Memes aside boys what are your honest opinions on Adolf Hitler?

I know people here love to be edgy and contrarians at times but what are your genuine opinions on Adolf Hitler?

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A great man. A hero. He was right.

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Great man. Hero of the white race. Wotan in the flesh.

fuck off cia

He dindu nuffin, he a good boy.

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Your a fag

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a hero

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Only burgermutts praise him
He had plans to genocide 1/3 of the white population
He thought Japanese people were whiter than Poles

Hero and the only politician I ever heard about that really cared about his people, also extremely bad strategist.

Well, they tell a lot of lies about him.
If they have to lie about you to make you look bad, there is something they don't want you to know, isn't there?
Like National Socialism isn't racist at all. It's pure "leave us the fuck alone"-ism.

Joined the NAT SOC movement as a SPY INFILTRATOR...

>only politician I ever heard about that really cared about his people

Jimmy Carter was like this

he made a lot of tactically retarded decisions but he was clearly charismatic and a political genius with his heart in the right place.
>thinking britain would parley
>not just smashing them against the channel
jesus fuck dont even get me started on russia.

>It's pure "leave us the fuck alone"-ism.

But imperialism is a central part of NatSoc

And to give him some credit, pretty much all his plans in France at the start of the War went prefectly

No, only sausages are from Genoa.

well you are fag.

Jew enabler. He tried to be a bigger jew than the jews, lost, and fucked the west in the process. Fuck him.

and you're rude




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He should have gotta the Americans FURIOus and trusted in the shitty Italian GIUNTA

ach bernd

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I don't think your mother would approve of such language user


Kek does.

he said da mean word

an idealogue that could have had it all if he listened to his General’s.

watch it chrissy

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Watch it fagboy!

Oh fuck it's that zip Jow Forumsio!

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Adolf Hitler did some things right.

You fucking skeefoozah!

It's like I'm browsing /tv/.

Adolf was redpilled. The problem is he fought International Jews (which also funded his rise) the wrong way. Demonizing regular Jews is always destined to fail, which is what Zog banks on. Zionist Zog fueled the tensions for war, knowing they would be the ones in a position to rebuild Europe once their proxies brought it to its knees. Adolf never had more than a 1% chance with how he played it.

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Ignore shill threads. All Jews are parasites and they must be exterminated

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He was a great speaker.

Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans

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My Struggle Speech

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he was a failure
his ideals will live on and the next fuher will engulf the world in his vision


Literally a demon in human form who murdered millions. He now burns in Hell forever.

his nose grows larger in every damn picture, i swear!

Yea but he has that classic Italian nose, not a beak

> Anonymous (ID: jr2scH+H) 03/29/18(Thu)21:34:33 No.165899349▶
>File: 34.jpg (47 KB, 467x613)
> (OP)
>a hero
> Anonymous (ID: zyRHCwZo) 03/29/18(Thu)21:35:33 No.165899443▶
>File: kke.jpg (727 KB, 1279x718)
i just finished watching it all the way through for the second time. some of the best television ever .

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Fucking asshole. Glad he killed himself in a dirty hole.

I agree it's the most quotable show ever. Sticks with you much longer than most shows as well. But holy shit dude what is going on with that comment?

idk i think i accidently copied some shit lolo0lol i thought the same thing

He was wrong to start the war in 1939. He should have waited for the BUF to sweep to power in the UK general elections.

He was right in everything else.

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I actually heard an interesting theory on this:

>Starting in 1934 German began to issue MEFO bills. They were similar to a 6 month bond but they were off the official register and could be rolled over indefinitely. We don’t even know how many were issued as they were specifically designed to obfuscate German spending but its been estimated that they were eventually issued at up to 300% of the total GNP per year. And those were on top of normal taxes and bonds.

>While this is a hot topic of debate there is a reasonably well laid out argument that Hitler was forced to invade Poland because the German economy was set to melt down in 1941. We know that Germany had banned most imports in the mid 30’s and had mandatory exports of machinery and consumer goods. Furthermore a cornerstone of the 1939 treaty with the Soviet Union was a complex system of credits that guaranteed German imports from the Soviet Union while guaranteeing Soviet purchases of finished German goods. Both the Germans and the Soviets spoke of the coming partitioning of Poland in economic terms.

Wages of Destruction delves a bit deeper into this but it's definitely an interesting subject

It turns out he was right. The guy had even allowed the jews to leave and take over palestine from 1933 to 1941. However the fighting made it impossible for the logistics of the situation to continue. He thought aryans were the best and he intended to create that vision of germany, but he had no other immediate designs on the rest of europe or the world.