Haha italians are le arab rape baby

>haha italians are le arab rape baby
>haha spaniards are le moors
>haha le scandinavian cuck genetics
>haha le 56% goblino nocturno mutt
>haha a fucking leaf! XD
>haha le slav nigger
>haha le britbong butterknife
>haha le potatoniggers

Why do you fight among yourselves while a common enemy is tearing your nations and future asunder? Is this the power of the white man's intellect?

Attached: 1518755904682.jpg (236x337, 18K)

haha le moor rapebaby



This is now officially the poorest combined GDP thread on Jow Forums

whiter than you towelfucker


Nice try Juan

>hurr u no white
Ok Huang.

>literally using the tactics you just denounced

is this the power of the Moorish intellect

It's past your bedtime, Carlos. Off to sleep.

whatever senor goblino