Sam Hyde destroys liberal activism forever

Sam Hyde has finally figured out how to defeat liberal activism.

Don't actually address anything they're saying. Just call them ugly/stupid and embarrass them on their aesthetics, because that's all they care about anyways.

Has this method ever been tried before? He actually makes the woman apologize for being ugly.

Here's the video

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Other urls found in this thread:

yes it is right out of Saul Alinsky's playbook

That fucking site still have no volume slider

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Holy shit that was funny. I've been thinking along these lines too. We shouldn't debunk the points retards like Hogg make since these sorts of people will not listen anyway. We should just continue with how vile they look, more memes like the goblin ripping the constitution.

Why do you think they get so mad when we photoshop Buzz Bitch and Zogg?

"i probably didnt brush this morning im sorry"

Holy fuck........he's right. Holy fucking shit. Just treat em like the shit losers they are and destroy their actual visual presence. hollllleeeeeee shieet.

>hey goy- er, guys
>what if we stopped making leftists look like thoughtless ignorant drones and instead just call them fat and ugly?
>we could bring the redpill to mankind.

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>it's a circlejerk over Sam Hyde's shitty new video episode

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This is really funny. Why is he not on tv?

Because the truth is offensive. Maybe people like her can learn that they are not okay. Clean her room like a kek boy. Please send love to Jordan Peterson. He wants to help these atrocities too.

Sam Hyde is our secret weapon.

Ya, because he's so handsome.

Holly Fuck, he bought the jacket Sam Hyde baller as balls

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I mean, that's how Trump won right?

He didn't even debate. He just called everyone ugly/short/low energy/sweaty/and said they should go to jail.

Didn't really bother having a serious debate

He had a tv show on adult swim but the kike that runs the channel canceled it in the middle of the first season for no reason. Shame too, shit was hilarious.

he humiliated this stupid bitch there. I was there when it happened, it was great

he bullied britt?

she's a good girl though...

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It only works if they have low self esteem you dumb asses otherwise it will be only funny to you and make you look like a moron who can't argue a point

But all liberals have low self esteem so why wouldn't this work

thanks for the antics sam

Stop shilling this e-celeb turd. You realize he's a massive reddit fag that just want to sell you his shitty merch right?

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>these desperate memes
>about the guy that tried to red pill the world with Jews Rule!
Shills never learn

Are you serious? He doesn't redpill, he dog whistles. Even trash-tier e-celebs like JF do more red-pilling than a faggot like Sam.

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Seriously, people just go for whoever they think is fucking cool. Obama won because McCain and Romney were 0% cool, getting ridiculed and not being able to defend yourself is instant uncool, while bullying people with top tier verbal bantz endears a great deal of respect on to you

Let me guess you think Pewdiepie just "dog whistles" huh?

I'm gonna let you in on something, nobody in the normie world (and I mean no one) has even heard of JF or any of the actual debaters that guys like you like

The reason is because they need a debate platform and they will never be given that EVER in front of real normies.

But Sam was trying to subvert ADULT SWIM which has an enormous cultural spread to normies. This would have been great just as Pewds subverting YouTube has been great. Sadly, Tim Heidecker stopped that

It was a total cringe cult of personality when he showed up. If I was there I would have made it a point not to see him, they acted like teenage groupies.

>implying they were not teenage groupies

Loved the show. Fuck adult swim for censoring the openings and changing from JEWS RULE! to JEWS ROCK!

Funny ass book too.


he cant keep getting away with it!

>reddit spacing
Fuck off and go back

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we're far past civil discourse. Everyone here knows it. Sam knows it. The left knows it

The right keeps on losing time and time again because the cucks still haven't gotten the memo

>the butthurt hyde hater on 24/7 sam patrol

Nah Tim Heidecker, the lesser funny one of Tim and Eric show partly controls the creative direction of Adult Swim and is a salty far leftist that's jealous of his former counterpart.
Eric is off slaying pussy and Tim is stuck ugly bitch that kills the very essence of a man and he takes that anger into work. Instead of a normal person who has coworkers with different beliefs and just ignores them, he creates living hell for them.

In all my 8 years, I've never heard anyone get to upset by a vertical indent.

heh, checkmate kiddo, nothing personnel

Yes that shit actually works user all who frequently do it are living God's are aren't you doing the same/Pol

So the Unibomber says, and so it is written. Oversocialization is their curse

yeah I was thinking maybe its just a video of him by traffic trying to blow my speakers out and actually the joke is on me before I saw the lady

You guys didn't know? Ask liberals why they they hate trump and they can't give you a real answer.

Coz he's racist, sexist, unprofessional, dumb etc? What the fuck are these? They are all just image based insults. And trump is ironically very good hitting back with them which pisses them off even more.

The thing that always gets me is all of these irony bois were inspired by FYAD more than anything. They are slightly more sophisticated Joe Rogans aping internet content back at everyone

bully nationalism
seems effective t b h

Jow Forums is the only good thing to ever come from SA

sam hyde's a funny guy, but his videos are hard to watch. I always feel bad for the people he's shitting on, even if they're retards and they deserve it.

lmao this image so truuuu
sam should stick with filming tranny porn, he's got experience with that

I was about to ask if it was that AI Anarchy jacket I’ve seen passed around here a few times lol

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Holy shit have the shills finally beaten Peterson to death and started going after Sammy? This OC is so fresh and cookie-cutter.

Which entity is actually behind this? Surely not antifa?

>literally jordan petersons them


love it


E-celebs in general are a cancer here. Sam included. If he wasn't trying to make a buck off us it'd be a different story. The only e-celeb/personality remotely worth supporting is Ryan Dawson

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Newfag. This is what we've been doing for years until all you fuckers showed up in 2016.

Seriously, if its a soyboy, just tell him to come out of the closet in a supportive way. The soyboy/cuck/beta male thing is really REALLY getting under their skin.

can i get a qrd, who is sam hyde

Terrorist mastermind.

So it is written.
Checked for assurance

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E-celeb trash trying to build a career on our backs.

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Of course they have low self-esteem. That's why they want everyone to conform and be like them.

11 time mass shooter, wanted in 7 states and seems to keep getting away with it.

absolutely. It drives them crazy. Actually debating leftists on the merits of ideas never works.

Liberals argue as if their idea is a club and they're trying to beat you over the head with it until you agree. there's no point in actual reasoned, meritorious based debate. so, simply call them fat, ugly, short, etc. and enjoy watching them meltdown in an insecurity filled rage

I think you're a commie shill because only someone who hates making money would be stupid enough to criticize someone for participating in two-sidedly voluntary economic transactions like this.

>I always feel bad for the people he's shitting on, even if they're retards and they deserve it.

that's just the remaining cuckery leaving your body, the faux-empathy programmed into you by the kikes

we all need to be like sam and maybe a little worse

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Thats why people like Chad and dont like Virgin in school

Here is a video of Sam Hyde getting interviewed by Buzzfeed.

He had a weird show on adult swim. Like a sketch comedy show where they did weird stuff.

Here is his best standup act in my opinion

>you can't even control your weight and you think you can control guns

oh damn Peterson confirmed not Peterstein

sometimes he makes good points

kill yourself faggot

this post glows in the dark. is this a new feature on Jow Forums?

he's relatively normal looking compared to the purple haired, giant loops in the earlobe looking freaks you see on college campuses

So I guess you must take offense at Sam making fun of people buying and making comedy poking fun at vapid consumers
Go back

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>he hasn't taken the hydepill yet

holy shit you are in for a treat friend. I remember the first time I took the hydepill. I watched like 100+ hours of his videos over the course of a few weeks and regularly cried from laughter

separating ideas via paragraphs is not "reddit spacing," you fucking basement neckbeard

>reddit: the post
end your faggot life

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Nice reddit space you put in there. You do know Sam is a giant reddit fag himself right? He manages his own subs and has hundreds of posts there with years of activity under his belt. Maybe you should join him there.

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You seem highly confused. Reread. Also why are you posting so many images?

me on the right

shh don't tell him

I bet you have some shitty job where writing isn't a required skill.

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No Moms or gay rant in Brooklyn. Come on user.

Beena big fan of calling out their aesthetics. We should all do this. Its what actually hurts. They know it amd it hurts. Its why they hate good lookimg white people. They will never ever be them

where did this nigger go. is he even on kiketube or anything anymore?

You feel bad because you're soft and you've never had to face real conflict in life because you are a pussy and you avoid tough situations

hi sam

>not posting the best thing he's ever made
Shameful user

"Nothing is ever refuted, it gets laughed out of existence."

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Great!!! shill thread~~~~

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He's got a point. Its what the left has done to conservatives over the last two-three decades. Don't attack the argument, attack the person and destroy his credibility/livelihood/career etc.

Does anyone have the video where it's setup like a conspiracy reveal, but it never reveals the conspiracy theory?

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Chad Nationalism

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checked. Who is Rhianna?

The mad man

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Oh I had a sociopath lady tell me the same thing, just tell them they are ugly lolololol. Narcissists need to die, though.

SASS was good


lmao God damn it

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This guy did a mural of Sam Hyde

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