38% of Americans hold creationist views. As Christians are 70.6% of Americans, the subset of American Christians that hold creationist views is 53.8% . (The question was worded: “Do you believe that all life on Earth appeared in its present form some time within the last 10,000 years?”)
Add to this the increasing rejection of secular cosmology in favor of the flat, disc shaped Earth covered by the dome of the firmament described in is quite a disturbing trend.
I can only watch with confusion and worry. Nobody in other developed counties believes the Earth is a domed terrarium, or that whales just happen to have pelvises and vestigial thigh bones for no reason, or that birds have dormant genes that form a dinosaur snout, sharp teeth and long, scaly tale when re-activated "for no reason", or that it's just a big coincidence that taxonomy is corroborated by genetic sequencing, and both are corroborated by the order that fossil remains are found in the strata.
What is going on in the US, specifically, to cause this?