How do Americans live with themselves after this?

How do Americans live with themselves after this?
>but muh rape of nanking
>but muh unit 731
>but muh firebombings were worse anyway
>but muh it was necessary for peace
This is the best indicator that you WASP have no morals. Nothing will ever justify what you did, you monsters. This should be an accepted fact everywhere and people should be constantly reminded of it.

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does a national socialist need morals? the answer is no

Don't care. As far as I can tell we just helped solve the parking crisis in two Japanese cities, and made room for all those toyotas.

The time for the American revenge is near
Our hand will reach you even in Tokyo
All the karate dojos will be blown away

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Im not moral. At all.
I could kill jewish kids and niglets and not lose a wink of sleep.

>This is the best indicator that you WASP have no morals. Nothing will ever justify what you did, you monsters. This should be an accepted fact everywhere and people should be constantly reminded of it.
Is what they said at first, and then America and Japan became allies. Next.

Because the mighty should be feared. Never apologize for your might

>how do you live with something you had no involvement in

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>Nothing will ever justify what you did, you monsters
yeah sorry we regret not dropping more nukes too