"Beautiful day, isnt it user?"

>"Beautiful day, isnt it user?"

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>"BEAUTIFUL DAY TO FUCK MY ASS THAT IS. I mean hey, I dont like YOU and you dont like ME. But heres an idea! Shooting LOADS only? Just TRASH those GUNS and FUCK my BUNS! For EVERY one ROUND, my ASS is to POUND! For BUMP STOCKS you got, i'll JUMP your cock LOTS! And for HANDGUNS, well, YOU GET THE IDEA! BUT YOU GOT WHAT I WANT AND I GOT WHAT YOU NEED! SO JUST GET IT ALL OVER HERE, AND GET YOUR CUM ALL OVER ME!"

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gay people are useless

Faggots need to be culled.


Hey lets not jump to conclusions here

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Yes, Goblina. It's very nice out.

>"I am a gender confused bald gun grabbing lesbian"

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I thought that emma’s character in Annihilation was wasted. She should have raped the other female members of the group before running off after the bear.

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>someone actually made porn

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This greasy mudblood, bald dyke. Ick.

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I respond with nothing but a push kick directly to her face, slamming her skull against the wall. The proceeding volley of kicks, stomps, and punches to her unprotected face send her reeling into a seizure so severe she starts vomiting up blood, mucus, and pieces of her own shattered teeth and jaw. Then I pick her up off the floor and suplex her across the room, squeeze one of those tits, and then go about the rest of my day.

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She’s cute enough for a poke. She’s also an insufferably smug totalitarian left cunt.

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Sage goes in all fields

Why do alt left girls shave their heads? They look like Gollum.

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