>The left cant Me...

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Other urls found in this thread: Thessalonians 3:10&version=KJV

>the Left see the state as being literally God
well that actually explains a lot

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>defends socialism with a guy who can create unlimited resources out of thin air forever

well yeah no shit

But we ARE dependents on Christ's salvation and grace; so it does create dependence. Leave it to the left to pretend to be Jesus, though.


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The greedy buggers did come back a second time.

They weren't hungry because they were poor they were hungry because they had been there all day.

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thats actually funny

The miracle that he performed is that he got the people to stop being degenerate fuckwits, and to quit looking for a free meal. Lets call this the first stone soup party.

To be fair after the miracle of the fish and loaves he chastised the crowd for following him just for the free handouts and not the message. So he's not into unlimited giveaways, just addressing real needs.


Mormon Jesus there will never not bother me.

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>And they did it, the absolute madlads
>Kek, they at least deserve something for that

Republicans are hypocrites. If only i could see their faces when they die and Jesus tells them that they're going to hell.

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The Jews killed Christ and deserved being enslaved and massacred.

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Thes 3:10

Have a nice day

>Jesus helped people on his own accord without government assistance
>This means we need big gov to take our guns and tax us at 50% like Europeans

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6 But we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according to the tradition which he[a] received from us. 7 For you yourselves know how you ought to follow us, for we were not disorderly among you; 8 nor did we eat anyone’s bread free of charge, but worked with labor and toil night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you, 9 not because we do not have authority, but to make ourselves an example of how you should follow us.

10 For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. 11 For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies. 12 Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread.

13 But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good. 14 And if anyone does not obey our word in this epistle, note that person and do not keep company with him, that he may be ashamed. 15 Yet do not count him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

Kind of crazy that liberals donate the least, and christians run the most charities. Jesus also said to not steal from other's success. Jesus said feed the poor because you want to, not "Get a centralized government to take from others to give to the poor".

>The Romans killed Christ

>Been to EU before shitskin invasion
>Meet the people
>Goto America
>Meet the people
its pretty clear cut which is the better people and nations. America literally is a divided country which pushes its shit everywhere.

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So they are openly admitting they see the government as their God


No one is pretending the Republican platform is a perfect representation of Christian doctrine [you'll notice that many of us here are NOT ideological Replublicans], but you're only making an ass out of yourself by pretending he was a socialist.

The fact of the matter is that Christianity teaches charity and compassion, not state programs, open borders, and unconditional handouts.

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Separation of church and state
Our religious ideals have no place in the govenment

Except an uncorrupted central government could early solve the needs of the poor more effectively than charities. If gladly pay higher taxes if we had a more progressive government.
Also, where are you getting that stats about conservative donations?

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The Jews told the Romans that Jesus was an enemy of the state so the Romans killed Jesus

fact. crucifixion was a roman form of execution, and reserved for serious crimes like sedition. Jesus wouldn't have been the first Jewish rabble rouser they put down, and an incident at the temple as we have in the gospels would be plenty for rome to execute him for sedition, especially during a tense and busy time like passover.

Moreover the Pilate narrative is fiction. Barabbas literally means "son of the father", he's a literary character set up against the "true" son of the father, Jesus. Or did you think vicious Roman governors (see Philo, Josephus) actually honored Jewish holidays by releasing prisoners of the state?

We can feed people without staring down the guns of your big daddy government you dependent and useless pansy.

In fact my church has a food program that is significantly better than anything the government has to offer, but what the heck do you know you pathetic pole smoker.

Some of these could actually be decent if you didn't have to read an essay to get to the point.

The Bible teaches literally ever political position. Dishonest Christians use this to manipulate others because their religion says so.

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>Pre shitskin invasion
I'm sure America was a much better place before the 1965 immigration bill...

You leftist on Jow Forums projecting leftist agenda on who you think are GOP Christians. You will want to push that shit over at Jow ForumsT_D and /ptg/. Christcucks and their Abrahamic religion brethren the Jews and Muslims should be eradicated.

I want all Jews, Muslims, and Christians removed from the planet but Leftist atheist will be the first to go. You will find anti-Christian rhetoric to not be a viable plan of attack on Jow Forums.

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Pretty sure he didn't feed them for life and they were literally all his people.

>Christians are dishonest because they don't think it's the governments responsibility to force everyone to live by the bible.
You are perhaps the most retarded poster I've seen in a while. Churches run their own food programs and charities. That isn't dishonest, that is being a Christian.

He fed them once, as opposed to everyday for the rest of their lives for not working.

For some reason shitlibs don't seem to understand that demanding people who are able to work to work is itself an expression of charity.

Literally all the verses you linked teach the same thing. Voluntary charity.

Well it is the governments responsibility to comport itself with Christian doctrine. As is every other human and by extension human institution.

However things like private property and work are extensions of the Christian ethic.

Wrong again. Jewish deicide

The Jews murder of Christ have cursed them to be hunted down for the remainder of their existence on this planet.

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Genesis 3:19:
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

75 Years after Christ was crucified, the Jewish temple was destroyed and the Jews where plagued upon Europe. It's not a coincidence goys

If you're going to give voluntarily anyways, what difference does it make. Only greedy sinners would complain.
Besides, voluntary donations to churches are cute but they don't solve problems. An issue like poverty and hunger won't be solved by churches or unregulated capitalism. It requires a group of elected and trusted individuals to effectively carry out the will of the people, and subsidize new technologies and methods. Thus using the markets to care a sustainable future.

>uncorrupted central government
and you unironically think people that believe in Jesus are nuts

Poverty is universal to all human societies, because it is a relative term.

"Hunger", as it exists today, is not the result of a lack of alms but mainly the result of a lack of work. Because "Hunger" exists in third world nations, where people live their lives utterly dependent on western charity, and have no work because there is no rule of law.


>charity from churches doesn't solve anything, that's why we need more gibs from the government
I stand by what I said in my previous post.

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But there's people in this country working three jobs and still rely on food stamps. Many of who are Trump supporters. When will this "poor people are lazy" meme end?

>Muh all government is bad

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i din't say that. any time people find themselves in a position in which they can not be held to account, they will become corrupted. Human nature does not change.

and by definition there is always such a person or group of people because somebody, ultimately, has to call the shots; and so we can expect all human societies to be dictated by corruption, and looking at history that is exactly what we see

Hunger simple isn't a problem in 1st world countries, if that's where you getting at.

I'm not opposed to giving benefits to the poor, even through state action, as this is still a form of charity, but sloth must be not subsidized. And that's a real phenomena in Western Countries right now, so this needs to be taken into account when implementing such things.

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ah yes no wickedness at all in this conflation

>For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. Thessalonians 3:10&version=KJV

it is all bad, all terrible

all you need for civilization, civilization itself being these 3: is prohibition of theft, fraud, and assault

anything beyond that is government, which is some degree of force without necessity/cause

I only opened this thread to post this, and you've already said it. He explicitly made an example of how worthless it is to pursue earthly gibs, and made the crowd look like greedy fools in his explanation that they should seek salvation in the Lord rather than material wealth and handouts.

>the left think that welfare money is literally created out of thin air by a miracle
Would explain a lot, to be honest.

I would be happy to pay taxes to a christian government

It would help if you understood Christianity.

As would I.

>If you're going to give voluntarily anyways, what difference does it make.
Because Our government now is satanic and the point of our welfare state is to encourage degeneracy and create inflation so kikes keep giving out bad loans

>forgot the next line about teaching to fish

>"christian" government
>"christian" taxes

God gave a mandate to the institution of the state. As St.Paul makes clear.

he told only to abide by whatever is righteous of any given state

participation was never commanded

>It requires a group of elected and trusted individuals to effectively carry out the will of the people, and subsidize new technologies and methods
how quaint

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"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's"

nice try chump

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did you not read the post you linked to?
do you now know what abide means?
yeah, they totally have nothing to do with government, no sireee

Its pretty telling that they think their big government boondoggle is the equivalent to Christ feeding the poor.

thats why cryptocurrency was invented
ceaser didnt have any hand in that

besides, what object in existence does not belong to the almighty?

Jesus says this in reference to paying taxes, clearly he thinks paying taxes are legitimate to some extent.

>Implying Jesus didn't want people to be dependent on him.

Is this a joke?
>a man that does not work, should not eat.


nice reading comprehension
one can assume/imagine and manufacturer an endorsement of taxes if you wish

but it says no such thing
it says only to give to a person what belongs to them

any "government" demanding money does not mean that any money belongs to them

try to activate your critical thinking faculties regarding such things, and never assume extra meaning when there is none, especially regarding the word

Jesus said it isn't a divine duty to pay your taxes but you should lest you not give offence.

I lost. THe bibble would be funnier if it had more things like that.

Too bad all the fun stayed in the old testament.

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Too busy ignoring Bill Clinton are we?

>worrying about offending this world

Christ's entire message was to separate onesself from this world at every opportunity

your every action (if righteous) should make this world, all secular people, despise you

that is, if you indeed follow Christ and act as he would have you act

Clearly you're having a hard time not imposing your lolberg priors on the gospel.

The Jews asked Jesus a question about paying taxes, Jesus asked for a coin, and the Jews gave it to him, and he then asked them who's face was on it, and they told him Caesar. He then replies render unto Caesar what is Caesars but unto God what is God's.

He unambiguously teaches that Caesar is due his taxes.


I remember vaguely listening to this radio show and this caller, who was on welfare (of course) thought that the government could just make money and the average taxpayer was exploiting illegals somehow, and the host is like "lady, I am working, and my taxes are paying for your lifestyle" and she just couldn't get it and she kept saying the government could give out more welfare if the republicans were gone,

Christians have an obligation to be good citizens, insofar as this does not involve committing any sins.

>Clearly you're having a hard time not imposing your lolberg priors on the gospel.

the words are clear

"give to caeser what belongs to him"

it says nothing more than that
you dont like that fact, so ascribe extra meaning; whatever you wish, to it

final chapter of the bible warns against adding to scripture

> He then replies render unto Caesar what is Caesars but unto God what is God's.

is this not clear?
he says give to each whatever belongs to them
he said nothing of taxes

>He unambiguously teaches that Caesar is due his taxes.

no, again, he said caesar is due what belongs to him, never that he is due anything else, least of all taxes

for someone to belong to caesar he would have to have some legitimate claim to it, not a demand, which is what taxes are

you really arent using your sense
re-read what i posted here:
until it sinks in

p.s. i think im wasting my time here as basic reading comprehension seems to be an issue here

you assume non-extant meaning and implications and words that arent there

I dont think i can help you

Christ said:
"give to each what belongs to them"
nothing more, nothing less

caesar, or any person/group that merely demands money does not cause that money to belong to them

this is not complicated

Your taking it out of context to justify your lolberg priors, Jesus asks them whose face is on the coin in response to a question about paying taxes to Rome, and they reply Caesar. Jesus then goes on to tell them to render unto Caesar what is his. The implication being that giving Caesar what belongs to him includes taxes.

>Your taking it out of context to justify your lolberg priors,

the context is cleaer; it does change Christ's words

>Jesus asks them whose face is on the coin in response to a question about paying taxes to Rome, and they reply Caesar.

the scripture hasnt changed, you keep paraphrasing as though it has

>. Jesus then goes on to tell them to render unto Caesar what is his.

you quote it but cant even read it?

>The implication being that giving Caesar what belongs to him includes taxes.

there is no implication
for the 5th or 6th time:
"give to each person what belongs to them"

but you wish to alter it to
"yes paying taxes is righteous"

a person/group demanding money outside of any agreement does not make that money their's

i dont think you are going to be getting this any time soon

i cannot make these any simpler without losing critical, essential meaning; if these arent enough for you then you have a personal problem of language comprehension no one can help you with except you:

>there is no implication, for the 5th or 6th time:, "give to each person what belongs to them"

There is no implication here because it's taken out of context, so that you can insert your lolberg priors.

Leftists want to steal from the rich to hand over free shit to the poor, but they also want the poor to remain in that condition forever, so they always depend on the State. Jesus did much more than to just give food or shelter to the poor.

>There is no implication here because it's taken out of context,

we covered the context
Christ choose every word of His life with intentional, perfect meaning

> so that you can insert your lolberg priors.
>"lol i posted it again"

He was well aware of the context
Christ said nothing of taxes