ITT: we hate on stupid, low IQ, overweight, stupid pro gun scum

ITT: we hate on stupid, low IQ, overweight, stupid pro gun scum

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thanks for shitting up our board again shlomo.. surely this doesn't just make us hate you even more

the flag doesn't represent the government it represents the people

The flag represents the country not the government.

The flag doesnt represent the government crocodile dundy


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>the flag represents the government

TFW founding fathers gave me the right to shoot 500 rounds per minute of supersonic projectiles that reload in seconds and pierce steel, its in the constoshen, father abraham jackson owened one of them and he said we should too
TFW in the constitution the fathers said there can be no legal tender currency but gold and silver, that has not been the case since 1970, and this one actually has ruined America for real, aka steal ur standard of living and purchasing power because now the dollar is just a paper, not enough IQ in pro gun forms of life to even comprehend the magnitude of that, dont understand it

Muh M-16

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that idiot lives about 5 miles from me

wow, so THATS why the flag changes every 4-8 years

this. Fuck off libshit kikes.

TFW go from world's creditor to worlds debtor in 50 years, free float the currency and transfere the wealth into production in asia while the economy turns into service sector garbage


>Flag represents government
>Not the people
Are you retarded?

silly, the flag represents ideals, not the government.
The most important of those ideals is embedded in the 2A. Why the most important? because any other right is moot if the government do not fear the people.
"covenants, without the sword, are but words".
All other rights, without the 2a, are nothing but words.

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>founding fathers gave me the right
ffffffffuuuuuuuck you if you don't know what you're talking about

>my government is my country
you must be a snowbird bong

>the constitution has been violated once, so fuck it all
Are you the single densest motherfucker in existence, or are you just a jew?

Guns are awesome

you got denied the visa again, chink?
IT jobs not cool enough over there?

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The flag represents the country, not the government. The founders loved the country and hated the government, which they then overthrew.

Flag doesn’t represent the government you retarded nigger

stupid mutt

you have no wealth, the most important one was the silver and gold currency which the gov got rid of, you can be starved to death because what you have is papper

also, sure thing. you can defend yourself vs government trained soldiers and swat teams and advanced technology and drones, your gov can invade a country on the other side of the world, shut down ur bank accounts and make u go broke in the blink of an eye, but will be held in check by a redneck with a rifle, that doesn't realise that the central federal bank of USA is privately held
Maybe after all you guys deserve to be enslaved and controlled, such scum and low IQ ppl, there would be no good what so ever with masses like that having free will.

Stay sedated by media now, and call your self a conservative and argue with other idiots who call themself liberal, and continue to completely miss the point you 70 IQ scum

Go take your insulin

Automatic weapons have been banned for almost 3 decades. Punch yourself in the face, faggot.

These points are good enough that I'm willing to overlook you obviously pushing your own vids.

Say it with me... "shall not be infringed." I absolutely do believe the only reason America still exists is because it's populace is armed. After Pearl Harbor, had the Japanese invaded the West Coast, they would have penetrated as far as Chicago before the Armed Forces could have stopped them at the Mississippi, because most of the Armed Forces were in the field. A major reason they did not invade was because our population was armed. So it's a huge deterrent to invasion. Disarming the public invites invasion, this is axiomatic in every strategic military scenario I've ever discussed. If the shit ever hits the fan, you do NOT want to be caught disarmed. Yes, the AR-15 was designed to kill as many human beings as efficiently as possible. But there are times when it's extremely convenient and absolutely necessary to be able to do so. These kids are suffering from a trauma they never should have had to suffer, and that sucks. But they know NOTHING about national security matters from a wargaming perspective. I'm sorry for their loss. I pray for the families, and I feel they do need to "Fix NICS". However I sleep better at night knowing 72 million Americans of good conscience (22% of the population) own firearms that are effective enough to mount a reasonable defense of this nation if, God forbid, an enemy was to preemptively take out Military Command and Control and plunge us into a postapocalypic chaos. Ask yourself which makes our nation more secure: a half-million enlisted personnel in the Military, over half of whom are deployed, or 72 million Americans prepared to kill or die to defend the clay they and their loved ones actually live on? With due respect to military power projection, I'll side with the 72 million any day when it comes to securing our Homeland from invasion, because there aren't enough enlisted to simultaneously do that, AND fight and win a 2-front war, as required by U.S. military doctrine.

If we get invaded, without my AR-15 I'm just a statistic waiting to happen, with all my injuries, but WITH my AR-15, I feel confident I can get at least one or two of the bastards before they take my house, maybe more. If 72 million Americans can do that, it rapidly decimates any force of invasion numbering in the tens, or even hundreds of thousands. Without those guns in trustworthy American hands, the same invading force rolls over everyone unabated, rapes the women, kills the children and elderly, steals the food and medicine, and gulags all the young men into labor camps. And no, we don't stand a chance with shotguns and antiquated bolt-action rifles, against am invading modern military force. So God bless those kids for speaking out, I applaud them for exercising their First Amendment rights, and their hearts are in the right place. I agree they should give peace a chance. As for me, I'll cover them in case it doesn't work out.

As many others have pointed out, the flag represents the nation of people, not the government. Pic related represents the government.

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U mad bogan?

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>someone gave you rights
no you fucking stupid euronigger
nobody GIVES you rights
you HAVE rights
someone has sadly taken ours, but not yet the burgers

I'm healthier than you will ever be

IQ correlates with health, you overweight dense piece of shit american

Cancer/Diabetes/Cardiovascular disease and dead by the time you are 50

>I'm a rimming fagit with anal cancer: the thread

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>the most important one was the silver and gold currency which the gov got rid of
the rights in the constitution are of equal importance, you fucktard.
Without the 2nd, you can't defend the others against the government.
Without the 1st you can't defend them from other citizens, etc.

Ah, so you're going to die young then. Then again, for you, that can't be too soon.

>flag of the government
>of the government

The flag is ours. The government has shit all to do with it.

Say it with you

I'll say this with you, have you actually read the bill of rights? and other works written by founding fathers, or ur just being a parrot repeating the one sentance the media fed you ?

What do you know about the gold standard and what was said about it in the bill of right?
get ready to have whatever is left from your 2008 GFC wiped out in this coming financial crises

Maybe your guns will be handy then killing other americans as you both fight for whatever scarce resources are left then, moron

they have had no basic rights since 1970

do you read the thread?

Thanks for turning normal people even further to the right!

You can be loyal to the nation and fight against the government at the same time. Like the people who founded America.

Where was the 2nd amendment patriot guards when america was robbed of its wealth in 1970?

The gov will do what they want to do, because these gun nuts are 70IQ and dont understand anything

These little trial balloon threads never get off the ground.

is this the one who will be able to answer
>what is afghanistan
>what is vietnam

you and normal people

and leftist

are low IQ scum and you deserve to be enslaved, you actually are getting enslaved you just dont know it

Now, back to fox news and arguing with leftists and getting more obese 70IQ mutt

You really are.
Guns are flying off the shelves.

Of course the faggot from a country built by criminals and infested by monkey people doesn't understand the idea of patriotism

>The gov will do what they want to do
Not if they try and take away guns, or instate a police state.

Dream on, 'Roo.

>the flag represents the government and not its people

i know it s bait but im pretty sure people believe that

American patriot is a moron that has had his wealth and standards of living stolen off from him, fed burgerz to the point he becomes obese, incompetant both physically and mentally

both "sides" of the goverment work together to steal your rights, and distract you with shallow garbage that mean nothing, you stupid mutt

Now, go get ready to cry when this global financial crises that was started with quantitiative easing hits you, and wipes out more and more of your standard of living, and purchasing power and national wealth, stupid mutt with 70IQ that has no idea what the real inflation is

I don't buy an AR-15 simply because I know that if shit hits the fan, all I have to do is put a well placed .30-06 into a guy or gal with an AR-15 and suddenly *viola* I'm the proud owner of an AR-15.

Marksmanship, motherfucker.

That said, "shall not be infringed" is the last thread that keeps us from slitting the throats of those who would think they can call mercenaries to rule over us.

Australia is a shithole. You were cooler in 1930.

yeah sure thing, retarded mutt

Cluetos will stop the government with his rifle, there he goes on his SVU to go buy more bullets from Wallmart to show gov whos the boss lul

>flag of the government
fundamental mischaracterization of the United States. Typical.

muh shall not be infringed

muh wealth handed over to gobment in 1970 tho

>kangaroo prison island retard


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I don't care what you think, faggot.

I'm not gonna live around niggers and not own a gun.

That isn't us.
Say whatever it won't change a thing.
Also: I have anti-drone gear. If I wanted to I could shut down every piece of electronics for 2.5 miles with my boosted microwave transmitter.

No, Cletus alone will not. But the millions of Cleutus' out there, each packing a rifle and a tub of ammo will. The government relies on its citizenry not being able to fight back to press them.

Imagine being so emasculated and disempowered that you assume your disgusting aberrant feminized state of mind is the human norm

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I wouldn't waste a .30-06 on a communist such as yourself. I would make you bite the curb.

Ide use fire. Necklace him like the negroes do.

be me US gobment
Cluetos thinks hes in contorl cos hes buying a gun
Pass w.e I want
My dick up cluetos ass since 1970
Cluetos thinks hes in control
Cluetos is not in control of anything
Cluetos is a 70IQ moron

Nah you should just use a .22 or a .380 auto to the spine so that way he becomes paralyzed

A-are you ok bro?

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Flag represents ideals of US. Not necessarily the gov

Imagine being a cluetos with low test, eat hormon infested garbage (the patriotic burgerz food) have high LDL and high fat, micro dick, big truck and guns, low IQ and think you are (manly) when in reality you are just 70IQ that dont know hes stupid?

Typical liberal can’t differentiate between the government and the nation.

>I love my country and the principles upon which it was founded.
>I distrust my government.
It's unpatriotic to be trusting of the government as an American citizen.

Go back to China you disgusting faggot.

>the government and its people are the same thing. You can't like one but dislike the other

This is what leftserfs actually believe

Typical cluetos that can't read

If you read my posts you would realise that I hate liberals just as much as I hate you, you are both worthless scum with sub 80IQ especially the zeal ones

you ignorance is the steps that some used to climb up and enslave you, you are so stupid you dont even realise that you are a slave, look at the papper that you call money, take it to a bank or the gov that issued them to you and tell them swap this note for something of value that is tangible lets see what they tell you

If you cant understand that i don't know how else to explain it to you, there's no less layman way of explaining it to you you fkn moron

btw gold and silver legal tender was in the constitution, btw the dollar said this is a note for gold and silver, btw all the funding fathers would have a heart attack if they saw the state of affairs of today in USA

and you get a stupid 80IQ cluetos that thinks owning a gun is keeping the gov in check, idiot

I like my country but I hate its government.

Boy it sure took rocket science to get to the bottom of that one, huh Bruce?

Article I
Section 8.
The Congress shall have Power...
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

"And to the Republic, for which it stands."

Flag represents the Public, jew rat. not the kike government.

are homosexuals brainlets cause they dies from AIDS?

Where is gold and silver currency only in the constitution, because it definitely gives congress the power to print, and regulate the value of, money.

No seriously, are you sober?
Your typing is crap.

He's sober, he's just chinese.

Jesus Christ.
Are they outsourcing the shills even further?
Are they running out of money?

>steal your rights
At least we didn't have a gun "buy back" program sponsored by the jews in power

no, he's probably from the eastern states. They're infested with niggers and chinks.

>stupid rednecks how do you think you'll over throw the government they'll just kill everyone and lose their money and power

>implying nation=state
Nice try faggot

The Nation and the State are not synonyms.
This is bait.

Enjoy your ban.

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ITT: OP is a faggot.

Yes, the government is supposed to fear the citizenship.
That's the check that keeps them in line. You've seen what happens when that's no longer the case. They do as they will, damn the consequences.

They have them the right to own a fucking warship you insipid shill swine

He isn't one of us. Just an imported chink.
Whenever I go to the east side these days I want to kms, the spot the aussie meme came true.


Owning a fire extinguisher AND appreciating a fine barbeque grill is not logically incoherent.
Stockpiling guns against the failure-mode of government tyrrany AND appreciating a functional government is not logically incoherent.

Finally a good leftist meme?

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The flag does represent the government you fucking retards. Rebel movements today use different flags than the government's.

Not really, it just highlights their naivety.

Those people don't see the flag as representative of a government, but rather of a nation of people.

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>flag represents government
what the fuck am i reading

>hurrdurr if the current government is bad we must burn all our national symbols and tear down revolutionary war monuments!

Gotta love leftist logic.

>the government
you do realize your government is mostly oversea right ?

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