You have to read up. Your hatred has no rationale whatsoever, it never had any solid base

You have to read up. Your hatred has no rationale whatsoever, it never had any solid base.

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Sorry but today's Jews aren't descended from the ancient Israelite peoples or the Hebrews. You are chosen tho... for the oven.

yet they are still hated. explain that.

It has all the rationale in the world that (((they))) try to hide from us
also, goddamn they are ugly motherfuckers. just having to see a jew's face is cruel

Jews have been persecuted because they don't consider other folks to be human, and treat them like shit.

they were God's chosen until they severed the old covenant at the cross

They're hated because they unjustifiably attack everyone else.

>the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

quora, being full of very smart people, doesn't think the same... why is that. they say it is absolutely irrational. kek. come on goy. stop being so irrational.

Jews do not = Zionists

Zionism actually directly contradicts Judaism as a religion (see below)

People hate the scumbag zionists that control banking, media and government, forcing us into trillions in "defense" spending fighting wars with Israel's enemies.

Also, just reading a few specific Talmud quotes shows how they're raised to think of non-jews.

None of this makes people like them.

thank G-d you are rationalizing it better! Thank you good goy.

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Until they change their lying, deceitful ways, they will always be hated.

Stereotypes and hated are based on the actions of a significant portion of the population. Same reason niggers are hated for the crime they bring, same reason gypsies are hated for their thieving ways.

That isn't to say all of the jews are bad, but cherry picking a few that aren't and saying those are representative of the whole is flawed logic -- the irony of the jews literally trying to deceive the rest of us into believe they aren't lying piece of shit is very much a dirty lying jew thing to do.

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not sliding
just letting you know that so many smart people think your hatred is absolutely irrational. you disagree with them? why aren't you telling them then?

Fuck you.

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you are so stupid and blinded by your hatred you can't even see the real purpose of this post. the absolute state of Jow Forums. with people like you we are getting nowhere.

You tell em. Hitler is bad and everyone knowszit

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Jews have a religion that literally says they're the master race.

Why should I feel the least bit of guilt over my own ingroup preference?

ask quora, they will enlighten you

they must be some truly vile creatures

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>You have to read up. Your hatred has no rationale whatsoever, it never had any solid base.

There is a saying it goes,"Everyone can't be wrong".


your persecuted because you keep learning nothing from all the times you are persecuted. It shouldn't be about telling people to stop being antisemitic, you should stop MAKING people antisemitic.

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>cites jewish propaganda

they are edomites
the tribe of amalek to be specific
now that you understand that lets take a peek inside the book of Obadiah
Obadiah 1:2
Behold, I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised.

thats just a little taste if you want to frighten yourself and know exactly what's coming
read Obadiah
the whole book is about the coming white genocide
turns out its not a crazy theory
it's real and it's backed by God

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