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How do we get Chicanos to start voting Republican?
Bentley Brooks
Christian Edwards
You cant, they arent human
Oliver Foster
Same why the Democrats get whites to vote Democrat...
bury them.
Then vote their ballots.
Ryan Howard
show them how much liberals hate god, jesus and mary. Mexicans are all catholic, every single one of them
Aaron Hill
Why would you want them to?
Republicans are faggot Baby Boomers.
Jose Robinson
The Mexican religion is not Catholic. Some sort of satanic shit; every single one of them. They just LARP as catholic.
They whore, they kill, they worship the devil and do satanic things.
Austin Sanders
>Liberal city
Not a chance. So many minorities they will never vote Republican.
Colton Richardson
were they trying to remove illegals?
Jaxon Mitchell
Republican Party is the party of conservation, the conservation of the ideal person, family, community, and society of this country. Although Chicanos may believe in the word of God and reject degenerate social beliefs that are progressive, they subconsciously know that they don't belong in the ideal that this country was built on and conservatives are trying to conserve. To make Chicanos vote Republican, you must convince them that they are apart of this countries ideal. That means no more white Americana.
Daniel Jenkins
You can't, so send them all back.
Lincoln White
Or you can convince them that they are white and make them hate niggers and orientals. It's the choice of the conservatives since Hispanics were white before 1965.
Nolan Rogers
Simple. Don't be racist.
Anthony Diaz
the reason why no minorities will ever be republican is because they're a white supremacy party and nobody is trying to be a slave to white trashers
James Cooper
You don’t.
Northern Mexicans maybe. Dark mestizo goblins will always vote for more gibs because they’re literally subhumans. Different races have different ways of thinking about community/government. Demographics are destiny.
Carter Howard
This is unironically correct. Just convince these spics that they're white and accepted and they will start voting Republican.
Wyatt Williams
why do people argue with police like this, what do they think they will accomplish? fucking retards
Isaiah Bailey
You are going to have to give in on the citizen thing. Fully embrace the open border idea. If you do that they will flip, after you of course show you are sincere.
Joshua Smith
i already vote republican
Kayden Mitchell
Demographics are not destiny, definitions and ideals are. This country wasn't founded by white men, it was founded by european men. Whiteness, although used as a description, was a backseat identity compared to religion and ethnicity in this country before the end of WWII. White identity is a globalist ploy to federalize the nation and import the third world.
Joshua Torres
The family is accused of kidnapping kids
Gavin Brown
Feeling disrespected by another man and protecting the women of your family is still important to some cultures believe it or not.
Chase Rogers
Quit trying to deport them
Thomas Peterson
Turn them against the niggers. Use the shit in the media now. Most of the niggers keep saying that goblin trying to take away guns isn't a person of color or how Zimmerman was white. But they'll use Mexicans as people of color when it benefits them. Put it in their head that once the whites are gone, the niggers will take them out. Use this to get rid of the niggers. Lesser of 2 evils.
Brandon Russell
that's not whats going on here, you wannabe "alpha" moron
William Gomez
This is such a flawed perspective. How do we get them to vote republican? By making it not the republican party anymore. Once you make it the demorat party then they will vote for it. They arent white in genral, so they dont give a fuck about conservative white values. And why would they? It does not serve their interests.
Bentley Lopez
How did they convince Indians? Indians seem to vote Republican. Anecdotally knew this Indian girl in college whose dad was president of their local Republican party. Also Haley, Jindal, and Kashikari are 3 prominent pajeet republicans
Eli Morgan
I'm not being alpha. I'm just saying that some people around the world still have the need for physical confrontation and don't think about the consequences. The Great Wars probably killed off any of these genes left in western men.
Gavin Martinez
They don't.
Dominic Morgan
they're way too retarded for that. We would have to become the welfare party for that to happen and if it did what would be the point
Anthony Evans
Destroy white identity and people will vote against the federalization of the government.
Owen Thompson
actually, most of them are. They just stay quiet. I want the merit based (tax paying, non-felon) immigration system. Kick out all the lawbreakers, keep the hard working law abiding future Americans.
Gavin Turner
while that may be true, they still love Mary, they will do any nuber of bad things, but get almost Islamofascist angry if you say anything bad about her.
Carter Murphy
Let me see...
- Focus on christian values
- Make it clear niggers are worse
- Hell, make it clear all the problems with the spic communities is them wanting to act like niggers
- Act directly with hispanic governments in order for spics to easily and cheaply come and go from their countries and the US
- Use such government relations to make deportations look more fair in the eyes of the spics, who get bombarded with bullshit from the media that makes deportations look unfair
- When spics are filthy degenerate criminals, make the way they've been filthy degenerate criminals as clear, obvious and loud as possible. Spics tend to have tribal and victim mentalities, so incarcerations and deportations of their people tend to appear unfair in their eyes
Something along those lines.
>nothing relevant in jewgle
Juan Fisher
you realize the average mexican iq is 85 right pedro? Not only were the people who founded the country white, they were intelligent. Mexicans are not.
Matthew White
We don't, we remove them as a voting bloc.
Oliver Ramirez
>> How do we get Chicanos to start voting Republican?
I think a lot of them did vote for Trump because of Hillary's connection with black magic Juju (spirit cooking, occultism, anti-Christianism at their conventions, etc)
Cooper Lewis
stop being racist?
Eli Lee
t Cuban.
>also fuck santaria niggers
Brayden Stewart
Problem is, while most immigrant spics tend to be tax-paying, non-felon, outstanding citizens (though not republican by and large, just either democrat or apolitical), their kids tend to be affected by the marxist agenda and turn as rotten as the illegal immigrants that were also criminals back home.
Carter Scott
They and other variations of nigger vote democrat because they get free shit along with all the love propaganda, the only way I see it happening is by making them not want the gibs, this would require actually good education and cultural revolution, it's easier to send them back to México.
Charles Sullivan
I don't think you know what you're talking about, but whatever.
Noah Cox
Voting is a meme. The only vote that counts is putting your sword arm behind a strong autocrat.
Joseph Young
>The Great Wars probably killed off any of these genes left in western men.
Surprised they weren't shot. Cops took way too long to take control of the situation.
Lincoln Hall
>The Mexican religion is not Catholic
I don't know enough about Mexicans, but I know they have made up saints, the most satanic one being saint death. Any spic anons want to confirm why you guys made saint death? And who worships it, because surely this is not catholic at all.
Austin Moore
E. Michael Jones does a good job explaining how the globalists used white identity to destroy the scattered ethnic communities that pushed for states rights and not federal rights. White idenity is a trick and it was created post WWII with cheap suburb homes, home loans from Jewish and WASP banks, and a FBI funded KKK that pushed blacks from crop farms in the south to major cities and create white flight. The baby boomers were patient zero in this globalist and materialist experimentation to allow the US and it's owners to compete against the USSR and it's allies.
Bentley Hill
tl;dr: it's indio shit.
Nolan Harris
this. different races have different interests inherently. the minority in the nation always has an interest to supplant the majority.
Logan Green
We call those that worship death and call themselves narcos "chuntaros".
Adam Reed
Look up voting records of Asians in this past election.
Charles Kelly
Latin Americans are naturally Statists. Good luck with that. And they won't think otherwise unless someone forces them to (e.g. Pinochet)
Good luck with that in a democratic era.
Chase Bell
If only there was a special amendmen to get rid of them.
Benjamin Diaz
Don't Cubans worship some nigger that fixes cars or some shit?
Jeremiah Thomas
Hispanics would not have been statists if the Spanish Kingdom wasn't taken over by Napoleon and the land owners took over the colonies. They're scared of private owners taking advantage of them and want to the biggest son of a bitch, the government, to protect them. Some of the most retarded people I have ever met desu.
Hunter Robinson
No white identity, white culture and achievement is something spics do not posses and most minorities will never be able to hold or maintain. There is a reason we can send billions of dollars in aid to low iq shithole african, middle eastern and southern american shitholes and they remain shitholes. It's because of the inhabitants. The cities flooded by these people will never mirror a white city in achievement.
Tyler Collins
Not going to happen nigger. Now come up with a better solution.
Kayden James
Did you not read anything that I posted. Stop with white identity bullshit, it's flawed and retarded. Understand that it's a ploy to destroy this nation and every other western nation. Whenever I see Generation Identity, I feel fucking sick.
John Miller
that dilutes your own club though. you're shooting yourself in the foot. pretty much the only choice is to continue outcompeting white trashlets economically, sexually, and politically like we've been doing
Ian Nguyen
I don't give a fuck if you feel sick you pussy. Low iq shitskins will never integrate or maintain any semblance of the civilized society Europeans created. Eastern asians can and have their own civilization. SPICS AND NIGGERS CANT THEY COME TO THIS COUNTRY AND DO SPIC AND NIGGER SHIT
Jaxson Richardson
mexicans are catholics but they put a lot of indian bullshit into their religion so their kind of catholicism is just as mixed as themselves
Jose Lee
>civilized society
there is barely anything good about this society
Cameron Lewis
Chase Kelly
by being openly anti black
Samuel Butler
of course, you can take the tortilla out of the comal but you can never take the comal out of the tortilla
Connor Morales
based anime expo in LA. nothing beats a 3rd generation latina who grew up watcing anime and loves KBBQ
Henry Gray
The Catholic master-slave morality is strong in these people. You should set up your mind as if you were dealing with medieval peasants to understand them. They're always the victims, and someone else has the fault and has to pay for it, if it isn't the Bourgeois, then it's the clergy, the colonial powers or the businessmen. Boogeymanship at its finest.
Lamentably they were an easy target for the infiltrated marxist doctrine last century and the virulence's remnants are visible in your nation, in the form of Emma Gonzalez, the spokeswoman (or whatever that bald thing is) of latino Statism.
Chase Jones
stop posting my weeb waifu.
Christopher Miller
I think it is possible. I call it the California strategy. There is a growing working middle class in California and the trick is to target them. Ideally you would reduce the number of hispanics on welfare, but that might not be possible. California would have to go bankrupt and making California bankrupt is probably immoral.
The trick to getting more hispanics to vote Republican is to make the Republican party more Trumpian than Trump. You basically run on the same platform that FN runs on in France. You are pro labor, very pro labor, even pro union. You are pro family. You are anti abortion. Basically, you run to the left on worker's rights, not welfare, and run hard right on everything else.
This could win state office because suddenly you are targeting much more of the hispanic population with things they actually care about. You keep white voters by being conservative on everything else. Also, there are a large number of working class whites who would prefer a party like this anyways as it is in their economic interest.
tl;dr: run left on labor issues and hard right on everything else and you should capture a big chunk of the hispanic working class and perhaps even increase turnout in the white working class
Hunter Gomez
I see you know them very well. Very good insight.
Luis Gray
I don't think you can get a large majority of the hispanic vote, but you can get a lot more of it. You can't be corporate whores and race bait though. The truth is that most working class, english speaking hispanics hate the Democrats but vote for them anyways because of labor issues and "feeling wanted/accepted" .
Gabriel Jones
You have been corrupted by the globalists. E. Michael Jones does a very good job explaining the idiocy behind forcing new identities onto to people. White identity is fucking retarded, stick to your people and your ethnic culture.
Connor Carter
>How did they convince Indians?
Oh. That kind.
Poo-poo not Woo-woo.
You need to go back. Fuck off, we’re full.
Asher Anderson
anime will unite the races
Charles Cox
Lincoln Cooper
Economic left and right are distorted nowadays. I think that Trump's promotion of mild economic nationalism was a good start. The truth is that the Democratic party are just as big of corporate whores as the Republicans. They do little to nothing for the working class. The only labor they care about is either illegal or members of massive unions (usually Gov unions too). Inequality has steadily increased under Democratic rule in California.
Liberals care about single mothers who are drug addicts. They really don't give a shit about Jose the brick layer who wants to save for his retirement.
Wyatt Hall
This is an interesting proposition. Romanticism is what pushes people towards right wing politics the easiest and Anime is just modern day romanticism. Is this why Jow Forums is so powerful?
Caleb Clark
I didn't mean to reply to you.
Jeremiah Allen
>you realize the average mexican iq is 85 right pedro? Not only were the people who founded the country white, they were intelligent. Mexicans are not.
mexico is the poland of the americas? spics get offended when you confuse them for being either mexican or puerto rican
Ryder Roberts
La Goblina landwhale in 3, 2, 1...
Austin Bailey
What's do you propose we do then?
Jordan Murphy
chick in op pic got RICED. She is one of those girls that think they're asian.
Wyatt Wright
How do I smash qt sluts?
Hunter Rodriguez
im already gonna do it because no ones gonna take my guns.
Sorry uncle Rodrigo.
Parker Ward
unironically mariachi music is polka and music groups such as morressey and iron maiden are worshiped like gods, nothing more anglo than those two groups
Thomas Ross
by deporting them to mexico
Jacob Bennett
Who is she? Please share insta or name or something.
Nolan Murphy
At least she's still a virgin afterward.
Henry Anderson
We worship a catholic saint lol (and christ)
Sebastian Reyes
Mexicans really hate blacks.
Blacks tend to vote mostly Democrat.
Owen Anderson
Nolan Hill
>White identity is a globalist ploy to federalize the nation and import the third world.
What the fuck are you talking about? White nationalists want to deport the third world.
>stick to your people and your ethnic culture.
And this practically means you should do what?
Luis Anderson
we don't we deport their sorry asses
>but they were born here, they are citizens
Parker Kelly
That doesn't pan out in reality. They might not vote Democrat in as huge a margin as blacks do but the margin is big enough that it's irrelevant. That margin is growing too since all of those based anti commie Cubans have run dry.
Jordan Watson
Josiah Parker
Asher Torres
Chicanos are scum
Daniel Diaz
she's kinda cute
how much is she for sale for?
Jordan Watson
that picture is of Salvadorians , jesus
Jace Stewart
Hahahahaha these motherfuckers are so fucking stupid. They deserved to get shot. Too bad the cops had an extreme amount of patience that day.
Ryder Smith
>music groups
>steven patrick morrissey