two problems with this: 1 obama already took your guns away 2 how are you going to kill so many people with no guns checkmate gunfag
Andrew Walker
Nice leddit spacing, OP totally not a faggot guys. At least the bundy guys followed through with their threats.
Logan King
Brandenburg vs Ohio
Anyway the statement Is true and many gun owners intend to do just that.. they need to be more clear about it because the left is asking for a civil war that will destroy everything
>this is the argument the right should be using No it's not. We'll miss out on the look on their faces when they finally realize what "shall not be infringed" meant.
John James
I’ve been here since new faggot I’ve always used spacing for readability.
Jace Carter
By the way, no one is trying to take your guns. We just want common sense gun control.
Brandenburg test, as the other user mentioned. You'd have to see a revision of Court precedent at the Supreme Court level for the passage of a law prohibiting you from saying this to even be legal.
Cameron Moore
She is ugly as sin, and more than likely the product of Incest. Fucking piece of hick Shit.
this comic never fails to amuse me since it assumes that all blacks are democrats
Camden Roberts
>upholding the constitution is glow in the dark >implying glow in the dark niggers abide by the constitution
Jaxson Walker
>a national survey >weasel words
Gun owners can be anywhere from former LEO to ex military. Fat fucks don't have the motivation to shoot as a hobby lol
Gavin Hall
It might not be this generation It might not be the next generation. But the guns will eventually be taken away. It's only a matter of time now- maybe 2020.
John Russell
no, you don't tell them that part because it drives away the normies that you'd like to keep on your side. if you are going to imply it, you don't use the first-person perspective to do so, and you do so in a subtle way that allows them to draw the correct conclusion without being overtly threatening.
be polite, be professional, have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
Wrong.. we need to be proactive. We need to take back a yard at this point. It’s more important than ever. Radicals are calling for repeal. I call for bad repeal. We have the right to select fire. Licensure and banned new production is unconstitutional
Mason Wood
We have to manage to hang on to them until the racewar breaks out.
Samuel Myers
Hey there spook, just wondering if you ever took the time to think about what you're doing and how it plays out in the long run.
I know it's safe and cushy running psyops on your fellow citizens an all but isn't your job also to guard against FOREIGN enemies? Who will always be hesitant to even consider any sort of military land invasion/occupation against your country precisely because 60% of your citizens are armed and will give it to them 100X worse than the Iraqis are doing now. If I were a hostile foreign entity bent on the conquest of the US, disarming US citizens would be one of the top 3 priorities before staging any sort of military operation. Think about that when your boss asks your next progress report on how your anti-2A assignment is doing.
Daniel Perry
Fucking this
Jackson Lee
Also this
Kayden Sullivan
Nfa repeal
Isaac Cox
With the current heated debate over gun rights and the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution (which serves to affirm our natural rights…rights we have whether the State recognizes them or not), I thought it might be interesting to talk briefly about the Battle of Athens. If you’re like a lot of people, you probably haven’t heard about this event. I know I hadn’t until a few years ago, which is kind of surprising, considering how much the media and the left constantly drone on over various historical “milestones” revolving around identity politics (race, gender, social justice, etc.). But I guess this doesn’t really fit the narrative, as it revolves around the South, and regular folks resisting their local government – and perhaps even a form of the Police State – through exercising their right to keep and bear arms.
The Battle of Athens, which happened August 1-2, 1946 in McMinn County, Tennessee, was the result of some 3000 veterans returning home at the end of World War II. Unhappy with the roughshod political corruption, fraud, control over newspapers, schools and police “fee gathering” that had been going on in McMinn County while they were away from home – with even a couple of servicemen shot and killed by the police while home on leave – these guys decided to do something about it. So like any sensible group of people would do, they organized and decided to run a number of nonpartisan candidates for positions in the local government.
However, the local sheriff and the political machine evidently felt threatened by such activity, and brought in 200 armed deputies to intimidate people at the polls. Former veterans were beaten, and one poll watcher was reportedly shot. After multiple other incidents, the sheriff opted to take the ballot boxes to the jail for counting.
Much of the McMinn County citizenry smelled a rat (so to speak), and the former vets surrounded and laid siege to the jail after gathering up firearms and ammo. After gunfire was exchanged, the GIs dynamited the jail during the early hours of August 2 and forced the occupants inside to surrender. After posting guards to secure the ballots, the votes were counted and the corrupt government leaders were voted out.
Miraculously, no-one was killed – although there were quite a number who were seriously injured and required hospitalization. However, the people of McMinn County, Tennessee were once again free to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Something they might not have been able to do if the citizens were only armed with sling-shots and squirt guns. So…still confused as to why guys like Thomas Jefferson believed that the right of the people to keep and bear arms, and that it shouldn’t be infringed upon by the government was and is considered such an important thing?
Wait. You have to make their children into sex slaves.
Ian Rodriguez
shill do you genuinely want this conflict, do you think anyone should? I for one would rather do my own thing and use this place as a septic waste of time. it would be nice for things to change but those who desire large scale hostilities habe never encountered one or changed after they did.
Tyler Long
Are threats considered a protected speech in the US? I am sure if a student says that he will shoot a schools if something something, he will be at least asked by the police not to do so.
Grayson Nelson
Radicals move the needle it’s time imo that gun owners make it very clear what they mean because the left does not understand what they are pushing for.
I don’t want to see the complete destruction of our supply chain and power grid, apparently the left does though cause that is what they are asking for. Banning guns = civil war and the destruction of everything.
They need to understand what they are pushing for cause it’s fucking insane
Daniel Roberts
Luis Myers
instead of asking why it's so easy for criminals to get guns, the right tells everyone to get a gun because they wanna live out their hero fantasy
i'm not saying don't warn them about the consequences of their actions, just do it in a diplomatic way.
it serves their purpose to portray gun owners as unhinged lunatics to the masses, and it hurts them when we show ourselves to be the reasonable, level-headed adults in the situation.
Eli Davis
I never said I wanted it, I am saying that the right needs to make the message more clear becuase the left doesn’t understand what they are pushing For, either that or the left wants civil war.
The right doesn’t want to start a fight but it’s clear that the 2nd is a red line and the left who doesn’t know the difference between an AR vs AK is risking a civil war over this
Jack Anderson
Nigger you don't even live in America. Kill yourself.
>a diplomatic way It’s diplomatic to tell the truth that if they do A you will do B
Carter Richardson
What are we, the Democrats?
Isaiah Wright
>“If you try to take my second amendment I will kill you, your wife, your family and everyone you know.” But you won't. The right are nothing but pussys.
Jaxon Hall
>The USA has 350,000,000 guns, we will take them all, lol. Niggers cant get guns if they're illegal, duh! Implying that nigger bought a legal gun. This is why you should be executed for talking like this.
Jack Hill
>A woman posted this
Jason Jones
good point.
Joseph Ward
If that was a true statement the 2nd would have been repealed a long timed ago
Tejano here, Ban guns in America. I'll get some sweet full autos along with some RPGs and all sorts of other things that will turn your family to mush. You get to die last so you can see it happen.
Cooper Cox
What if I don't want to kill anyone? I just want to have my guns in peace.
If you guys legalised full auto weapons there would probably be less casualties in mass shootings because the average tard wouldn’t know squat about fire control and would just jizz all their ammo in the first 20 seconds, spend more time reloading (which is when most get taken out by bystanders) than shooting.
Jack Stewart
>We just want common sense gun control. What is this WE shit, leaf? Fuck you fuck Canada!
Gun owners need to become more aggressive and frontal in the face of their radical anti-Americanism. Our rights are inalienable and inviolable and no deity, organization or costumed people with special names hold any power over any of our rights.
Power certainly does grow out the barrel of the gun, which is why the radical neo-Marxists are working so fervently to dispose any patriotic resistance that could arise in the way of the development and furtherance of globalism and internationalist scheming. The media propagandists push a cultural revolution against our American values, encouraging the destruction of our liberties, freedom, expressions, and ideologies, while calling us rayciss and deplatforming and censoring and encouraging and deliberately acting like a fourth column of a cancerous anti-American dystopic psychopathology.
Gun grabbers want the destruction of our values, of the right to defend ourselves, of the balance between the people and government, while screaming about safety and the children and marching in lockstep towards their own doom by oppressive institutional supremacism. Gun grabbers enable the tyrannical, pointing towards military supremacy as the reason to why all gun owners should give up their arms, as if that would be any more of an incentive to be disarmed in the face of an overwhemingly armed organization which could instantly use its utilities against the American people- and the American people, being disarmed, would be helpless and slaughtered and butchered like cattle before an organisation that decides that Americans should be silenced.
It's time to change the playing field from one of defense to one of certaintude and assertive direction. We are the ones wanting to hold onto our weaponry while they are the ones wanting to become slaves. Who has more power, the slave or the armed free person? Those armed will not listen to the unarmed- the unarmed are all slaves to those who understand power.
>If you try to take my second amendment The only way they can succeed in doing that is to dissolve the Constitution. They would first have to convince the military to become traitors to the oath. There would be battles within the military of which would be unable to stop the chaos in an unstable federal government. Then there are crazy ass combat veterans who would still take the oath to the grave. And there are those who understand that without the Constitution, we will end up like Venezuela AND DIE ANYWAY. So yes, it is a given that IF that happened, it's because our country no longer exist and things will rapidly decay into chaos. Once it does, people WILL unite to find a common enemy and then blood flows.
Thomas Brown
This. The 2nd Amendment serves the same purpose as the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction - it is detente.
It is a core part of the checks and balances of government. Without the threat of instant overthrow and death, a tyrannical government that becomes a threat to its people and their freedom is free to do whatever it wants.
This detente MUST be protected from those who would see it destroyed. Armed patriots MUST stand up and remind our government and those who would disarm us and take away our only recourse against tyranny, that they WILL rise up and take arms up against them if they make ANY attempt to disarm the people and threaten their inalienable rights to protect themselves, their families, and their friends, from ANY threats, foreign or domestic. The fear of unimaginable retribution and certain death MUST be once again instilled in the minds of those who govern us. They MUST be reminded that they serve US, and not themselves, or any other party.
Lincoln Ramirez
>I am sure if a student says that he will shoot a schools if something something, he will be at least asked by the police not to do so. The FBI was warned 66 times of Cruz's intent to shoot up the school...and they did nothing.
Thomas Smith
We don't kill innocents, especially women and children. Anyone here who says otherwise glows in the dark or is a Communist more than willing to kill kids to further their agenda. We'd be hitting big wigs. Patriots understand real change comes from cutting the heads off the hydra, not randomly attack people who have nothing to do with it. More importantly their deaths would more hinder us than help us.
Daniel Fisher
You are an extremist idiot, and belong in jail.
Having said that... I absolutely believe the only reason America still exists is because it's populace is armed. After Pearl Harbor, had the Japanese invaded the West Coast, they would have penetrated as far as Chicago before the Armed Forces could have stopped them at the Mississippi, because most of the Armed Forces were in the field. A major reason they did not invade was because our population was armed. So it's a huge deterrent to invasion. Disarming the public invites invasion, this is axiomatic in every strategic military scenario I've ever discussed. If the shit ever hits the fan, you do NOT want to be caught disarmed. Yes, the AR-15 was designed to kill as many human beings as efficiently as possible. But there are times when it's extremely convenient and absolutely necessary to be able to do so. These kids are suffering from a trauma they never should have had to suffer, and that sucks. But they know NOTHING about national security matters from a wargaming perspective. I'm sorry for their loss. I pray for the families, and I feel they do need to "Fix NICS". However I sleep better at night knowing 72 million Americans of good conscience (22% of the population) own firearms that are effective enough to mount a reasonable defense of this nation if, God forbid, an enemy was to preemptively take out Military Command and Control and plunge us into a postapocalypic chaos. Ask yourself which makes our nation more secure: a half-million enlisted personnel in the Military, over half of whom are deployed, or 72 million Americans prepared to kill or die to defend the clay they and their loved ones actually live on? With due respect to military power projection, I'll side with the 72 million any day when it comes to securing our Homeland from invasion, because there aren't enough enlisted to simultaneously do that, AND fight and win a 2-front war, as required by U.S. military doctrine.
James Johnson
>my enemy wants me dead >threatening them makes me "extreme" Get raped homo
Charles Clark
Because he haven't done anything illegal, or just cos they were lazy?
Japan did not invade the US because of logistics dumb ass. They had no way to move their army, which was then engaged in China, across the fucking Pacific nor to supply it if it had magiced to the US.
they don't understand that the 2A is far more than a line in the constitution. it's a line the government SHALL NOT cross - something that should be pushed is that a) it's a big planet and they can either leave for better soil or water this soil with their own blood - additionally, if the meme that Adolf disarmed everyone before he slaughter is true, and Adolf has been canonized as the epitome of all evil for the past 70+ years; all of the repeal 2A/Commie/Gun-grabbers need to be shooped with Adolf mustaches