If Russia invades the USA who will you right wingers support? Will you take up arms with Soy boys to defend the good'ol USA? Or will you support the ruskies and fight for the corporate fascist state that you all love and want?
If Russia invades the USA who will you right wingers support...
Ryan Morales
Jose Cook
muh literally russia
Andrew Rivera
Why do you hate your country?
Joshua Perry
OP is a giant faggot who nurses on BBC.
James Sullivan
Awww, is the right winger mad????
Logan Jackson
soyboy leftist would protest to ban guns from the military
Adam Reed
Why is Russia invading? You skipped the most important part of the entire premise, friend.
Noah Gutierrez
Because the fuckin cheeto either invited them or let it happen, duh!
Hunter Clark
Neither. Use the chaos to finally implement Texas secession, thank fucking Christ.
Henry Williams
>actually believe Russia is a threat to the USA