ITT: We discuss optics and aesthetics.
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Peak Optics
That's a cringy ass image you've got there.
>W I D E S T A N C E
This is how I spot trve friends on the street.
what is this gay shit?
how to avoid acne by a guy who has genetic hormonal acne:
1.) if you can only shower once a day, shower at night. wash your hair every night too, trust me, clear skin is more worthwhile than an illustrious sheen or whatever the fuck you're going for. Use Cetaphil soap when you shower, don't use shower gel or normal soap.
2.) change your pillow cases every few days and wash your bedding once a week.
3.) sleep with a clean t shirt on every night. EVERY NIGHT. Just buy a pack of whites if you have to.
4.) drink a ton of water, you want to be pissing like every hour or less
5.) go to a dermatologist and get the good shit: he'll prescribe an oral antibiotic as well as a retinol-infused topical medicine. If you can't get into a dermatologist appointment, you can ghetto rig a good topical medicine by buying a 0.1% adapalene cream (I use Differen) and a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide cream which you can find a million of anywhere.
I’m tall and am decent looking. I’ve had plenty of interested women in my life and am generally described as a good looking guy. Very tall. People call me buff. Not ripped though need to lose weight, I have a strongman build. Peak aesthetics are everything. If your ugly you’re still my brother and you’re important to the cause but please don’t be an public face for right wing nationalism. Even though I’m more normie than some of you on here I still don’t go too public with my views. It’s a fact that people are more receptive to your views based on your looks
What is the deal with aesthetics? If you're alpha enough women don't care. If you try too hard you aren't alpha
Aesthetics are everything bro. The difference between “confidence” and “being a creep” is entirely looks
The chad heimbach is clearly peak of public image
How can I improve myself??
>this is who calls me a mutt
dios mios...
so you know how even after 70 years of anti nazi propaganda, you still have normies that say "yeah well they were bad but their uniforms were cool". thats why.
Get a real hair cut
Shave daily, if you can't grow a full beard you must be clean shaven.
Don't wear t-shirts in public.
Stop choking yourself for starters
>Don't wear T-shirts in public
Roast me pol
just tighten that grip up an hold it for a few mins
Femanon here,
T-shirts are sloppy, unless you're hiking or going to the beach you should always wear a fitted shirt. Smart-casual clothing shows maturity and self respect,the opposite of your average leftist. watch the Schild & Vrienden video that I posted before, look at how they dress and compare that to the commies in the video.
>likes fags
checks out fag
I disagree, I bought a bunch of these
And they make excellent shirts super comfy and if you have any muscle definition it pokes through easily. And cheap decent quality
Oops meant for you
What if it is a formfitting designer t shirt that coast at least $200?
I wear a grey corduroy sport coat every day (yes, it has the tan arm patches) and I can 100% verify that will never get chicks. I look like an albino toad as it is, but corduroy doesn't ever work. very sad. The only action I have ever got was when I was wearing my duster, everytime. I roll with a black Outback Oilskin duster, nicely cleaned and washed.
Might get comments about looking like fat dylan klebold, but it works. AAAND it looks cool.
Pic related, I have this exact jacket but a darker black
then you look like an extra faggot. spend your money on something a step up from a fucking T-shirt, dude.
Cut down carbs helps a lot too
aesthetics is part of attraction, feeling good about yourself makes you more confident, women aren't blind and the sex is better if you are physically better looking to women
>t shirt that coast at least $200
can't shine shit mate
nobody fucking cares 20 year olds have no idea how the world works, nobody cares about your bullshit trendy faggotry or chicks in the real world outside of highschool 2.0
That's a cringy ass life you've got there
you can't
As someone said in a recent Sydney meeting strength is cool. If we show that right wing guys are strong people will be more likely to listen to us
>grow your hair thicker
>try mewing
>you look somewhat fit, but i see a bit of chunk, hit the treadmill for a bit
>invest in fashion
ironic with the angry teenager tier response there lad
rate me Jow Forums
Stay mad poorfags. Good luck finding converts when you’re in your Steve Urkel outfits.
are you me?
we are us
>washing tips and ends instead of roots of hair
>brushing while dry
what retard made this? I only read the hair portion and it's objectively wrong. Fucking idiots.
whoa, deep
we taught him wrong on purpose. as a joke
Based clear skin poster. On point and clear skin is an important check for attractiveness with other people
clean ur ears
break ur nose in a fight and dont get it fixed
Stop smoking you fucking degenerates.
Retina (micro). Body soap buy a sal3 sulfur + salicylic acid soap bar. Has tons of properties that clear multiple issues with skin if you have (KP or sometimes untreated fungal people don't realize and overall good exfoliant and provides antibacterial properties as a side effect). Smells a little because it's sulfur but it's not bad
>is that a gen id shirt?
>oh its just the overwatch symbol
>memeflag OP
Unironically KYS.
fashion is 80% body type, 15% hair cut, 4% fit, 1% genetics. So lift (olympic lifts + weighed bodyweight) and do cardio (at least an hour 5 times a week), go to an actual barber, and take [almost] everything to a tailor. Remember city fashion is different from country fashion, wear what the men who you respect in life wear, just fit better.
oh and SHAVE, 1% of men look good with a beard, you dont.
some key points
> Don’t go to see folks
>with your hair a mess and your clothes dirty.
>Put a damned shirt on, and some shoes–
>there’s no shame in not having the best.
>And eat a little first, too.
>A belly’s a sure sign that a man’s not in control of himself.
>Folks’ll laugh if you’re eatin’ too much.
>Yer stomach’s not yer head–
>you can put too much in it.
>You ever seen a fat cow?
>I mean, they’re all fat, but only to a point:
>They don’t eat so much they hurt themselves.
>And a cow is just about the dumbest thing
>on this damn earth.
>Don’t think you’re the goddamned smartest,
>or the toughest, or the best at anything,
>and don’t let folks think you are, either.
>Otherwise you’ll find out the hard way
>that someone is always better.
>So keep quiet,
>keep your head clear,
>and don’t back off from a fight.
>You’ll be happier that way–
>and you’ll die soon enough.
>Keep yer guns close.
>I don’t care what they say,
>there ain’t no tellin’
>when there’ll be call for ’em.
>An armed man has a shot.
>You ought to have
>a damn sight of learnin’,
>before you step outside that door.
>It’s a lot easier to stay at home,
>but no one’ll listen to you if you stay there.
>Now, that ain’t to say
>that you ought to be showy
>about your learnin’.
>Don’t say too much
>and you’ll say more o’ the right things.
>And while you should listen
>to people’s advice,
>don’t just do whatever they say.
>You’ve got a head on your own shoulders;
>use it, boy.
haven't seen this before. top kek.
one time op isn't a faggot
Stop being an autist.
thank you
Back to plebbit with you
Oh shit is this the Jow Forums hookup thread? Homoeroticism is a big part of fascism .
Homonationalism spreads easy amongst gay men due to aesthetics and other factors
theres a Jow Forums hookup thread on . Homosexuality was banned in all nations that adopted fascism, some carrying the death penalty
It's true. I honestly got interested in this alt right shit to get ass. I don't a fuck about jews or whatever but there are so many confused young men 18-25 that are attracted to this and you can do pretty much anything you want to them and throw them away. Those conferences Spencer used to have I would pretty much run out of poppers before I was done.
the metro sexual faggot right winger.
That's a terrible look, driven by the Homosexual industry
Fuck off.
>completely misses the part where i said
>>Remember city fashion is different from country fashion, wear what the men who you respect in life wear, just fit better.
>Schild & Vrienden video
all of those people like like tryhard autists
under rated and checked
at least they are doing something
hitting your head with a hammer is doing something too.
thats a false equivalent and you know it
back to 8pol faggot
What is the dignified way to deal with balding and graying?
Is wearing a trench coat acceptable if it's cold out and I'm wearing a suit
plugs and hair dye if you dont want to shave it. Its not that expensive
Honestly optics is one of the most important things you can do. It's a hard truth but you can't sell National Socialism to the general population because you'll ALWAYS look like the bad guy, especially since the system is run by the tribe. However, if you're just an "American Nationalist" that loves America, you get free publicity and you can hand feed the people anything you want them to believe as long as you look like the good guy. A nation is a people of common heritage so if you love yours the rest is implied. As for its effectiveness I've gotten on the front page of CNN before and even the asshole writing the article ended up making us look like the good guys, just by presenting ourselves well.
shave, lose weight, grow your hair
>my ears are cold
>has no ears
what is this witchcraft
and why am I so attracted to him
Op your pic reminds me of things Nathan Damigo would say.
hold on i'm printing this out so i can read it while i take a shit brb
Yep. You're gay. Nothing wrong with that. Just had to know.
Be in shape like assistant director skinner
plugs arent gay, neither is hair dye
your picture is fucking shit so i wont read the rest of that fucking novel
Only if it's high quality wool and ideally not black.
the fucking leafs and mutt americans are faggots, what a suprise
Lean out. Less carbs and beer. Maybe start running. Reduce estrogen naturally or using an ai. You’ll be surprised at the change in perception from women.
Shave and grow a beard
just read the first paragraph, the rest is quotes from the vid
Just look good physically while calling yourself a National Socialist like NRM does. Watering down the message is for faggots.
La atrocidad siciliana...
t. Mrs. Parrot
get out bitch
thats cool u can cc your katana
dam I meant dw your katana sry