Anti gun shills have been working overtime lately attacking AR15's but lets see if they can tell us what makes the AR15...

Anti gun shills have been working overtime lately attacking AR15's but lets see if they can tell us what makes the AR15 an "Assault Rifle"
The point being if you can't tell me why the AR15 is any different from the other Rifles in my example and why the other rifles are not considered "Assault Rifles" then why should anyone take you seriously?

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JIDF has gone full bore on their anti-gun shilling.. they think they can disarm the goyim this time they're going all out

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because their vote counts as much as yours

The AR15 is like a BMW - the mark of an asshole. Or in this case a mass murderer.

pistol grip
attachment slot
expandable stock
high capacity magazine
bump stock

did i miss any? repeal 2a

So the attachments make it an assault rifle ?
Do you know these other rifles can have attachments as well
Why aren't they assault rifles.

They're trying to redefine everything as an assault weapon.
The only ones left will be Glock 26, 1911 (no rails), revolvers and lever action rifles.
Otherwise it's all gone.
Everything will be banned.
Another way is to back door a ban.
S. 2475
Shit's going down.
Democrats are traitors.
Republicans are cowards.
We're caught in the middle.
Civil war when?

The expandable stock really adds to the bullets ballistics.

The new definition will include detachable magazines, rails, shrouds and anything else you'd find on a firearm.
The left just redefines things and then declares a victory.
I fucking hate totalitarians.
They should be on trial for treason.

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Because it looks like military gun, and i dont want to understand difference betwen sorts of shit. Also AR stands for Assault Rifle, dont you know, stupid nazi?

That isn't the question.

What does AR stand for?

great point op bump.

Because its scary huh .........

>why should i take you seriously
because their vote counts as much as yours, if you change their mind, youve doubled your voting power

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Armalite rifle

Under the new proposed definition rails will make it an assault rifle.
Section 2 number 36.
These animals want the U.S. population defenseless.
The only exemptions are for lever, bolt, pump and slide.
Basically civil war era firearms are all we'll be able to purchase.

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That's not the question

Armalite, the company that originally made the AR-15. Anyone who thinks it means “Assault Rifle” doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

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thats literally the only question in the op

Armalite rifle

And if i put rails on a lever action rifle ?

I thought it was still just a meme until I read the bill. Fucked me right up. The Winchester Model 1905 can qualify as an assault weapon now.

Guns get banned in Australia just cause they look 'assulty; the're straight pull single shot. Its ridiculous.

Pic related Lithgow Cat B straight pull bolt action bullpup rifle.

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Anal Rape

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wood guns are for tree hugging hippies.

americans kill people like patriots should, with good ole god given chinese plastic

besides, the m4 is zeksy af in your pic, OP

>babby's first political """debate"""

It's not semiauto, it's still legal.
The bill would make Tikka rich beyond belief. Modular manual actions would become the new default.

You have no argument you can't answer the question.

Alotta recoil

as a pro-AW liberal lefty loon the leaf has a point. give up a little on background checks, registrations, and home gun safe requirements so we can keep the fun times

Maybe because it has Assault Rifle abbreviated in the name you illiterate hick

It will never pass so I'm really not worried.
Still funny making gun grabbers think about what they are saying

> but lets see if they can tell us what makes the AR15 an "Assault Rifle"
Problem is when they agree and then want to take all of them.
t. noguns

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Rofl thanks for the laugh

Yeah how did that work out in the end ..... I hear gun in Australia are at an all time high.


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You know that the other things actually have a use outside of killing people right? So there is no debate here

Lever is exempt.
Section 3 paragraph (3)
>“(3) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any firearm that—
>“(A) is manually operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action;"
Tube fed .22 is also exempt.
Basically, you can have a Marlin Model 60 and a Henry 001.

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Yeah cause arguments will win huh? How bout you take the argument of "your a gun owner and you deserve to die, so we're going to set your house on fire in the middle of the night". You gonna scream your arguments at the fire to put it out? What the fuck do you think is going to happen?

> it has Assault Rifle abbreviated in the name you illiterate hick
Oh my sides! AR is Armalite Rifle you total fucking retard

ban guns

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So the other guns have uses outside of killing people but not the AR15......
So the Ruger PC40 cal (bottom left) is used for hunting ?
But the AR15 isn't used for hunting?
What if i told you i use an AR15 to hunt coyotes?

AR does not mean Assault Rifle, idiot.
This is why you retards look retarded.
You literally don't know what you're talking about.

You seem to be getting worked up
That's too bad rofl good try though
Should have asked your grandpa the difference from shit and shinola

>"it has Assault Rifle abbreviated in the name"
You are a no gun owning eurocuk who has no idea what guns are used for.

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It's not an Assault rifle.
It's considered an "Assault Weapon" because it has a detachable magazine with greater than 7 rounds, pistol grip, adjustable stock, flash suppressor, and bayonet lug or because it's appearance or name is similar to automatic variants.

None of those features change the lethality of the rifle, 30 round mags have been around as early 1967.
The argument is genius though because if the explanation is more than 3 bold words leftists will just ignore it and scream REEEEEEE.

guns are used to deprive low intellect people of there money

I think you missed my point.

Still an assault weapon under the proposed legislation.
How you use it is irrelevant.
Leftists don't believe in free will.
Everything is mechanistic and on fixed tracks.
Assault weapons are simply evil.
The left gets to define what is an assault weapon.
Ergo anything they don't like can be declared evil at their whim.
These are literal traitors who are moving toward despotism.

>there money

You know i agree guns are not the problem conservatives are so why not get rid of them instead

You are Australian correct
I hear the amount of guns now in your country is at am all time high.
Why did the gun grab fail?

it the carry handle that is designed to kill

>pistol grip
No, this doesn't necessarily make anything easier or harder. Tons of people prefer traditional grips and a lot of combat shotguns and rifles still have traditional grips. If you're talking about front grips, you can nail one on yourself. No rail needed.
>attachment slot
Rails? We've had rifle grenades, bipods, scopes, bayonets, attachable grips, grenade launchers and everything for longer than the concept of rails has existed.
>expandable stock
I know it's bait but newfaggots need to see counter-examples
>high capacity magazine
I can print one out and then make hundreds with a mold.
Can be manufactured at home, not nearly as useful as you'd think.
>bump stock
Mass shooters would get better results by aiming.

where money?

sorry went to school in a republican state

How ironic I own both.

You'll turn in your weapons like a good goy when we tell you to. Like most gun owners will. If not, it will be no problem hunting you down.

Rofl ill think about it

>there money
>low intellect people
Don't go into the hood someone might use a gun to rub you, eh.

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Suppressors save your hearing.
Retaining your hearing is useful.
I think you're a faggot.

Adolf Returns

My my you sounded like a Nazi right there .....but please explain how

That's why I hab AK

Call it Alaska Rifle 15.

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I consider assault rifles as a rifle who has ALL the following qualities, exposed in a way that everyone can understand:
High fire rate
Low recoil
Medium weight
Medium caliber
Fast reloading
Medium range
Anyway it's all relative to the current technology
Should they be banned? No

That's not an assault rifle, that's a modern rifle or a sporting rifle.
An assault rifle requires selective fire.

Gun grab caused normies to forget about guns. There's a little bit of effort involved in getting a gun, so they don't bother.

All of the rifles in my example have these qualities
Except high fire rate
If you mean semi auto then you are describing all of my examples .

>Medium weight
What about medium-rare weight?

I see
If you had to guess would Americans be more or less compliant faced with a gun grab

What's fucking hilarious is that a fully semi-automatic AR-15 becomes a fully automatic AR-15 by simply adjusting one piece in the trigger assembly. One piece. A dremel would work. And then the AR-15 is the fully automatic firearm that everyone is absolutely scared shitless of (for some reason).

The laughable part is that fully automatic is the least controllable version of the AR-15. On fully automatic, it's prone to overheating and its accuracy is shit. It's far preferable, in almost any situation, to be able to put down good, continuous, well placed shots than it is to spray automatic fire. But Jesus, God, do the liberals and their Jewish overlords simply not understand how guns apparently work.

A gun grab would turn me into a BLM protestor "what do we want, more dead cops, when do we want them, now"

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Give me some examples and I'll try to tell if they fit in my description and why

I don’t think it ever really worked. Death rates (murder, suiucide, accidental) didn’t change. We had less gun related murders over the years but more knife murders. Less suicides by gun but more by hanging. The laws today make it difficult to own a gun, let alone several. The types of guns are also severely restricted. Eg an AR15 is cat D firearm and can’t be owned or used by a civilian

A Nazi? You wish you were dealing with Nazis. Your society has already been brainwashed. Your neighbors will turn you in. Your children, family, friends. We catch one, we torture tell they squeal, we catch the next one. You might get away, hide in the mountains or something. No matter. We send out death squads. You'll die eventually.

You are completely wrong. Majority of AR-15's would constantly experience failures / malfunctions at higher ROF.
It's likely in addition to the illegal modification to the trigger control group you would need replacement parts including but not limited to:
>Bolt carrier
>Feed ramps
>Ejection spring
>Buffer spring

Reliably cycling an automatic rifle is not trivial. simply disabling the disconnector will drop the hammer prematurely.

Its literal definition.

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Nazi's aren't to be feared, Jews are. Unless you're a fucking kike.

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You don't get to make up definitions for already existing and defined words.
Go grab a dictionary ese.

Rofl you have lost it pal neighbors will turn me in torture my family you are right you are not Nazis you are North Koreans

Lol no no nothing like that
Just a great opportunity to turn the loaded term against the opp

Adjustable stock, ability to attach foregrip/flash light/grenade launcher.

African remedy
It's for shooting niggers.

>implying there is a clear definition for "assault weapon"

they'll just keep having shootings to influence the population to support their policies.
literal terrorism by kikes

I gave you 4 guns in the OP
Its up to you to make an argument that isnt " no one shpuld have one"

How's it going, Mike?

Technically there is. It's a select fire weapon with a fully auto option. Those have been banned for a long time.

Since the mid 80s actually

I am not an antigun shill, but people often talk past eachother on this.

In the military sense of the word, an 'assault rifle' is a select fire rifle in an intermediate caliber (Rather than a full sized one like 7.62x54r).

In the LEGAL sense in the U.S., "Assault WEAPON" is typically defined by features, not full auto capability. So they will say if it has X number of features, it counts as an assault weapon.

My point is, these are two different things. If you want to know what makes either an assault rifle or an assault weapon, it is as simple as the features vs the legal or military definitions.

high capicty magazine
fast bullets
designed for use in combat