I'm only getting back $3,000 in taxes.
Thanks a lot Obama.
I'm only getting back $3,000 in taxes
Got 4100 this year... i payed in 1000 last year so im ok with this.
I got $2677
t. grad student frogs
Hey look its mister krabbs
I owed $9,000 all at once with Obama.
I made $26,000 that year.
No seriously, go fuck yourself Obama.
I went from paying 29k in federal income tax to 25k, thanks Trump I guess.
Do you exclusively day trade for income? Barring the short term capital gains tax I can't see how your have such a large tax bill on so little income.
Hey wow that was more than I made a year. You are so lucky to be so forced to be so generous! For the greater guud mein kameraden.
>so little income
Fuck you, Obama.
>when a shitpost on an Polynesian canoe crafting forum reminds you that you still havent done your taxes
Fuck. I need to sort my shit out.
you can get mega jew'd if you are self employed and dont lie
I think I'm getting $2300 or something like that. Not great, but more than I was expecting. I never know how this shit pans out, so it's always just a relief to not owe anything. I owed like $7k one year and it sucked dick.
I'm gonna go get a new gun or something. Been thinking Sig p226 or Kriss Vector. But I'd be cool with a better SBR if anyone can name one.
I got 4,200$ back this year, only 1,800 the year before. I'm cool with this.
I pay more in taxes than you make
If it's any reference, after I racked in 26k one year, the next year I made 9k total as income. Man, so glad I donated an entire years worth of income as one of the poorer people in my community :D Thanks Obama.
Only getting 400. That’s what I get for working
Fucking amateurs. You still pay taxes?
Thanks for your contribution. I'm sure some niggers had a wonderful Christmas. If it's any help, I never once asked for any sort of welfare :) YOU'RE welcome!
At least you guys get money back on taxes, I have to pay in extra every year on top of the 20% they take out of every pay cheque, all to feed the brown people.
O'bama really did suck for taxes. I got a retention bonus from work that was probably the biggest single payout I will ever recieve in my life, and it just had to happen under his tax plan. It was fucking gay. Bumped me up a couple tax brackets, and I was unmarried at the time, so I ate a ton of shit that year on taxes. Would have been nice to make that money under Trump's new tax laws.
You dipshits do realize you should be getting close to zero in tax returns, right? Stop loaning the government so much money and do less deductions each paycheck. More money now instead of waiting for a rebate.
why didn't you wait to cash it in?
>getting a tax refund
Thanks for the free loan to the government, citizen!
Lol I'm getting back 11k
You gave them a $3k loan unless you took credits like a low life