Just went to the mall today and this is what the Easter event looked like. What is going on?
Why are shopping malls dying?
Eli Walker
Camden Price
Because niggers
Brody Gray
Cameron Gray
Amazon. Easy, you get what you want, things are usually never out of stock, and you don’t need to deal with niggers.
Blake Flores
Funny pic.
Julian Roberts
Don't people care about, idk actually trying on clothes n shit? seeing things in person?
Eli Lee
last time i went I thought i was going to get robbed or stabbed by.......spoiler NIGGERS. decent part of town too....sad
Joshua Cook
The only thing keeping our mall alive is the crappy movie theater and the foodcourt.
Brandon Clark
fren, be true to yourself, dont miss your chance, and you won't end up like the cuck whooooo went anddddd
ripped his pants
Josiah Ross
Amazon + strip malls = death of traditional mall and small town main street business districts.