
> Be pathetic goatfucker on side of the road with your two nephews at 6am, herding a bunch of sheep
> In the distance you hear faint sound of song related

> Fear overtakes you and your nephews
> The sheep become restless
> "Durka Durka let us go back. I'm scared and that noise sounds like it's getting closer, Durka Durka".
> You all look at eachother and Nod in agreement
> you turn around and start heading back home
> The sound is getting closer
> you start to run
> The sound is louder than ever before
> "USA! USA! USA!"
> You hear a scream as you turn around to see your nephew get shot
> The American Chad points his SCAR-H at you
> Guns n Rose's the last thing you hear as the Americans drive off in their HUMVEE, leaving you to bleed out on the road and look at the corpses of your nephews

Why is it that Americans are much more Alpha Chad tier when it comes to wiping out Muslims? What is it about Americans that make use the Muslims worst nightmare? Monsanto?

Attached: Americans.png (1142x984, 824K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>The Chad assassin
Based as fuck!

> Inb4 a bunch of fucking faggot European snowflakes and Islamic Mongrol refugees go 110% butthurt mode

There is nothing you can do to stop us.

Attached: STOPTHEHATE.jpg (860x484, 92K)

He is the embodiment of what all American chads strive to be.

Shit like this will make your empire's inevitable fall all the more painful.

Show your flag faggot.

Ahmed, my son. There was once a time when we can walk freely in our lands. Before the creatures came to our land. But now, now you must worry at night when you are herding with goat and goat. There are creature from overseas that stalk the fields and the grazing pastures. These creatures are called "EL OGROS DE LAS AMERICAS", be careful my son, and if you should ever encounter one of these creatures whatever you do - do not tell the creature he is not white. This sends him into a mad frenzy.

Why do you hide your country behind a meme flag?

Are you ashamed of your real nation?

show flag, bob and vegina kerpal

Show your flag

Ahmed, I must tell to you one more thing my son... last night in the pasture while with goat, I was, I was bitten by el burgeras de Los vampiro... there isn't much time... you-you must get out of here - here before I transfERERRAAAAAHVHHHOOOOD BLESZ AMERICUH HOOT HOOT *claps profusely* - Ahmed ru-ruHRREAAAH OH SAY CAN YOU SEEEE BU THE DAWND EARLY LIGHT OH PROOOOUUUUUUUUDLYV RRAAAAGH

Funny how critics always hide behind meme flags

>it's okay when taliban kills civilians
>but not when we do it

Fucking hypocrites.

What the fuck

unauthorized killings aren't cool but sometimes you just gotta bust on some locals

Muslims are not innocent civilians


All u newfags look at this post and learn why memeflaggots will get the bullet first. This applies to all threads on this fucked website.

Sandniggers are all enemies


They hide their flag because they are ashamed of their country.

hindu street shitter or worse

>giving kikes ammo to exploit white guilt
Don't really care for the sandniggers, but the faggot should be shot for that alone

Prolly German.

I notice they are ashamed of their flag and get butthurt over dead muslims

> I don't really care but this faggot straight white male should be shot for killing innocent Islamic people! How dare he!

Lolol!!! All you cucks should be fucking gassed.

Crying over dead Muslims, how fucking pathetic.

Attached: Kebeb.jpg (236x214, 8K)

I served with him. He's what happens when regulations are selectively enforced. Go AWOL, no problem; fail a drug test, no problem; beat your wife, no problem; attack a minor off base, no problem. He had a good PT score though so it's all good. And people were suprised shit like this happened at 2-1Inf.


He's littlerally a warrior no different than a Viking. He should be commended for his efforts.

Just don't be all butthurt when the rest of the world laughs when you hillbillies die and we're all good.

Kandahar is the shit-hole where the goat fuckers were also pedophiles who were raping little boys but the fucking "brass" told them to stand down and let the fucking warlords continue with their rape camps.
These men should be given medals. They sent those pedo pieces of shit to hell where they deserve to be.

>Crying over dead Muslims, how fucking pathetic.
Crying over dead pedophile Muslims, how fucking progressive.


You're an invading army, that's exactly what they are. If Saudis started driving around Florida shooting people at random you'd probably be pretty pissed. Or you might not even notice. It is America after all lol

You forgot to post the video, OP

They were pedophiles in Kandahar you dump syrup nigger.
>Shocking Ahmed from Canada defends child rapists.

This isn't news to anyone who was deployed and wasn't a fobbit.

Attached: WolvesComeOutAtNight.jpg (536x720, 155K)

We're you in 5SBCT 2-1? He was a kiss ass to a west point 2nd Lt who protected him from consequences. No different really than rich libs shielding their spawns indiscretions. I lost count of how many had CID up their ass b/c he gave false tips to try and cut his sentence.

Should have helped him

The cuck throwing up is littlerally all the cucks ITT crying about dead sand niggers.

When I first enlisted in the military I was an apathetic liberal atheist. I honestly don’t know how I responded so well to the training. I started as an 0311 in the USMC, deployed a few times, got absolutely sick of the sand people and their culture, customs, and ways of life. (Funny because 23 and me says I’m some Italian/Spanish/Moorish mutt)

I eventually ended my career as a closet fascist in the Army SF. Deployment was the best red pill.


Its always the jews.t

Bottom line is he removed kebab. What did you do? Nothing.

Afghanistan was a fun time. Was there for the Bobby Boles and spent some time in the Maiwand district right around when the kill team was there. Fuck fobbits. Fuck pogs. Wouldn't need any of you pussy worthless fucks if we could pillage and plunder.

Good as in getting fucked but ahmed lol

that’s metal af. good job boys!

Fuck off achmed

Go back to brampton

Did you go on the ferris wheel ?

I helped 2 of the guys he lied to CID about. My favorite of his was trying to pin a murder on a guy who was back in the states when it happened. He made his choices and stained an entire battalion with his bullshit.

Wtf are you doing on pol you faggot

And what of you Audie Murphy? Who'd you serve under?

Are you a sensitive "militia" dude who couldn't pass basic training?

I bet he's one of those law and order pro life halfwits


Attached: 1510241136358.png (1200x1200, 54K)

7 year old story
>pol is invaded by _______ cranking up old stories

it's proving to be a losing battle removing kebab from their own country though

FOB Ramrod and Terminator? They changed it to Sakari Karez. Also went to Chineh and Demaiwand. I was not in 2nd ID though

Laughing at you, what do you think?


Thanks bro. Right back to you, I assume we chewed a lot of the same dirt.

At least we're doing something about it faggot.

How is your miasma of shitskins and culture Islamic enlightenment fellow Euro-pee-on?

Attached: 1522373259893.png (650x258, 32K)

I'm all for ethno nationalism but everyone should fuck off and quit invading and killing people in other ethno states once that happens. This guy was a piece of shit tho

War is hell.

Attached: never changes.jpg (620x348, 53K)

You burgers are just as degenerate as the kikes, only good at violence against unarmed innocent civilians. I can't wait until Holodomor 2.0 happens in the US.

Attached: 1515186795592.jpg (821x1024, 240K)

Good, it's the least he could've done after what they did on 9/11.

There is nothing wrong with this behavior.

Goddamn, am I glad to be a part of the infantry.

Attached: x23yui8x2yg87123gx28x97egx7g.jpg (1024x768, 74K)

>fellow Euro-pee-on
Implying he isn't an Ahmed goat fucker

Shills posting this over and over again. I cared before. now that shills are posting it. I don't. He is literally having to explain himself to a Military court. I guess I will have faith that they will do the right thing with all the evidence considered.

It's okay you pathetic fucking cuck. You can end it all if you just hang yourself.

lol kid got fuggen rekt

Attached: 1500090627963.jpg (1052x1236, 385K)

Great picture. Did you just make this?

Wasilla, AK what up

awww is it baby's first war?

Because it makes you realise how shit tier the rest of the world is.

Stop embarrassing yourself

That's some fucking wishful thinking.

Killing civillians should be legal during war, just wipe the population out and flood in a bunch of hick americans who pop out 8 kids and then repopulate the land. Problem solved

Sounds like a textbook psychopath desu

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Pretty based desu

Attached: juba 8.webm (640x360, 899K)

>neocon thread

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lol america is god on this planet. if we left every base on earth. people in your country other countries would instantly be invaded, and you would either die or become someones bitch. we are the most powerful country in the world. because we give zero fucks about you. we hold bases on your land to maintain structure.

>What is it about Americans that make use the Muslims worst nightmare?

We had the big military so we're the ones the globalists had destroy their countries so that they would be driven into Europe and America to destabilize the West and hopefully kick off a world war 3.

tfw you realized you've been fighting the last 18 years to create a savage horde to destroy your own nation.

This pleases the kike.
God we are Fucking mentally ill sock puppets.

The US is still the most humane military on the planet, especially when you compare what other armies (Nazis, Soviets, British, Japanese) did during their invasions and occupations

this meme doesn't work because her boyfriend plays with this guys dick and films the scenes.. but by all means antifa.. hows that aids and heroin addiction working out for you.