How weak was this move?
What the fuck was she thinking?
She never should of apologized to that punk ass crisis actor
DAVID HOGG is a crooked mouth faggot
How weak was this move?
What the fuck was she thinking?
She never should of apologized to that punk ass crisis actor
DAVID HOGG is a crooked mouth faggot
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She's a childless neo-con kike. Who cares about her?
Perfect example of why you should never cave to leftists. Neocons BTFO
There is no Jewish consp-
Maybe others can learn from this
Do they now give u kids a gpa over 4.0? That was the best when i went to school.
>should of
>should of
She doesn't have children by birth, she has 3 adopted children she raises on her own, one or two of which are RUSSIAN
They are all shitskins. Look at them. Adopting is not having children, memeflaggot.
Those who dont learn from gamergate are doomed to repeat it.
She never should have attacked him. There was no balance in the risk-reward scale. Hogg has become a laughing stock already, the only reason for her to jump on him is to seem cool on Twitter. Instead, she made herself a focal point to be attacked, when they couldn’t attack the mass of faceless people tearing Hogg and his puppet masters down before she counted it all up.
>they are all shitskins
>apologizing to an attention Hogg
>Fingolians calling a kike's adopted shitskins RUSSIAN trying to imply they are white
omg! She's KGB!
Agree, not sure why she did so on Twitter, sounds more like something she would quip on her radio program in passing. But the damage is done and obviously is only gonna hurt her and Fox News because Hogganoff-boy has lots of help in his quest to be famous, former FBI, Media Matters, Soros, former CIA. Laura only has her microphone
>gets a 4.2 in school
>gets a 20 on the ACT
The GPA seems fishy. I had like a 3.8 GPA and got a 27 on the ACT and had no problem getting into a university.
>stupid neocon thot badmouths twink poster boy who has he backing of Mediamatters and gets btfo
im literally shaking
You get a higher GPA if you take AP courses. Been that way for decades.
General education brainlet detected.
mummy coulter would never have appolgised
Someone should tell David that if he was black he would be accepted to just about any school of his choice and see what he thinks about that.
A+ grades in ROTC, autistic, accepted into Yale and likes to smell the flowers
She does speak fluent Russian! Maybe she should take her crosshair training on Hogganoff instead of a tweet, so he can be with his 17 "friends" in hell
Honestly please this, I want to see how he juggles those facts.
Let's redpill him.
Damn. I love her more!
She’s going to be crushed, no doubt. Over/under on if she lasts through the weekend at Fox?
A+ in normie classes=4.5 and A+ in ap is 5.5.
>any GPA above 4.0
any student should be embarrassed their school allows this
>Been that way for decades.
Maybe at your diploma mill.
This. They're essentially saying they have to segregate classes based on AP and regular placement. Which means minorities. Racism. Etc.
His 4.2 was dead last in his class
She has nothing to lose. She's living off of wingnut welfare and book residuals because she's too old for TV.
I doubt they will fire her, she won't resign. Remember, (((Hogg)) is all about publicity, so any opportunity he can take he goes, he wants to be an anchor. He wants the spotlight. Though the fact that she is on Fox doesn't help a bit. Media Matters, etc. are chomping at the bits at any little thing to discredit the company. Look how quickly and what tactics are used AGAIN. The same happened to Hannity, didn't go anywhere, albeit he has more viewers yes. This will pass over by tomorrow.
Russians aren't white? But....neither are you Pablo
Russian isn't a race, you sub-90IQ drooling monkey.
>Who needs babies? Just adopt some "white" kids!
Not at my school. Still only a 4.0 scale, even with AP classes.
>Finn IQ lower than Amerimutt
When did this happen? This butt hurt you have Jose is crazy. Are you pretending to be white by having a Bull?
3 of her advertisers pulled out. These fucking lefties have a lot of power over corporations, it's bizarre. The capitalists are groveling at the feet of the Communists kek, what a time to be alive.
she's treating him with kid gloves, like he's a child. how everyone should. adults know what she's up to.
Fuck off, Xing Pao Ling.
she fucked up when she took the bait to make fun of him with a personal attack. This is just damage control.
Obviously she should only attack him on policy and his claim that anyone against gun control supports child murder.
Sheeple who think communist ideas work without logically thinking about them are the same people who buy stupid shit in massive quantities. These people are the lifeblood of perhaps most retail companies. These are the only people that advertising actually works on. Of course the companies have to be sensitive of those people's feefees; the people who use logic to make decisions are rarely the ones buying from them.
well she is quite religious as well, catholic iirc. to me at least, her apologizing is two-fold, ad money and her sense of shame for the act of mocking (((hogg))), thus the kid gloves. i also think if the situation was reversed, (((hogg))) would not have apologized and crowned a champion by the blowhards
>i also think if the situation was reversed, (((hogg))) would not have apologized and crowned a champion by the blowhards
reminds me of when this kid challenged alex jones to a debate. when alex jones accepted, the kid welched on the offer, then claimed moral victory for not going on after all.
>quite religious as well
>got POO'd by Dinesh D'Souza out of wedlock
Mostly joking about her being gone. But it really is going to depend on how much the (((news))) side of Fox gets to input on this. There’s a lot of people who want to undermine the Carlson-Hannity influence at the channel.
I turned down scholarships from schools he got denied from, this amuses me to god level tier
>cocks glock
>cocks puukko
>cocks jaloviina
she caved like a pussy. she deserves to fail now.
>the absolute state of christcucks
>s-s-so sorry! i--i didn't mean it
>p-please forgive me HOGG
She had breast cancer. Getting pregnant would likely bring it back.
>What are surrogates?
4.2 means his gpa was padded by AP classes. Normies think AP classes are a good thing but they are a red flag to most college advisors because AP classes usually only teach kids to pass specific tests so you end up with kids who have no idea how to do science but believe that they are the smartest dick licker in the lab.
She prob just realized she’s done. Menopausal, no kids, bitter etc. guilt and regret are twisting her inside out. Maybe also lawsuit threats or blackmail. I know a guy from her law school class, on his way I think she is, or was, totally legit. But. Things change.
Yep. She fucked up. It's over for her.
Cap this post.
Laura's mistake was apologizing.
Hogg's mistake was refusing to accept her apology. Now both of them look like bitches.
Throwing the apology into Ingraham's face continues a argument he already 'won'. It just encourages others to double down.
It also matters what AP classes he took. You can get AP credit in drawing. Studio art drawing. He didnt get accepted because hes a white male tho.
Women are so weak.
This actually supports that Hogg is a GOP operative, trying to shut the blue wave down by threatening the bill of rights.
She should have taken iodine.
A 4.2 gpa must not be as hard nowadays as it was 15 years ago. Hogg is a fucking idiot, mentally and logically
Anyone have the original insult she is apologizing for ?
how would he spin white priv into that response, i'm genuinely curious now
rule one- never cuck
rule 2- double down, then triple down