Predicted in 2016

>what events have come true, and what's coming next?

Russian invasion of Crimea, Iraq falling apart and returning to a fractured state, Syrian intervention.

The next things to come along are that the rest of the middle east falls apart, not just what we're already seeing but jordan, lebanon, saudi arabia, iran, pretty much everything except israel, eventually a space station (no idea which one or when/how) will de-orbit, a war between Russia and the U.S. is going to kick off, it's inevitable, Russia is going to invade up through Mexico, the red line is how far into the U.S. they end up advancing due to aid from the native Mexican population initiating an insurrection due to increased nationalism, and a weak quasi-breakup of the U.S. following a civil war. the green circle is a flashpoint where Russia didn't invade at first, they stayed on one side of the ship channel until finally attempting to cross it and that's when things go nuclear, 36 nuclear weapons are exhanged in and around the green circle, i have no idea how many are exchanged elsewhere as that is the last time we have internet or TV ever again, many other electronic devices and vehicles still worked however, mostly older ones though and for some reason as i said the hand held scanner for finding humans worked.

Russia does a few more strikes with aircraft that i assume were hardened against the initial nuclear exchange, although they very quickly stopped as i imagine they likely ran out of fuel or somesuch other reason, very soon after this is when the ships arrived.

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Other urls found in this thread:

First post

Op text

then someone links to a Jow Forums post

>Have you seen this post before? user claims to be an ayy and talks about almost identical shit to what you are, you should read it.

>Read the posts by 1mmJCv6Q

Do you seriously expect me to read that
Put it on our border and call it a barrier

Attached: illust_49477498_20171017_174224.png (1290x1836, 2.15M)

bumping for vague interest but we could just use the old thread until it hits bump limit really desu, and I'm off to sleep in < 30 mins anyway.

Russia doesn't even have a working aircraft carrier. There is no way they are going to invade the U.S. Not to mention the whole a rifle behind every blade of grass thing.

>Russia gets bogged down in the Midwest United States
It’d be like Operation Barbarosa

There were lots of predictions that inviting the_donald to Jow Forums would ultimately kill the good things about Jow Forums. That proved correct.

I could give some rundown. I am the one who linked the archive. If he is not larping, we are beyond doomed. This is the worst kind of apocalypse. I used to somewhat wish or favour doomsday although I would never agree to actually letting it happen, but reading his narratives definitely changed my mind. Even if he is larping, I now dont want any doomsday or apocalypse in that kind of narrative. What happens next is that very ancient ayys, a scavenger civilization under (maybe) a cosmic law that allows these motherfuckers to exploit remains of destroyed planets like what might happen if we make nuclear exchanges. These ayys SKIN children as well as adults but they skin children and reconstruct their skins and wear them as trophies but also to lure their parents or others who are hiding. Let me paste some of his green texts give me some time

>About a week after this it got horrific, there were a bunch of anvil clouds that seemingly developed out of nowhere and large spacecraft were seen in them, not emerging independence day style, but as if the cloud itself was some kind of portal and these ships were sort of halfway loitering halfway in/out of the portal, the ships were large angular brick shaped, but had no real texture to speak of, they were a sort of solid stone/slate gray, and just sat there.

>We never saw anything come out of them, all we remembered were screams, from everywhere, and these monsters that would peel the skin from children and parents and wear their skin, and they were capable of perfectly imitating the voices of the people whose skin they took, they did this to lure people out of their hiding spots and take them, killing yourself to escape them would not work, they could reanimate the dead (part 2 after this)

>If you killed yourself to escape, it wouldn't work, they could reanimate the dead and keep you on some sort of life support for the sake of experimentation, i don't know why or how but somehow i knew that if they took you that you were theirs forever, there was no escape.

>However they also had large facilities on the earth, they looked like normal warehouses but the ones who wore people's skin were inside these, they would liquefy humans in here and keep them in devices that looked similar to dryers, and each liquified human was kept in their own, and we had a hand scanner we could use to find where our person's remains were so we could steal them so that they couldn't re-constitute their remains and make them suffer, somehow we could reconstruct the entire person back to what they were with this liquid.

>However the ones who wore people's skin had these large pools ringed with symbols that looked similar to zoroastrian dakhmas ( i don't know the spelling) and they would fill these pools with the people's liquefied remains and bathe in them, and their children would bathe in them and drink them, and they would try throwing people in and if you fell in then you were one of them.

>This went on until most of the human race had been wiped out, i do not remember most of what happened as this was a single dream spanning almost 72 years, eventually though their spacecraft were destroyed, most of the life on earth was destroyed, it had become a large desert, i remember there were still alligators though, and whatever had transpired had killed the sun, it was slowly dying, as if perhaps they had siphoned energy from it to escape, i don't know if anyone intervened on our behalf but i think someone did, but i remember i was walking with a girl in a blue dress, she was my wife (i don't have a wife in real life mind you) Part 3 after this:

>They are able to reanimate the bodies if they're fresh, i don't think they can if they've been dead for a long time or in the ground for a while, but i think there's about a 1 week window that they still can.

I wouldn't advise killing yourself though obviously.

>I'm not sure what they looked like, they were always wearing human skin when i saw them, although it was sort of loose and they would walk upright like humans, but they could run faster than any human, and even faster on all 4's, even the child sized ones were stronger than any human, there was no way to kill any of them either, i don't mean that figuratively, i mean literally in my entire time i had not seen a single one die.

>They had a weird sort of glow to them though, like you could see under the skin where they had glowing machinery or augmented bodyparts or something that were part of them, and some of them the heads didn't look right because you could see the human's skin on them but you could see 4 or 5 glowing white eyes under the skin.

>the only way to survive was either run, which wasn't advisable because they WILL catch you on foot, or hide until they leave, but even that wasn't too good because they were extremely quiet and would just sit there and wait outside of doors silently until people open them and then they would take them, the only people who really survived were the ones who had already gotten to the middle of nowhere when the nuclear war went down, or those who had basically given away their own as bait to lure them away while they escaped.

I would not doubt for a second that by the end of the 72 years there were probably only a few hundred thousand people left on earth, if even that many.

>My scanner isn't working so i can't upload anything i've drawn about this stuff without it being shit-tier quality but from what i can tell, their technology is compartmentalized, as in they have several tiers/hierarchies of technology, whether this is due to them being an amalgam of civilizations or not is unknown to me, but i think it might be a similar reason to just not wanting us to get their technology, i'm pretty sure the hand scanner was theirs, but i was based off existing human technology, or maybe human technology was based off of it? i'm not sure.

>Most of their other stuff was absolutely useless to us though, there was no way for us to use it, somehow with these portals being open they were siphoning some kind of energy that powered the ships completely different from electricity, although I'm not sure they even needed the portals tbqh.

>without this energy the pieces of their ships were literally nothing more than useless common metals/alloys, they somehow underwent some kind of rapid breakdown without the energy source, i don't remember how the portals closed or how the ships were destroyed, i was in the middle of nowhere at the time, i'm almost certain (90% anyways) that they're some kind of scavenger civilization, they wait for civilizations to wipe themselves out and then it's like it's some kind of cosmic law that for the most part everyone is allowed to pick through the remains, which i think is what happened after the nuclear war, and i think someone didn't like this and kicked them out, but not before they damaged the sun as a final "Fuck you" to humans and whoever helped them.

>As i said though it was not fun, there was something left behind, i don't think it was 'them' though, i think it was something else, it was something in the long dark that would eat people, they didn't glow and i never saw them, i just knew not to ever show any light at nighttime ever, and when it was night we slept underground (part 2 in a second

Part 2:

We slept underground under the house in case the things in the dark came inside and found us, i think they were little more than animals, maybe something 'they' left behind, but i don't know.

I don't even know if the long dark was permanent or not, as that's when the dream ended, the sun was dying, it was also possible in addition to this that it was nighttime as it was that the sun had died or that 'they' had moved an object in front of it to obfuscate the earth, or maybe it was residual atmospheric debris from the nuclear war and everything else that had happened, i know for a fact that something did happen to the sun though so it could've been a compounded mixture of these events.

In addition to this, i remember one time during this dream ( a different occasion) where i had gotten onto one of the ships somehow, and i saw what happened to the people who were taken, they were intubated in their back and varying bodyparts, not too much unlike the matrix, however there were far more cables and other mechanisms that i have no idea what they were, but if you died then these devices let them bring you back, and most of the people attatched to these devices were spliced open with organs showing or missing entire pieces of their bodies, there were a few people who weren't much more than heads with gore sticking out of the bottom, but they were still intubated and kept alive and mostly just screamed, the inside of the ships was the same slate grayish color but there were colors made of energy, perhaps as electronic interface panels of some sort but probably not, it wasn't pretty colors though, just varying shades of white/yellow/light light blue-ish.

it was very basic too, none of that H.R. geiger alien style, the ships were very utilitarian in design on the inside, everything served a purpose and only that purpose, no decoration whatsoever.

In addition to all of this, i say Mexican uprising, what i mean is that the Mexico aligned with Russia and most of south America/central America, so this coupled with Russia allowed for a fairly robust invasion, the U.S. had been weakened substantially already as i said due to the internal civil war, whether it is related to this election or not though I'm not sure, under normal circumstances i doubt they would be able to pull off an invasion though so we must've been fairly weakened, i know the white house and the capitol was taken by the people's revolutionary force (shit name but that's what they called themselves or had grown to be called anyways), so for the most part the government had already been decapitated before the invasion.

I had never said they were glowing green under their skin, i don't think i did, they were glowing the same as their ships as a sort of white/yellowy-blue-ish color, i don't have a word for it but it wasn't an earth color, i speculate on the machinery but there were bits and pieces poking out through the skin and holes in the skin due to some people's skin going necrotic, the machinery under the skin looked like a very similar stone gray as their ships, the skin was pretty contorted on their bodies in some cases though (as i said multiple eyes covered by the skin sometimes) or others where the skin didn't exactly fit them right, they still had mouths though but i don't think it was for eating, i think perhaps it helped them grab onto people or for the express purpose of killing or subduing them, i don't even know if they were technically alive or if they themselves were just biological machines, some of them really seemed like they wanted the skin as trophies more than anything though, they collected it and some of them were wearing multiple layers, and as i said i have no idea whatsoever as to why they would liquefy the people and put them in the dryer machines in the warehouses, surely they had some purpose but i don't know, it could just be as simple as storage or perhaps some religious purpose of theirs, they seemed to have some interest in Zoroastrianism as i said.

I don't know how even a breakaway civilization could fight them though, from my understanding they were possibly the first intelligent species ever throughout all dimensions, or one of the first anyways, i can't imagine anyone from this planet could even fathom a way to fight them, it would've had to have been someone else out there on their technological level.

I have no idea what skinwalkers is, can you give me a link?

(part 2 after:

thank you maplebro

Just be in the middle of nowhere when it happens and have the ability to turn all your lights and electronics off, no generators, nothing, they can find you if any of your lights or electronics are on, no watches, no cellphones, nothing, and sleep underground, don't go out at night.

If Seiner Van Rensburg is correct, which is looking more and more likely every day, then we should expect the following.

>south africa begins race war
>several european countries have a civil war due to muslims
>russia has civil war and goes back to communism
>britain gives nato secrets to russia
>russia invades through turkey and syria trying to enter north africa to spread communism
>stopped at Isreali border by US
>both sides get fucked up, russians decide to re route through europe
>decimate europe
>nuke britain because they don't trust them
>stopped by US, german, and spanish troops in pyrenees mountains
>russia defeated
>spanish re take gibralter
>US and german hunt the last of the british army in egypt and defeat them
>germany becomes main super power
>US has civil war of some sort
>germans go to south africa to help them remove the niggers
>white christians from around the world flee their shitholes and head to south africa
>niggers pushed up above the equator
>new christian white south african super power emerges
>the english language dies out

Attached: if only you knew what siener knew.jpg (988x1024, 121K)

I dont get too worried though. Theres a high chance of him being a proxylarper. Another archive:
This one is from an user who claims as ayy.(currently living as a human so not an ayy in a sense)
They both mention skin stealing evil ayys but their writing style is very different. Only reason I think he might be proxy is because they overlap using this word “breakway civilization” in both treads. Other than that, they sound two completely different people. They could be one proxyfag but who knows. What is surprising is that what he predicted such as space station is coming true. And his visions in first thread are realistic and descriptive. The second thread is actually not about any visions but argument between pol users and an user who claims himself as an ayy with realism. Only things they share in common are “breakaway civilization” and “alien who skin inhabitants of other planet”. These two are insufficient proofs to declare him as proxy. First proof has bigger weight if I were to conclude him as proxy though.

Even then both mention “breakaway civilization” only once. If used multiple times, the chance of proxy is higher. The alien user uses all kinds of curses and Jow Forums lingos with every post while the lucid dreamer does minimally. If this is a proxy it is a very highly skilled and creative one. If you read alien larp too then you can tell that either this dude is a scientist of some sort or that he just has literally no life. If he was a larper, of courss. But, adding Rensburg prophecies and many other carious common themed prophecies that resonate to this man’s lucid dreams as well as recent correlations kind of worries me. If you have read all pastas then it is definitely not the kind of end we want. We want kind of end similar to nuclear deletion or spritual cleansing not this psycopathic SAW series.

Hey can the ayy please show up for this thread?

Russia cannot pass through here, isn't easy, due to the sierra madre mountain ranges, they need to pass through Sonora state and/or Tamaulipas state (America can control the Gulf of Mexico easly)..

Attached: Dibujo.jpg (832x538, 76K)

I remember one time having a really bad nightmare that I was aboard an alien ship and was strapped in matrix style not able to do anything... wtf

Contrast of my feels right now

Recent happenings parallel his predictions as well as conditions for many other prophecies begin to come to a reality

>March for our lives and rumours of civil war (well there always were)
>Iraq military to border Turkey. For now their tensions are checked by Iraq preventing kurds from attacking Turkey
But syria gets messed up now because Macron will send French troops to protect syria based Kurds from Turkish troops. (Well middle east is always messy)
>chinese space station assumed to crash sometime during easter
(Even this, there were still articles about this around the time he posted his dreams)

Finally, when did happening ever actually happen other than Trump but Trump thing was more of an official legitimate event rather than just pol rants. In conclusion,
>nothing ever happens
nothing ever happens
>nothing ever happens
nothing ever happens

this thread is weird. are you all bots or am I missing something?

>ghosts are another thing entirely, they seem to inhabit a separate dimension of sorts, but it is a dimension that permeates all realities and dimension as one larger sort of blanket dimension that is currently un-reachable, reality itself seems to have considered it a forbidden dimension of sorts.

I guess you could die and go there though, i haven't tried.

This is the superiority of humans that they do not realize.
Feels good to be direct descendants of the precursors, huh, men?
But the question then comes about -
how can we defeat material with immaterial?

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Schizo /x/ crossover thread. Be glad it's here rather than some BBC spam

I am having a good time.

I dont want psycopathic doomsday. I want quick clean and purifying blessing end. Spritual cleansing is the best.
>God tier
Spiritual cleansing - no pain involved, golden age awaits
>Good tier
Nibiru or an asteroid
CERN fucks it up and we get deleted
>OK tier
Alien invasion of a sophisticated being with sensible military laws not the barbarous one mentioned in this thread
>Bad tier
Biblical stuffs like pandemic, mega natural disasters, but not demon parts
>Absolute shit tier
Demons hunting humans
Scavenger ayys skinning children and wearing their skins to lure more to same fate and later liquidify these remains of humans and keep them alive (conscious and able to feel extreme pain) with most of their bodies missing (and skinned) and make them suffer for probably eternity. They are so efficient that humanity is near genocided.
Im out. I dont want that kind of apocalypse. It would be too much. Just imagine them storing these poor fellow human brethens in capacity of thousands all stored in some sort of containers suffering like that while their scouts are still actively hunting down remaining human survivors skinning their children luring them do the same and do the same process and put them in container of eternal pain. This is a literal Saw movie series but in a full huamnity scale.

You forgot
>Awakened Tier
WW3 breaks out, Murrica wins, shortly after worldwide revolutions break out and humanity is united under an ironically anti-globalkike govt that carves this section of space out as a fledgeling empire despite outsiders

Aztec priests would skin teenage girls alive and dance in their skin. They would also drown children to the water god Tlaloc. user, we are the ayy's.

Alright let me address the scavenger fear for a second.
The fact the scavengers had to bring a whole flotilla of these ships says one of two things:
They really want to haul a lot of shit and have small ships
They know we can figure out some form of obvious weakness and sink ships even in our stage of development and are bringing extra ships as security or to intimidate more fully

So if they perchance come, we should try our damndest to discover what their ships run on, what conditions their ships break under. Maybe an emp or two? I doubt the ships would be protected in the same way the ayy larp guy describes ships protecting themselves (phase shift to avoid regular matter) since that would just mean their ships would be left behind by Earth or sink into Earth and for obvious reasons this is bad for them.
If such a doomsday scenario occurs, hopefully we have level headed people figuring out the best strategy to bring those ships down desu.
Also how to kill their ground personnel.

And thinking about it now, if their ground troops are metal and flesh then just shock them.
Melt them somehow maybe?
Thermite/napalm showers to superheat their metal bodies?

Even better if we pull this off without having to kill each other
We are the ayys. You are right both figuratively and literally. At least according to all the x related stuffs Ive read.
According to the lucid dreamer, it wasnt us who destroyed their ship. Some other ayys who felt pity for us. Yet, as far as I remember, he didnt really explicitly state whether it was one of us or other aliens. He implied it wasnt us because he believed no one of us can fight them and he for 72 years in his dream didnt see a single one of them dying. Meaning no one was able to fight them back in general. This is the most troubling one. For 72 years of survival, he witnessed NOT SINGLE ONE OF THEM killed. I say its over if these things actually happen. We should just remember firmly his advice to sleep underground and turn off all lights and electronic devices including vehicles and generators everything completely black when the sun sets. And if some of prior conditions of these happenings become reality, we better make plans to find middle of nowhere where we can sustain ourselves. Go to middle of nowhere sleep underground turn off everything at night.

Mi hermano mexicano, do you really think a perfectly logical and factual observation like yours will register with these alien-obsessed posters?

He doesnt necessarily mean they are actually metals. He is just trying to describe what they look like in his best descriptive language. One of the other thing he said was that they are one of the earliest intelligent beings. None in our solar system could defeat them. Or was it our planetary? I think he said our solar system.
Again, he saw not a single one of them being killed. Second
>only way to survive was to either run, which was practically useless since they are faster than any other humans. Many survived by baiting them with their own while escaping.
So... humans became so desperate that they sacrificed their own kids for their short term survival.
Might as well get solar powered supercar. Or a fucking solar powered bombproof submarine

I did note his post. That was also mentioned in the archive. So he really has done his research if he was a larper

I doubt they can't be killed. Otherwise they wouldn't need so many.
Sounds like in his visions he didn't come across anyone with the sufficient arms to disable the creatures.
Truly terrifying. The results of the general species pussification we are undergoing.

Where the fuck is the spacer



thanks but what do you mean by the spacer?

Fellow from the archived thread

this leaf is particularly cancerous