14 mass shootings under Obama, yet no one held a walk for life or caused the mass hysteria now for gun control...

14 mass shootings under Obama, yet no one held a walk for life or caused the mass hysteria now for gun control....why didn't they do it then?

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They were afraid he was going to pull the next one

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Weird that they didn't go after people's guns when Obama was in office. I guess they were just busy with all the LGBT POZ they were pushing back then.

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Im gonna make you afraid when I pull out mine if you know what I mean.

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Because gun sales were already inflated by the scare that Obama was going to take their guns away. People don’t fear that with Trump, so they had to froth up a narrative about how the American voters were going to take your guns away.

Because Obama lead the country and calmed peoples fears

wasn't warm enough

At this point I probably wouldn't even care

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because it would hurt his public image

>why didn't they do it then?
Because when he said 'no' it would shatter their perceptions of him, and they were afraid of having their perceptions shattered. They need a bad guy in office to blame.

Because Obama isn't the neocon don.

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how did you get 14? and guess what, pass gun legislature is balls hard to do, even more so with a partisan Congress. Nothing is different by 2008 and 2018

>no mass hysteria for gun control

Post Sandy Hook was more tense than this.

Anyone who doesn't know why (((they))) didn't pull this crap then needs to lurk mor

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then why were there no crisis actors or marches for sandy hook?

the powers of a magical negro can not be understated


sandy hook was full of crisis actors...i think thats where I first started hearing the term

Why? Because Hussein is a globalist and the mass shootings were internal affairs. Pulling troops out of Iraq, invading Libya, bombing Yemen, deep into Syrian Rebel’s, finally weaponizing the 3 letter branches to take out Drumph in a coup-de-ta

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Because he's behind the walkout, dipshit

Sandy Hook was crawling with crisis actors and staged photo ops. That was the shooting that got people to notice that something was fishy., Consequently, it now casts suspicious on all other mass casualty shootings since then, and probably before. Shootings happen naturally all the time. Guns are an easy tool for the distressed or mentally ill to vent frustration by ventilating people. But it's the mass casualty ones with significant media coverage and spectacle that are the suspect ones.

Trump winning put the cabal in overdrive mode. The protests are not organic. All of this had been staged.

Because Trump rolled back regulations

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The “walk for life” had little to do with gun control. The chants and hippy bullshit being propagated was more of the same left wing, “not my president”, “impeach”, blah blah blah.
The left weren’t going to protest a leftist president; they were under the Obama “hope and change” spell.

The left and especially the media ran around with their hair on fire during the Bush years and hibernated during the Obama years and come back to life and scream 24/7 during Trump. It is just what the left does and the reason I ignore them.

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NRA is secretly behind all mass shootings. Follow the money

Because Parkland was a Jewish school shooting.

>It's anudda shoah

just like the russia collusion bullshit, it's been non-stop and he's got 7 more years left