARE of facts
This. Carbon taxes don't protect the environment.
if thats the case then all my views are right wing i believe
Same, except euthanasia.
I think in a racially homogenous country a welfare state is a good thing.
that's your subconcious trying to get you to make a good post
>durr muh strawman
sorry bro, your political view sides with companies favoring their profits over anything else on earth.. you can be cucked waiting for them to change or you can take an ACTUAL redpill, not just one that affirms your pre-existing insecurities
fuck maggie thatcher
conservationism is a right wing value
dont kid yourself, Trump is givin everything to da coal companies - hardly investing money in renewable energy, you guys are being cucked by companies that are pushing the status quo on energy, please dont kid yourself other wise :+)
I think drugs should be illegal.
I am against the death penalty.
I don't support police officers or the military. They're a bunch of faggots.
Oops, I meant drugs should be LEGAL.
My only left wing view is that everyone should be educated. I just don't think it should cost you 100,000$ or be done by females.
I think abortions are a great thing, especially considering blacks and mexicans get them at a far higher rate than whites.
Nobody hates anyone for their skin color, people judge based on race, skin color is just one of the numerous differences between races. That said, nobody in their right mind hates somebody that they do not know just for being born as what they are. They might believe in treating them differently, but that doesn't mean hating them. Do you believe fish and humans are different? Does that mean you hate fish?
>I know Global warming is likely a jewish hoax.
why do people jump to ego-cozy, baseless conclusions when they dont comprehend the situation/science?
I don't think all niggers should be killed. I think they should be given a chance to return to africa. Only if they decline should they be killed.
I support abortion because I realize it's mostly used to kill nigger babies. The left supports it for that same exact reason, but they refuse to be honest about it. Also anyone who doesn't smoke weed is a complete faggot.
Same. I think a lot of things that are illegal should be legal, and a lot of legal things should be illegal.
I also like traps because they satisfy my deviant fantasies.
Off the top of my head-
>universal healthcare
>free college education
>right to work
>vacancy taxes on landlords
>high taxes on people making more than $250k annually
but other than that I’m very conservative.
Jow Forums posters are just stupid honestly - instead of engaging with another view, they have to convince themselves they are talking to some top secret paid government individual so conversation is a waste of time... but in reality this is just an elaborate way to not have to actually test their views
I actually became NatSoc by reading Greek philosophy and adapting a more natural and logical foundation of thought first. MK is a great perspective into his life and views but mine were formed through Nature shows and logical thought processes. I'm Axis born and genetically so I began reading about my history and realized Hitler did nothing wrong based on unbiased scientific knowledge.
Meine Ehre heißt Treue Deutsch brother
if we apply different words, somehow that magically changes the reality of the situation
Income inequality is a problem that needs to be dealt with but it is a naturally occurring phenomenon because some people are just not able to contribute to society very much.
Gay marriage is a functional solution to the degeneracy of homosexuals if we don't wish discourage homosexual behavior.
Hypergamy among heterosexuals is more of an issue though.
Steps we can take to reduce hypergamy:
not subsidizing contraception
outlawing abortion (possibly not in the case of rape or horrible genetic defects like downs syndrome)
supporting non-degenerate sex education, not talking about gender identity and homosexuality, warning kids about porn
>Pro-choice (but only in instances where a eugenic case can be made) and pro-euthanasia
>Anti-Christian (but still "spiritual." I like Plato's God)
>Strong, authoritarian paternalistic state
Traps have dicks not axe wounds.
This is the most retarded thing that I've ever read.
>Hitler did nothing wrong based on unbiased scientific knowledge
>unbiased scientific knowledge
oh man, you're one of those "intellectuals" huh ?
don't @ bitch
theres "other labels changes something again"
>axe wounds
and this "other label" also changes something
fuck off cia blackpill shill
*theres THAT
The alt-right has completely infantile views on LGBT issues. Trannies and fags are allowed in my ethnostate.
Global warming is bullshit, basically tell us "it's some while air, bros" *dumps thousands of gallons of mercury and other chemicals*
It's honestly the oceans, I'm worried about and the water, how can we live without that. Any place we decide to settle needs it it abundance.
For widows and other invalids who are physically incapacitated from working. If someone is able to work, they must work in order to receive aid. This is the nat soc way, borther
I agree but the current popular meme in the US is that it's muh liberals
Oh man, lets hear your "unbiased scientific knowledge" proving hitler is a good guy
Prime example, its okay to be stupid and delusional user.. im just informing you that you are
Republicans have done more for conserving land than democrats. Private companies can invest their own money. Its not the governments job, faggot
even if it was that, it would then also be another sodom & gomorrah
black people who have a long history in america should be able to stay. Just bring back segregation. THey are bothering whites because whites are not allowed to control them anymore. If it weren't for the kike BS whites would not be struggling to keep the blacks in line. Even when outnumbered whites can organize and control a large group of blacks to make them somewhat productive, we just need to able to do it again. History has proven very clearly that blacks have a use but without administration from other races they do nothing but decay and destroy. If anything we should be sending whites to africa, to recolonize it so to once again make it a functioning continent on the planet
free education
free healthcare
you know, just the basic human rights kind of stuff...
words have meanings
I think Canada is a better fit for them too
Environmentalism and weed. That's all.
pro abortions, gotta keep those shit skin numbers down, also mandatory sterilization for abortion recipients.
Also i do like our planet and don't want to see it ruined, thats why i call for the complete genocide of all Chinese.
> i tolerate degeneracy in my ethno-state, that would be great to have, you guys are retarded.
Because youre a fetishizing, disgusting, inbred, fagboi.
Public school is a worthy social program
the science is its bullshit, but we shouldn't poison our air,water and food.
Pro gay men, but only masculine ones. Women and femininity is cancer, weakens societies.
I think women should be allowed to get education and work (except in as an engineer) :D
found the jew worshipper
>other than being a fucking communist, I'm very conservative
free abortions for blacks and hispanics
No one hates blacks because of their skin color. They hate them because they are violent, stupid, lazy, animalistic proto-humans that have no place in modern society. If chimpanzees were as numerous as blacks and allowed to roam freely among us, we'd hate them, too, and for largely the same reasons.
Animal rights
I'm opposed to monarchism.
found the abbo
I paused for a minute knowing I was forgetting something but only realized it after. I still believe we should have idols based on virtues but always to remain mindful that they are not to be worshipped as gods. I'm agnostic (in theory)
>anyone has a right to free shit
Kill yourself
>you know, just the basic human rights kind of stuff...
I see you also type like a passive aggressive leftist faggot so it's probably not just those 3
Free education just means the master's degree becomes a high school diploma and employers can make endless demands
They are easily shepherded, I'd have to agree for the future of men to not have those traits.
ok bud
the ethnicity of His vessel is incidental
to say nothing of the fact he was antithetical to the entire Judaic establishment, why do you think they murdered him?
>right to work
I have to imagine you don’t know what that means, since it is a very conservative view that many leftists despise.
Abortion is legal and happily encouraged.
For non-whites.
If you pave the way for one, you've made a road for many. Intolerable.
Oh look some decent Aussie bait. You cunts have been slipping as of late.