Ok. Forget politics for a moment. Forget your opinions on gun control and take a look

Ok. Forget politics for a moment. Forget your opinions on gun control and take a look.

Cunt. Moron. Fuckwad. Fucktard. Retard. Idiot kids. Dysfunctional "crunt". Ignorant children. Emotional children. Dumb fuck. Piece of crap. Fapper. Libtard. Stupid. All names to describe a brave girl speaking out against a tragedy and trauma that no one should have to go through. And these are only a fraction of the comments like this.

They're attacking her appearance. They're attacking her sexuality. They're attacking her age. They're attacking her gender. They're reducing and discrediting her voice with the old Tide Pod insult. They're being openly bigoted and racist. They're attacking her heritage and her education.

There are all MEN saying these things. ADULT MEN talking about a child. All these men desperately clutching their guns and their fragile masculinity. All MEN spouting this stream of bullying, hatred, insults, and vitriol to a young woman who isn't just sitting on her ass like they are.

I don't care which side of the fence you are on in this debate. It doesn't give you an excuse to be a disgusting piece of shit. I'm disgusted that these are my fellow countrymen and ashamed of these hypocritical adults who say maybe kids should stop bullying one another and this wouldn't be an issue. I'm embarrassed to share life and land with such disgraceful adults.

And this is the “Great Country” we live in. I think it’s time for the adult men in this country take a backseat and let the younger generation of women rise up. To no longer be belittled by assholes like these.

If you’re an older male in this country I hope you don’t attack or act like these shitless men on social media.

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Other urls found in this thread:


la creatura...

I didn't see "whore" in that list and I'm here to fix it

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talk shit

get hit

>attacking her appearance
Having a Cuba flag means she has a certain ideology. They're attacking here ideology.

Tits or gtfo

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Fuck you, OP. Once you comment in the public square -- you're wide open to ridicule. These kids are brat, they liars, and they deserve much worse than insults.

so explain why Media Matters, everyones favourite superPac is pushing these faggots so hard?
you remember them, dont you benjamin fischbein

I mean she did openly admit to bullying and demonizing Cruz, plus that image you posted contains a guy attacking the ideology she is parading by wearing that Cuban flag patch, they aren't bullying her.

>brave woman


Fuck you, she should be drawn and quartered. She's a typical bully dyke

You forgot "traitor"

Fuck off Emma.

Does she have cancer?

She is a political figure. I would fuck her cunt

Men insult each other, it is normal. Women are the whiners who cry about insults. Take your shaming language and emotional drama out of the masculine arena.

>It doesn't give you an excuse to be a disgusting piece of shit
pasta and bait but also a woman typed this

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To be fair, she is being a larping faggot who does not know shit about guns :/

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Fuck off shareblue

Fuck you and that disgusting goblin

>they don't want your guns


gun ban

fuck you asshole, I'm trying to eat here!

I don't get it either. I'm just happy with ignoring her and him until they go away. I'm pretty sure most of the nasty comments are being posted by their people or friends in an attempt to keep them relevant. Also, this thread is shit, and so are you. Fuck off goblin.

Woman detected

and not emma gonzalez

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If it were up to me she'd be burned at the stake on CSPAN. She should count her blessings she's just being called names.

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>But it's ok when we do it

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>Children are smart and brave enough to lead us
>You can't criticize their opinions cause they are children

Pick one

weeb detected

Can you spew more buzzwords.

I would totally rape her. I bet she'd love that shit.

>There are all MEN saying these things. ADULT MEN talking about a child.

I'm an adult woman and I've said mean things on the internet about la creatura.

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Hey dipshit. That's a brainwashed communist infiltrator hellbent and programmed to destroy your country and it's people. That face you are looking at is representing the communist deepstate that infects your government, your media(both MSM and rapeywood) and your universities. The longer you wait to wake the fuck up and confront this fact the harder and more painful it's gonna be to remove the cancer.
Oh before you start your racist reeeeeeee, i'll let you in on a little secret, i'm a Cuban immigrant.

>*WHEEZE* I'd totally rape her *WHEEZE* sh-she would love th-that *WHEEZE* shit

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best girl

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You forgot goblina, you absolute faggot. Kill yourself.

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If you choose to speak in public let alone fully support one side of a valid argument then you open yourself up to ALL forms of criticism.
The hypocrisy in calling white men inherently evil because of their race and gender while calling them immature if they insult another person’s race and gender shows the lack of maturity on the left. Only adolescents believe they are allowed to argue and throw insults without any of it coming back in their direction.

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You kiddin with this fuckin bait?

Fuck everyone who replies to this earnestly.

Ah fuck you really got me there roastie. Really hurt my feelings. Damn. I'll never recover. I'm crying as I type this.

how do you think these faggots learned how to either manipulate MSM is such a swift manner? how does ZogHogg have 699k followers on twatter if he was a nobody?
Who's pushing the agenda, and who's doing the shilling?
Its our old mate Brock again, ill bet my left nut on it


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So the fuck what? Am I supposed to give a shit about how that girl or you feel? Guess what frendo, I don't. If either of you were ever in my way, I would shove you out of it. Take your little girl tears and get out of here.

The beautiful thing about free speech is that you're
But I wouldn't expect a low IQ commie to understand what rights are in the US of A. She wants to say stupid shit and be a public figure? Good, she gets the criticism and ridicule that comes with it.
>S S A A G G E E

how does it feel to wake up stupid?

If she's such a child get her out of the political arena. You either play the game or you don't faggot.

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> 1 post by this ID

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She's not a child, she's an adult.

Also, sage.

>Attacking my 2nd Amendment rights
>Is a victim
What did she mean by this?

anime website

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>being 3DPD
>women on MY Jow Forums?

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La Monstrua de Americanos

Another one post drive-by

This is what encourages these fuckers

Hi OP! I have seen several times your posts, as you can see for my flag, english is not my first language, but is obvious that you write in a well articulated, NLP -emotionally charged language that although is out of fashion in publicity, you could use to get a honest job.
So my question is, how much Shareblue Media pays you for writting this in an anonymous forum?. Coudn`t you find a better job than spouting leftist ideology?

You worry about people being mean on social media, whilst millions sit at home sharpening their knives. Your actions have consequences, but in this instance it has not been fully realized.

No to everything you want, eat shit and die.

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Hi CNN employee

Suck my Glock

Keep publically attacking these kiddos and every single woman in America is going to vote Dem in the midterms. See ya there!

Quiet Ogro de las americas...

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Rule 7 you dumb cunt

>They're attacking her appearance. They're attacking her sexuality. They're attacking her age. They're attacking her gender. They're reducing and discrediting her voice with the old Tide Pod insult. They're being openly bigoted and racist. They're attacking her heritage and her education.
>implying humans haven't done this since the onset of civilization

when will young people let go of their idealistic fantasy of how the world should be and instead accept it as how it is?

>i'm literally shaking
>it's the current year
>why are we dealing with this
>we're better than this
>i'm ashamed of this planet
>mommy told me the world was all sunshine and rainbows and that everyone would join hands and sing kumbaya and be happy

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please elaborate which thread on the front page is better

Just like they were gonna vota for Hillary right?



Neck yourself

If she did not want criticized she should not have climbed over some dead bodies to go on tv and threaten everyone's rights.

>They're attacking her appearance. They're attacking her sexuality. They're attacking her age. They're attacking her gender.

You don't have a leg to stand on with your indigence or moral posturing. Get fucked.

Shut up dysfunctional crunt

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Get outta here shill.

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18 and life to go.

This. I remember in high school there were those dramatic brats who would waste not opportunity to use tragedy to attention whore/ bitch at everyone. Looks like the only thing that's changed is that now the MSM is putting them into the public eye.

Fuck you! I'm gonna attack them all I want! And I'm gonna do it in public very loud, very racist and wearing a MAGA hat!

>she's a child so you can't hate her
fuck off, sage

This was too long so I didn't read.
Basically, when you step into the public spotlight you are fair game. You give up any right to privacy and anything you say or do can be held against you in the court of public opinion.
Where are her parents to protect her from the slings and arrows of misfortune?
Where is her father to shield her from the mob?
She has no protective covering, therefore, she is at the mercy of society.
Speech is free, but so is silence. She is welcome to say to us "I made a mistake, I will go back to school and finish out the remainder of my life in peace."
But as long as she remains in the fire, she will continue to get burned.


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>speaking out against a tragedy
wrong, she is speaking out against the freedoms of civilians who have done nothing wrong other than exercising their god given right to protect themselves.
we wanted to have a talk about policy and school safety.
but no, you leftshits did what you always do and instead of LISTENING you started screaming like a bunch of fucking autists chanting "TAKE THE GUNS, TAKE THE GUNS!!"
then you start talking about executing gun owners who resist confiscation.
and you are surprised we say things like "from my cold dead hands"
maybe if you took a second to try to understand WHY so many of us feel so strongly about this, instead of dismissing us as "rural and suburban retards" we could have a conversation and find some solutions for what is obviously a very real problem.
but as long as you insist on making the discussion exclusively about my right to defend myself then we have nothing to discuss.
i will abandon my life and go in the fucking woods to live like a goddamn terrorist before i give you my guns.

now, I don't like the things that have been said about these kids, and i do agree that they are just kids going through a tragedy that nobody should experience.
however, the moment you leftist sunk so low as to start using these highly damaged CHILDREN as your fucking political PAWNS you opened them up to this kind of criticism.
SHAME ON YOU for using their suffering as a shield for authoritarian opinions.
I hope these kids get the help they need, and you get the bullet you deserve.
you shameless piece of filth

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thank you op

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If she enters the public arena she's fair game in my opinion

She's a terrorist...

square up thot ur not even american

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>Fragile masculinity
>Gets triggered by an app that removes makeup

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>waaaaahhhh why isn’t some ugly dyke immune from criticism
When the kikes false flag, they should use pretty blonde girls, not trannies.

>ADULT MEN talking about a child.
Fuck you cunt.

You don’t get to demand to be treated like a fucking adult only to be able to use your “I’m a kid” card just because you can’t take the fucking heat.

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White Aryan nationalists called and they want la creature to stop culturally appropriating /our/ look.

Can this generation do any fucking thing original? FUCK

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To attack pieces of shit spewing nonsense is not inherently wrong, regardless of how you do it, and to say these fucking retarded kids who've been brainwashed by mass media and shit are better suited to make rational decisions effecting all of America is abhorrent. You sir, are a fucking moron if you think teenagers who are little more than husks brimming with spoon-fed narrative vomit are the future of this country. You can help America's future by offing yourself you absolute fucking moron.

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OP is a fag

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Good, keep it up, I hope we bullycide this cunt and everyone like her. (Kys shill)

No one is off limits in politics... If you dont want to become a target of abuse then dont enter politics.

These children entered into a no-holds barred arena and you now want to establish rules? fuck your couch nigga!

We got a whiteknight faggot here defending his queen shitskin future rape victim

I agree. OP sucks major cock.