Why do you hate the LGBT community? We're just consenting adults who love eachother...

Why do you hate the LGBT community? We're just consenting adults who love eachother. All that bullshit about gays being pedophiles is alt right bogus made up by closeted homophobes. Suck it alt right XD

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there is no alt-right, you're all abused and the media is making enemies out of you

What does the LGBT "community" think about islam?

If straight people got in my face about sex like LGBT, I'd not like them either.
Not only do you demand that I tolerate you, you demand I LIKE you.
Fuck off.

pshh stop being a bigot and live life, its 2018 XD

I'm gay and I hate at least 95% of the gay community. There's a difference between literal fags and the very few normal gay dudes.

You know what I dislike more than sodomites?
Shitty b8 threads.

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Jesus doesn't consent sinner

What you do behind closed doors in none of my business. What you parade through the streets, put on tv, post on the internet, tell my children, and force people to endorse is. It's fucking degenerate. You can't leave me and mine alone. It's not enough for you to live in freedom. You must force me to give up mine. That's why I hate you. You are the reason you can't be left alone.

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you need to be more tolerant, nobody cares when a straight couple adopts kids or holds hands, but when a gay couple does its the end of the world. Lol grow up and realize that you have to accept everyone bigot XD

Living properly means that as a boy you want to become a man and that forms who you are. Gays never took that on, which is why they're so fucked up and broken.

I'm a faggot and you people irk me. I red pill your lot. Always pushing the boundaries.

It's the

You'll never understand because you're trolling and even if you weren't the abuse from the past will never allow you to accept what a worthless moron you are for pushing it in people's faces. That user told you right and proper what the problem is but you go on with the tolerance bullshit, well you don't see him fucking his wife or girlfriend on the street every summer for a month, but we get to.
Take your self loathing and keep it away from everyone that wasn't raped as a kid

I'm gay and monogamous and we're in entertainment and we pretend to be liberal and fuck you.

I don't care what the fuck you do. My issue is your fucking agenda.
>We want to be allowed to legally married.
>We won't to be legally married in churches.
>We want everyone to accept our way of life. If you refuse to service us, we will destroy your life.
>We want to teach kids that don't know anything about homosexuality.
>We want pride prades of men fucking each other and walking I'm degenerate outfits in streets filled with people that don't want to see this shit.
>We want preferable treatment. We suffered a lot ok.
>We have a lot of std but want people to stop making a big deal about it and let us donate blood.

Fuck off faggot catch AIDS and die.

U are #1 source of aids


>We have a lot of std but want people to stop making a big deal about it and let us donate blood.
Hey, I should be able to give you an incurable disease that you'll need pills for the rest of your life to survive because otherwise you're discriminating against faggots.

i fucking hate you faggots
>stop being a bigot haha it's 2018
You demanded that I not only tolerate you, but you DEMANDED ENDORSEMENT so you could undermine the traditional foundation of marriage. Marriage means dick all now thanks to feminism, but you colorful cunts couldn't just keep your cum stained hands off the foundations that make up a healthy society.

You are degenerates. You are more concerned with indulgence and hedonism, promoting a culture of instant gratification and degeneracy. None of you freaky faggots have any sense of belonging, no sense of duty, no pride in your accomplishments. Your "community" is all inclusive because mental illness knows no limits & misery loves company.

I'm happy for you cunts, because I'm alive in a time where shit like you poo punching faggots can propagate your bullshit and I won't tolerate it.

You will be bred out of existence and replaced by men and women of worth. Get gassed.

discord gg/np5RRD

add a .

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I don't care what you do in your bedroom. I don't want to see it. Seriously why do you fags insist on:

>Promoting your degeneracy in your "pride marches". As if getting bummed in the ass is something to be proud of
>Insist on indoctrinating children that this is somehow "normative behavior
>Insist I make your cakes
>Insist you be married at my church
>Insist your marriage is equally socially valuable as a straight one
>The (((Hollywood))) promotion of your degernate BS HOLY SHIT.

Fuck off.

I have personally been hurt relationally by the LGBT community. The highly toxic drama of sexually loose people breeds disease and mental disorders. What you see is never what they are like in private. Swinger, orgies, black societies, sex clubs, intergenerational sex...

You think it's a far stretch to accuse pedopholia? I personally know a chorus teacher that had lesbian sex with willing students in the women's only chorus on the trips.

The individuals in the LGBT community are truly inhuman monsters. They are no longer human.

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wtf she doesn't pass as a woman

I don't mind gays. I can't stand faggots.

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Is the distinction between gay and faggot that you can't tell who the gays are but the faggots are wearing nothing but tube socks in front of a preschool holding signs?

one of my siblings is gay, and they went to a pride rally with friends. they all came back agreeing never to go again because of the sheer amount of weed smell

I know I reponded once, but I was using you as a soapbox, but falling for your shitty troll. You are my tool, not the other way around. You should still kill yourself, though.

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No, being gay is just "lol I like men, k". Most of these are essentially unrecognizable from normal men
A faggot is anyone who
>spreads their cancer in public
>is extremely promiscuous and always preying for men to bang
>dresses like a freak in public
Milo calls himself a faggot because he knows this.

no one would even care about gays if you faggots would stop molesting children and quit the degenerate shit like pissing in peoples' mouths in public during your """"pride"""" parades

>*not falling for your shity troll
Fucking phone-posting.

They hate you because you are stongly associated with feminism and leftism. The reason for feminists to support you was an error in their analysis. They introduced the false concept of patriarchy and decided that gays are oppressed because they are acting in women's role. They also falsely assume that females were oppressed more than men, ignoring the fact that those were only men drafted into military slavery.

The truth is that homophobia and stoning of whores were mostly supported by women as a fight against their competitors for men. As soon as women managed to earn money in cities and survive separately from men, they advocated for legalizing divorces. They also lost interest in men and quit homophobia and stopped oppressing whores. And legal changes followed later, such as decriminalizing prostitution, porn and gay sex.

Since feminism is a sexist movement in favor of women, they are interested to rise the prise of a cunt. The rational decision for them would be to ban prostitution, pron and sex dolls. And the voices are in support are heard nowadays.

This, but unironically.

So many people flip their shit when a same sex couple does anything in public. But a straight couple doing the same things doesn't even register, unless they're getting super into it. And then it's just worth a roll of the eyes.

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Thats what I was saying....

Straight couple with all of their genitalia engorged, basically nude, and grinding in public at 10am seeking massive public attention to themselves go to jail. it's called public indecency laws....

>made up

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That's a strawman and you know it user. Try watching the reaction people have to a gay couple kissing in public. Not making out, literally just kissing. I can tell you it's not just 'meh, w/e'.

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Not a strawman. Watch the San Fransisco Pride Parade.

And most people don't want to see two dudes kissing. You don't have a right to make people like your degeneracy.

wow you really said it, you really showed us!
the absolute madman

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It's fairly commonly acknowledged that modern pride parades are to the lgbt community is what the West Boro is to the baptist church. That is to say, radical extremists. They've even gotten super commercialized and everything.

>most people don't want to see two dudes kissing.

That's exactly my point user. You guys keep claiming 'we completely tolerate you when you're acting like normal human beings', but that's simply not true. Which was the whole point of my post in the first place, to point that out.

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There is nothing wrong between three consenting adults.

dont make us hate you.

>Not all gays are radical faggots!
>Conflates enjoying watching two men kiss with being intolerant.


>suck it alt right XD

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Putting aside the gay argument for a minute, how the fuck is this allowed on youtube? I thought they didn't allow pornographic content. even if you can't see it happening, they're still putting stuff up a dude's ass and filming his reaction.

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>conflates enjoying watching two men kiss with being intolerant.

Another straw man. I'm not saying you have to _enjoy_ watching two guys kiss. I'm just saying that getting a raging hate-boner because of two dudes doing something any couple does is not cool. You don't have to enjoy it, or applaud every time it happens or anything. Just stop looking like you're ready to start strangling people because of it. Just ignore it and move on with your day, the same as you would if it were a straight couple.

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Do you not understand what a straw man is? KYS retard.

Fuck you for demanding how I express myself in ways that have exactly 0 things to do with you or your AIDS.

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>mfw OP will not address this
>mfw I have no face

straw man
ˌstrô ˈman/
noun: straw man; plural noun: straw men; noun: strawman; plural noun: strawmen

an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
"her familiar procedure of creating a straw man by exaggerating their approach"

I do, in fact, know what a straw man is. It's an appropriate accusation in the situation, since you keep putting words in my mouth. I didn't 'demand you express yourself' in one way or another. I simply said \you're being a dick if you do this.'

But I suppose you're incapable of having any kind of rational talk with someone you disagree with, so I guess it doesn't really matter how many times I tell you people that. Doesn't mean I won't keep doing it, but I can still acknowledge the futility.

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Stop being homophobic you bigot its 2018 you should grow up manchild XD real men love eachother

I love the LGBTQIA+ community. I’m a transgender woman myself. I just wish LGB was as accepting of TQIA+ I am of them and always have been.

We don't we just hate those creepy pride parades.

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YEEEEES this is exactly what we need in the US I wish we were more inclusive those fuckng right wing nazis like trump seriously

I'm straight! Did you know I'm straight? I'm super duper straight! Straaaaaaaaaaight!! I'm so very straight! Are you straight too? I'm straight. Did I mention I'm straight? Yea dude sorry but I'm straight. I'm straight! Want to go to a straight bar? Let's all go to the straight bar! Straight! Look at how straight I am! Straight Parade! Straight Paaaaraaaade!! Straightness! Straight straight straight!

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