Who here unironically believe in God? strawpoll.me
Who here unironically believe in God?
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I believe without religion, we're fucked.
Because every other godless people died out.
Think about that, fedora boy.
You think the country you live in is always going to be secular? have fun getting hanged by your islamic overlords because you believed Christianity was a bigger threat
I am god, ask me anything
Christianity is what built and kept this country together for so lonh
post anime tiddies
Whyfore tho' bump thy shit post?
God is called The Wave Existence.
If you believe the universe just popped up out of randomness you have brain damage.
worst girls
post loli tiddies
Who here unironically believes that everything evolved out of nothing?
Because that's what you believe if you *don't* believe in God.
there it is...ladyboys and gentlemen..
there it is...
that's the truth right there.
More a deist. I do believe that actual Christianity upheld to a European nationalistic form would end this degenerate shit pretty quickly. Like Poland. So yes, deist to a degree, and religion for tradition and culture.
That's a trick question, lolis don't have tiddies
Are you ready to accept the TRUTH?
When the going gets tough in your personal lives anons, putting your sincere faith in God will stave off suicidal thoughts.
Knowing there is a God, can lead you to learning respect for yourself & people around you.
good answer. i believe in you now
Don't believe in yourself, believe in me who believes in you
Thanks Kami(na)-sama
Bless you my child