Why are White People so shit at sticking together?

Black people have da communiteh
Jews have their diaspora "culture".
Muslims have their Ummah.
Mexicans have their gangs.

What do whites have?
> muh individualism
> muh burgers
> muh job, muh paycheck
> muh I'm an alpha male bro
It's all just acquisitive meaningless bullshit masquarading as ambition and virtue.

But what happens when yoh face a crisis???
> jewish pornographers and paki rape gangs exploit ur women.
> ur birthrates are catastrophic, ur women sluts.
> ur about to be dispossessed and persecuted like stateless kurds.
> it's illegal for you to control your families, women, and destiny.

So what do white people do?
> double down on the individualism
> consume stupid shit
> go into debt to buy muh property
> do drugs and slut it up
> "I'm different bro; I'm an alpha male. I'll be fine"

lol cuckolds lol

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Whites are just genetically more individualistic. The jews know how to exploit this.

Until the mid 20th century, the white man had his empire.

But these empires were never based on anything substantial.
It was all about shekels.
The jews taught you well.
But ur Whites, you don't do judaism.
Ur empires collapsed upon their own greed.


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whites don't exist

we're european you fucking shitskin

Whites are smarter than herd animals

False the whole reason that European countries are the best is because of your ability to stick together. A Mexican guy will never let another Mexican become successful but will do everything to bend over for white master faggots. I see it all the time whenever you walk in a majority white store everyone in that store is gonna look at you like you're a goddamn invader, but if a white goes in a taco shop maybe or two guys will be racist but they won't get others to tag along with the racism.

Individualism used to be a strength and we built empires with it. Globalism and (((them))) mean that social evolution is taking another route now.

Individualism is still a great moral on a personal level.

>What do whites have?
>> muh individualism
that's all you need if you rule and if you don't, you would never understand anyway

This poster has no knowledge of European history. If he did, he would know that those empires started to fall apart the second they became more communal and less individual.

Evidently ur real smart for not having a herd.
Now ur about to get run over by a few like the weak lone jackals you have become.
Enjoy being smart; glad it's working out so well for you.

How were we supposed to know the herd would get taken over by a parasite devoted towards mindless hatred and destruction of us.

Except jews rule you lol
And there is nothing on this earth less individualistic than a fucking kike.

Whatever man I'm practically dead right now anyway. Let the chads and normies deal with it

I don't give non whites any credit when it comes to intelligence so they won't be able to conquer white people even if they become the majority in Europe. Whites would just have to fight and defend their ethnic enclaves. Non whites are too animalistic to beat whites even with help of jews

An empire is a communal effort by definition.
Try reading a dictionary before you get into "history".

Don't be obtuse nigger. You can say anything is communal by that definition. Using that logic just saying "whites" or "European" is communal and has reduced it into meaninglessness.

Yeah ur right.
Portuguese are not whites.
Ur women fucked too many black slaves back in the colonial era.

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idk maybe people have interests outside of their own "race"

especially since (at least in the US) you have a very hard time finding people who solely belong to one specific ethnic group

race is dumb and has no real world applicability that would actually work

You fight fire with fire
> terror gegen terror
You should have had ur own herd when it was time to bump horns.
Now the world laughs at ur contemptible and legendary weakness.
It's open season on white women and children.
More muslims are on their way cuckold.

Perhaps, but ypu don't have a crystal ball.
Here and now it's not looking well for ur "people"

Is english your first langauge? Nothing you said is a direct response to my post.
Once civilization dies, like all parasites, (((they))) will die too, and from the ashes individualism will eventually rebuild. Tale as old as time.

Yeah, I'm sorry English is such a hard language for you.
Maybe try Spanish; you are in the Americas after all.

Well what I'm seeing now is whites only stick with their own, and the only people that will go out and burn a nigger for raping a white women that they hardly knew.

>no u
You can do better than that.

You've apparently never been out of the city,

Maybe try reading my response again. Take 5 min for comprehension.
I know English is ur first language, but they're not very good at teaching it in America.

Those are not the herd whites. Those are individual whites and the herd whites that decide to follow them. Otherwise the herd would be striking back all the time instead of isolated instances of vigilantism protecting whites.

>I know English is ur first language, but they're not very good at teaching it in America.
Is this some kind of meme I'm not getting or is this commie flag really this stupid?

> muh good old country folk will save the day
Like Winston in 1984 getting tortured in an underground dungeon
"The Proles will rise up".
Remember what O'Brien said

Whites have their nations. Sadly most of it is infiltrated by parasites like jews and niggers. Excess of empathy will get whites extinct.

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Are we gonna have a trivial semantic debate now?
It's what Americans are famous for--talmudic quibbling over word definitions coz logic and rhetoric is one cut above what they learned in school.

Lol you respond to accountability lime a hysterical little girl

So after bitching about grammar, now you are complaining about posters pointing out your bad grammar
Your next post will be to claim you were trolling.

Nah whites are too cowardly for that.
Consider the grooming scandals in the UK.
Not a single Paki's throat slit by an angry father, brother, cousin, boyfriend or husband.

As I said, re-read the argument.

Indeed! And who is known for being one of the most communal, (((law)))abiding, and controlled white people?
The British of course, thanks for proving my point.

It wasn't worth the time spent reading it the first time.

And who is known for being rugged individualists who hate any form of collectivism???
Domesticated White Americans of course.
Ever so ready to attack any country the jews want,
and offering up ur women to jew pornographers.

What point american goyim???

Like arguing with a woman.

Ok lol, you don't have to read anything you don't want to. I know it's hard for you.

But I do get to laugh at ur inability to debate a simple line of logic.

American education lol

You will respond to this post.

Europeans have been following the fasces since the Greeks.

Aww you upset that a commie ruined all ur hollywood mythology bout muh individualism.

Hahahaha go cry in a corner

I'd be more concerned about the totally non-racist communalism of your women's vaginas.

We evolved past tribalism.

But you gotta admit the Anglo is the worst at following the fasces.
Last time a European held that thing up the Anglo burned it to the ground.
Anglos follow the star of david and all the degeneracy that entails.

And now tribalism is evolving past you.

Barbecue Jews brand them as Nazis for doing so. This branding/shaming tactic only works when people have something to loose however. As more and more white men don't have jobs and families, Jewish control tactics will become increasingly futile in-terms of deterring white collectivism

What race are you?

Lets all be grateful whites have not gotten organized as of late to defend their interests.
Last time that happened the atom was split.
Be happy.
pic related.

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He's white, larping as a commie. In reality he's pissed off at what modern-day whites have done to our race and our legacy.
I don't blame him. He's sortof bang on the money.

We are in a war, and we are losing. Just like when we colonized the world. Difference is, this time half the whites are actively fighting for the enemy, while the other half are passive (but they'll attack anyone who tries to defend whites because they think it will score them goodgoy points).

It's pretty sad and sickening to watch.

>what do whites have
The world in our hands.
>what happens when you face a crisis
We kill everyone then issue in a new era of prosperity.
>so what do white people do
We build civilizations and then kill people that are different.

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It doesn't matter.
I'm just making arguments.
That's what matters.
I could be a talking sponge and it wouldn't change things.
Your people are really fucked atm

It's a nice story.
But whattcha gonna do now?
Masturbate over the past?

Whites used to be very communal. Every sunday the community got together

until the eternal jew

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The F-22 is a symbol of colossal fuck ups and venal pursuit of profit above the national interest.

Ur pic is very related to the collapse of whites.

For thousands of years we've declined and came back even better. How is it any different now? Rome fell harder than we are, and then civilization exploded after 1000 years. You see in terms of 50-100 years, the lifespan of a person for a hundred or so years now, so you don't see the big picture. You can't see what humans would be 1000 years in the future because you don't believe we'll still be here, even though we will.

you lazy cunts are no better than the niggers and beaners

Except “you people” may include you which, by your logic, means you’re fucked too. And by complaining, instead of presenting solutions, you’re just part of the problem you espouse exists. No?

I would describe all these down falls as white flight.
Notice how once Greece, Rome, France, Spain, Portugal became Bolshevized and racially mixed they never reemerged to their former glory?
SHTF, whites fled and regrouped.
But ur running out of whites and there is no place to run.

So whattcha gonna do white boy???

Run away; it's what ur good at.

lol funny how slavs are suddenly white again.
I can never make up my mind coz of pol

Because it's barely been 50 years, user. Changes takes hundreds. You think whites got where they were in just 50 years? No, it took thousands.

You can't make up your mind because you're a shill looking for the information in ours

Feminism happened pretty fast
Trannies even faster
Pedophilia on the way.
Ur in free fall.

It's April 1945, and ur in Berlin.

U mad bro?

>10 year old meme

Are you kidding me.

Look. Look everyone. This is an astroturfer.

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I see your goal is to troll and shit post. Sad actually, because I was hoping this thread would be more productive.

I'm fair.
You wanna debate; we can.
But Anglos have a bad habbit of acting like women and getting easily offended and hysterical over disagreement.

Don't be fucking emotional little bitch faggot, and I'll respect you enough to have a clean debate

It is impossible for any of us to meet up without the thought of being in a "honey pot". We are just cast away to this little corner of the internet with our "free" speech.

>Don't be fucking emotional little bitch faggot, and I'll respect you enough to have a clean debate


When's the last time someone ate ur dick?
And men don't count.

We're not unified because we won't have to be. In fact, most white people will die before there is any semblance of European organization.

White men are essentially kamikaze'ing Western civilization because we know that's the only way we fix it.

Defending women from their own nature is retarded, and only serves to pedestalize pussy, which has ZERO value in today's society.

If you really think we're going out with a whimper, you're ignoring endless amounts of history of outnumbered whites overcoming adversity.

The unaminous unity against us right now is only indicative of our abilities.

>Why are White People so shit at sticking together?
Ahm... I don't understand the question

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multiple empires fighting each other
thats why we had two world wars killing millions of white people

White people are the most robust race, and that holistic strength makes you individualistic by nature. Basically, we are the most evil and proud of it.

Evil is nothing to take pride in.
Thankfully you're not the most evil race.
That position is being vigorously fought for over between Jews, Mexican cartels, the Chinese, and Slavs.

>Evil is nothing to take pride in.
Speak for yourself. "Evil" here really just means power, power that others recognize and fear.

The people you named, though, those are indeed the villains. All of them collectivists attempting to tear down individualism.

>not putting yourself and your family before everyone else
>not having a job (career)
>not owning your own property
nice b8

Nice seeing whites being considered the most "privileged" ethnic group in the world. How can one be considered that, yet have such an influence to the world? White dominant countries aren't going anywhere, so sit down.

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>tfw nkorean grandfather and pa-pa fell for the freedom meme and developed stutters from white cuckery
At least I have the best of both
If you were playing real 7D chess the whites would have given SK nukes to destabilize Asia. Instead, you have shekelmeister DJs cucking up America and whites too afraid to go back to their homeland and start real change where it would actually count. Dairy jenkem must be nice...

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>hurrr don't argue like a woman
>haha fucking VIRGIN LOSER

>Why are White People so shit at sticking together?
Individualist culture.

If you really want to make things interesting, place a nuke with a timer on Yellowstone while the entire US holds back the rest of the world
>Evil is nothing to take pride in.
being this much of a pussy

ITT: Marxflag Aspergers episode/

>why(insert societal issue)
The Jew

>Black people have da communiteh
the absolute state of memeflags

Be black and try disagreeing with stone age "da coommuniteh"
see what happens, kike

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The truth is Asian people so shit at sticking together not White people.
Chinese arrogant doing stupid shit and look down another asian race. Divide asian race
Korean silly think they're better and superior than anyone, and they're the most racist toward to another asian.
Japanese are arrogants and bigot too but right now they're ok with another asian.
Vietnamese not too much arrogants but doing same stupid like Chinese doing.
Wew Asian never go along together
China can you stop divide and bully another Asians and make Jews happy laughing at us.
If Asian can united and together we can fight with filthy Jews.
Jews and Zionist can't doing shit in Asia if we're stick together but we won't right
Now I'm sad

>white man
Pick one.

The only ones who benefitted from all those 'Empires' were jewish familiies like the Warburgs and Rothschild.

There's no such thing as a pan-Asian race you faggot.

Han Chinese ≠ Gooks ≠ Jungle Flippipinos ≠ Cucked-Up Japs

That's like an Amerimutt saying Slavs are the same race as Nordics.

Whites need their leaders to lead and declare war. Then they'll stick together.

We need to form fraternities of young white men. Not just for our protection, but for social circles to find gfs, and to promote our ideals for a better tomorrow for our people.

When I say fraternities I don't mean fratboi faggotry, I mean what these guys are doing: youtu.be/sGVppy6a8kg

Only with less converted California soyboys and more die hard white warriors. We don't necessarily need a new super secret Thule society, just something to organize and stick together. One thing I know a lot of us lack is a social circle, it's one of the cons of being a clean young straight white man today. Let's change that and become a force to be reckoned with.

We Chinese will forever bully you. Nam

Well, whites built successfull societies other people want to live in, they work in groups just like any other society, but you seem to be referring to some kind of small group, at you give examples of gangs, which isn't a good thing. Small groups like gangs tend to act like predators and feel entitled to do whatever they want. I assume you are baiting, and it seems is working.

Muslims have always warred, especially between religious sects but also politically. Look at Iran vs Saudis.
Globalist and nationalist Jews disagree and have different visions for their world's. I think it was one of the Thor movies (which I haven't seen), but I read that the Jewish director used the destruction of the major city as an allegory for the Jewish people, that they as a people are not and should not be tied to a geographical land like Israel and that they should continue to exist elsewhere.
If you think Africa or black communities in general are united you're retarded. They may unite for certain ends but that doesn't mean they are in any way united. At the very best they might demonize an outside group like whities for more gibmedats, but only when it's convenient.
Conflict is the natural way of humanity and we will always find something new to fight over. Nice digits though.