In all seriousness, why have any white nationalists today ever achieved? Or even their parents?
In all seriousness, why have any white nationalists today ever achieved? Or even their parents?
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White Nationalism is a Jewish psy op.
We managed to resurrect a dying idiology and now it looks liek we are gonna get revenge for ww2 by plunging the usa into a civil conflict.
We are doing way better than what we expected.
>My race isn't anywhere near the top, so I'm proud of hip-hop
Fuck off nigger
You're on the brink of a one party state due to demographics. Who controls this party?
What a Jewish post.
You pretty much inadvertently pointed out it is a familial mindset based upon shared culture, past, and future. Whether or not you or your family are great achievers is irrelevant.
It is pretty fucking lame to celebrate one’s heritage
Only losers take pride in their traditional culture
white People built the new world and all the skyscrapers! White people are the reason for progress! Get rekt dumbasses, 14 words.
Outward displays of ethnic pride betray inner weakness
This goy gets it
reported to FBI
It is not heritage, it is hate !
>In all seriousness, why have any white nationalists today ever achieved? Or even their parents?
A stable society for their children to grow and prosper in
It is arguable, that these people are white and created a white nationalist state.
The majority of Israeli leadership is ashkenazi, which has a lot of white admixture. Jes sayin
White nationalist here, I am the creative mind behind GTA online, and run a secret gaming society that spans across several genres of video games, television shows, and movies. I saved a presidents life, helped undermine an assassination plot, NWO take over of the united states, as well as had a hard lined dem elected in order to garner public opinion for a republican candidate. I assisted in homeleand security operations in order to quell riots and civil unrest, I supplied information to the US senate in order to have a federal AG resign, and helped get the Blacks in the united states to realize the riots were not helping. I even had input in the Mars colonial mission. I did all this before I turned 27 and I have bi polar schizophrenia, psychosis, mania, PTSD, RAD, ODD, and ADD. We don't piggy back on our skin color, were just fucking better than you.
I've done more, but I don't feel like thinking and typing it out.
Also, my father is an inventor, entrepreneur, and hardworking badass. He;s set up multiple factories for his company, has his name in SEVERAL patents and used to build hot rods in HIGH-SCHOOL!
dude you are pathetic
Oh I don't know...
How about..
You fucking shitstain poofta
I like how this pic is both a dig at the feeble youth, but also at Hogg personally for having twig-boy arms
What have you?
My ancestors settled a wilderness and created a state to add to the union.
If people are going to demonize you for your race (white) and blame you for the sins of your ancestors. Then you should also likewise be able to take some kind of credit for the good they have done as well. WP is the counter weight to white hate.
I never get this argument
To me it's not about pride, I don't care about that. I just want to live in a society of other white people where we have a shared community of a similar culture. Why is that so bad? Asians have that. Mexicans have that. Blacks have that. Why can't I?
Because that's racist, you KKK-loving Nazi shitlord
Pick one.