Normie meme war room, secret location Forums-after-shareblue-and-correct-the-record-failed-to-infiltrate-the-site/

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These retards think they can actually combat Jow Forums

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I pity the fool

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This is the problem with normies and leftists, they don't truly understand memes. This is why they will lose every meme war they attempt.

They can "Meme Lab" all they like.
Without truth, the memes WILL always fail.

Can you believe they haven't figured this part out yet?

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>In a sparsely-furnished office in an “undisclosed” strip mall, the #NeverAgain students and ShareBlue, a progressive liberal media group, have teamed up to declare a meme war.
>Realizing their movement’s success was largely built on social media, Hogg & friends have dedicated themselves to dominating the discussion on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms. Their strategy? Out-memeing the right.
>Dylan Baierlein, a recent graduate of Marjory Stoneman Douglas says, “I came out the womb memeing.” Baierlein, 18, is still finishing psychology classes at Florida Atlantic University, but working full-time for the #NeverAgain movement. Baierlein noted that the NRA, the Alt-Right and users on Jow Forums have been his biggest inspiration for using memes to promote the group’s message. Pepe must be flattered.
>Under Hogg’s leadership, the students and alumni have created a digital informatziya machine, powered by millions of fans and followers. As Hogg says, “the immediate choke hold that we placed on the news cycle, to make sure that people would not be able to look away from this. The captivation of the American public is why this time is different.”
>They plan on branching out to YouTube with short VICE-style documentaries and political commentary. “It’s going to be a mix of actual education political stances and, like, the history of gun violence, and how you can register to vote,” Baeirlein said, in an interview with Vanity Fair.
>The undisclosed office space was donated by a supporter, according to #NeverAgain co-founder Jaclyn Corin, and its location is a carefully-guarded secret. Meanwhile, a more public agency, P.R. firm 42 West, has volunteered its services for free, which gives the group access to big names in music, media and Hollywood.

Nobody can beat 4Chad

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>failed to """"infiltrate"'""" the site
what the hell is there to "infiltrate" just post something true or get dealt with.

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>people who read funnyjunk and iFunny for years
>share other people's memes
>think they can make memes that appeal to millions of people better than people who study cultures and have been creating memes for each other for 12 years


Someone post the memeball about being under attack and winning a meme war without even realizing it.

>in a round about way they admit it
>they cant meme

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Also the level of concentrated autism on this board can't be matched.

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Good Luck.

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Someone please tell me while the fucking lefties that claim to hate Putin and Russia always use Russian terms when talking about agitprop and subversion tactics

Even schiff said "kompromat"

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The dems are literally the faggots that colluded with Russia (and Israel)

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Just in time for /mlpol/ again. Lets see the fags out meme Hitler and ponies.

They're gonna have PTSD

I know but they make it so obvious

I mean what normal person uses terms like informatziya; we're paranoid as shit about CIAniggers of all stripes and we don't use terms like that

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Pls say there is an archive of this, would love to see how this conversation went.

So is she Digital Blackface or is that the name of her band?

This one is pretty good too.

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Let's not give them any more clicks than we have to.

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its almost like they merely adopted the memes
where as we were born into the memes, moulded by them

even though this is a larp, I can totally see some fucking dreaded leftie jewette crying and making this post

lmao why do they keep trying this
it never works
someone dig up the "pissing into an ocean of piss" motivational poster

Will they keep using text-based memes like a grandma on fakebook?

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>The undisclosed office space was donated by a supporter, according to #NeverAgain co-founder Jaclyn Corin, and its location is a carefully-guarded secret. Meanwhile, a more public agency, P.R. firm 42 West, has volunteered its services for free, which gives the group access to big names in music, media and Hollywood.

(((they)) give Infinite money and resources and yet their best laid plans are scattered like dust on the wind by basement dwelling neck-bearded virgins. :')

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or throwing kerosene on a fire to try and put it out etc

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The Jew fears the samurai

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if it was a tax deductible donation then it's going to appear in the FEC filing for the organization that deducted it.
I'll get searching.

Is this the meme master mentioned in the article

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>liberals attempt to build a machine designed to piss into an ocean of piss.


>tfw was in the shitposting contingent of the great meme war

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>>must be funded
>>"warrooms" are set up
>>intensive study
>>sleepless nights
>>blood sweet and tears go into each meme
>>some lefties, weakened from previous battles die
different genders use all their skills
>>several polyamorous groups are broken by the long hours
"meme warriors" lose their battle with sanity
>>spend two weeks setting up a comprehensive all inclusive triage center
>>get back to work under glaring lights
>>one quits because he hasnt seen his boyfriends son in forever
>>come up with adding an f to Trumps name
>>Trumpf! Impeachment when?

>>the right
>>accidently make a meme while shitposting
>>CNN shows it for the next 2 weeks

This is gonna be great!

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Sounds like they're challenging Jow Forums to find it

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anons should get jobs there, then we will be the shills.

Their central planning memes and design by committee can never out-compete free market memes. The best they can do is trying to push purity spirals with who is less white and all that does is result in light banter
they are sending their elite jew team for us.

I think the "unknown" donor is

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Mediocre LARP. I'm not into circlejerking like the kikes.

I think it's this company
I'll look through their FEC filings but unless it's donated prior to 2018 it will not show up in the filing this year.

Good man

Commynism and its culture was born in russia.

Yeah, they'll be another failed Shareblue skeleton before the 2018 FECs come out

>fail to infiltrate
You don't seem to understand. That's not how it works. They're here forever.

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that's true. 8 chan will deal with them

The Russians conducted plenty of research on subversion during the their soviet days. Even today the Russia seems to emphasized espionage and subversion. It might even be a part of their psyche. I know a few ex-Russian guys who are big on the whole cultural engineering aspect of politics.

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>pissing in an ocean of piss

they really don't understand what this place is

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>and this is our sons bedroom


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>Using the term "meme war" in 2018
You're already behind my dudes

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Why do they keep sending us new recruits?

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>We're gonna beat Jow Forums
>We're gonna fund a program and use Hogg's people
>MFW they think this is an idea that will work against weaponized autism Korean basket weaving forum

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But they alerady have their own memetics.

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The new term is "meme police action",

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You say nigger as in "my nigger", not "my dude", sometimes "mein neigger".
Where the fuck do you think you are?
And you, you but fuckity faggot; wanna know how I know you glow in the dark?

The normie cuck leftists lack what is essential for long term success. First and foremost they lack the sense of truth. They require violence to shut down their opponents, because they have lost the ability to argue effectively. The right wingers who have gone up against them are civilized, cool, calm and collected. The left continues to chimp out. Secondly, they lack the aesthetics. Antifa refuses to show their faces for example. How can the masses trust faceless people? On the memetic front their memes have the feeling of bad sitcoms. They are stale, and often baby boomerish. Or childish. There is no depth to their humor. It is TV humor. It is the McDonalds of memes.

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self hating jew here standing by


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pretty much
btw it makes me wonder if The Dark Knight Rises was a warning from Christopher Nolan
there was so much in that movie that aligned with reality


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>raaacism(3a's for emphasis)
>Due to lack of life experience of most members, the will have a difficult time determining the reality of information presented
>Pro-Hillary meme haven't been successful
>Lack of job success. if anyone on a chan claims to have a high end job they are lying
>lack of success with women

never took the time to read that pic but it is comedy gold

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Great! Gas yourself!

Yeah Ruskies are devious like that, it's just weird to me that public lefty figures use their words for it.

If it's a psyop to link Russians with subversion through word choice it seems more ineffective than not

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I will once I've gassed my family. One should take responsibility for their own genetic filth.

Oh... You were being self ironic...
forgibs me user I go commit sodoku now.

>Their strategy? Out-memeing the right.
Now that's a good one.

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likely California or NY.

What they don't understand is that the left can't meme. Who remembers all those terrible forced memes during the election? They lack the ability to satire correctly, nor do they have a sense of humor. Jow Forums Anons are like your "every man." Thus, our memes appeal to the average public. Liberals aren't nor can they appeal to the average Joe. This is why it will fail.

lel. We should find it

literally all you have to do is stop practicing the way of the kike and you are free.
Hitler's limousine drive was full jew.

>As Hogg says, “the immediate choke hold that we placed on the news cycle, to make sure that people would not be able to look away from this. The captivation of the American public is why this time is different.”
Holy shit, they really don't get it, do they? Forcing their BS down peoples throats for decades on end is the reason they're hated to begin with. What a bunch of fucking idiots.

The meek shall inherit the Earth

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It won't work though. They'll be worried about offending eachother and just shit out bland memes. The key to making good memes is to be jaded and not care about offending people. If you can't call someone a faggot for their shitty meme, all you'll get is shitty memes.

Stuffy self-important academic leftists will never understand what makes Jow Forums memes so effective and capable. I mean, it's kind of telling that they are going and creating a "meme lab" where the community and memes of Jow Forums happened much more organically (with a little help from our paid Russian shills of course).

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Just classic kike projection. Schiff is neck deep in Russo-Ukranian dealings and corrupting/kickbacks.

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Dey say we be white supremacists and shit
But we be all black white brown yellow red and green

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Just learn to laugh at yourself, and you'll be okay.

Won't work because they bully autistics instead of embracing them like Jow Forums

Which one lol That has happened so many times

This is a Christian board, sir, I'm going to have to ask you to curb your impious tongue

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Survival of the fittest with a lifespan of a few minutes per iteration.

these people are delusional and don't realize they're a flash in the pan

The beta uprising will happen once again

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>Hog(ber)g's leadship

Do they think anyones buying a kid who happens to be an actor, happens to be the son of a exFBI crisis incident planner, happens to run to the school to interview students hiding in closets, with his scripted lines and twitter bodyguards, how can anyone think a kid has anything to do with this? The other kids father ran a shady one world adoption agency that was sued for child trafficking, so these freaks have nothing to lose, and they are playing on no one having the balls to call them out for being the best Soros can apparently afford

This is some good stuff desu. They are trying.

Wait wait, hold on now. Any milkers?