Where would humanity be if the Nazis won?

Personally, I think there would be such a technological renaissance that we would already be reviving extinct species and colonizing Mars. The Nazis were already 20 years ahead of the allies during the war in terms of technology.

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We'll never know.


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Dude come on down sometime



>20 years ahead of the allies
>americans build and use nukes first
Go larp on reddit. You're not ready for Jow Forums.

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yeah, and who did the allies get the nuke tech from? The NSDAP obv

kill yourself kike

The Americans actually developed the bomb after they had captured all the German scientists.

There would be peace and beautiful cities and life with meaning. Technology would have been utilised to help humanity rather than enslave it.

There is still beauty to be found but the world is in a dark age now, I think most people recognise this. No one is optimistic about the future anymore. On the positive, at least we have all had a clear demonstration of where these destructive ideologies take society.

Using German scientists.

dude did you even think about it before you posted?

>The Nazis were already 20 years ahead of the allies during the war in terms of technology.

Objectively wrong. Only thing they were REALLY far ahead in was liquid fueled rocketry.

I have to disagree. They made advancements in health technology, jet-engine systems, yes rockets, and submarine technology.

Tiger and Tiger 2>Sherman

Colonizing the galaxy.

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Dying of starvation considering the Nazi party was the German Socialist Party you know socialism is by definition Marxist theory and Marxism is the basis of Communism but I guess idiots don't bother to look up basic definitions on Google.

>technological Renaissance that *we* would
That's this "we" shit, Untermenschen?

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They were developing the first helicopter too

A Volk based state nationally centralized that takes care of its peoples, is not the same as a multicultural-globalist centralized social welfare system. Kys because you are retarded.

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>doesn't know about operation paperclip

Lurk more.

Jow Forums would be complaining about the spread racemixing with aliens xenos. And the board would be flooded with bait thread of aliens beings with a big dick or whatever their genitals are with captions like "how can earth monkey even compete ?

This is literally the white version of Wakanda or whatever. You faggots are pathetic.

we will never know the world that was taken from us.

so true

"muh nukes!"

you want to know what's really sad? even if the germans (in germany, as others have pointed out the actual scientists were german) had developed nukes, they wouldn't have used them.

they weren't monsters like you.

Wow, it's almost like the Germans were honorable

They got rocket and nuclear tech from the germans you dumb nigger

Thanks for the kek but to be fair boards like pol probably wouldn't even exist in such a state

Ever heard about the butterfly effect?
We'd all have never been born


There is no "winning" with fanaticism. Go read Philip K. Dick's "Man In the High Castle".

>welfare is good if you don’t include niggers

Jesus Christ, you’re a god damned communist who’s mad at the niggers because you think they’re what stopping you from getting neetbux and playing videogames all day

Even the b2 is based on nazi aircraft

Are you all trolling or just utterly ignorant of the facts?

The Nazis did nothing contribute to the Manhattan Project

>"The Jew gave us Marxism, and Marxism will be the rope by which we hang the Jew."
I think this is a quote by Goebbels

that wasn't the germans.

and the chinese don't mind getting mass slaughtered anyway. have you seen all the statues and paintings they have of mao? they love it. can't get enough of it.

>if the Nazis won

we'd all be speaking hebrew by now.
whoever thinks hitler and WW2 wasnt a gigantic jewish trick needs to drink bleach.
Imagine you're a jew, could you give me even one reason why shouldnt hitler be your jewish national hero?
just one reason.

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Look up the factory at Rjukan, Norway. Without the operation that destroyed it the germans would probably have developed the first nukes. Dumb mutt

>Are you all trolling or just utterly ignorant of the facts?

>The Nazis did nothing contribute to the Manhattan Project

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The russians would've destroyed the germans or halted their advance into a stalemate. Russia would take japan leading to a rise of a new red wave that would freak the western powers out leading to a cold war much sooner.

Ha Germans 20 years ahead my ass. Whermacht still heavily relied on horses for logistics, and their tanks were NOT superior to allied tanks. Retards only believe this because they compare a tiger to a Sherman when they aren't even the same class of tank.

>the jewish masterplan includes killing hundreds of thousands of jews


imagine being this deluded.

i wouldn't put it beyond them. but i'm guessing poland is just trying to rationalize being a tool/catalyst for the destruction of europe for the past 100 years, and pretending their nationalism is a genuine thing, instead of something the jews allow them to have as a controlled measure.

Ancient aliens contribute to the Manhattan Project.

Since the Third Reich was unsustainable in the long run, we would have looked at a period of collapse and subsequently a series of european conflicts that would put Europe out of the global stage for a long time. The emerging victors would be forced to submit to USA or another global power since there would be no unified european block to rally behind.

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>the chinese don't mind getting mass slaughtered anyway
just like whites don't either right?

based nip

hey there shlomo, didnt recognize you at first

Operation Paperclip was AFTER the war had ended and had nothing to do with the Manhattan project. Is Jow Forums really this low iq?

The problem with exiling all of your own native intellectuals, who might publicly and intelligently debate your populist government's echo-chamber ideologies, is that after the fact you're stuck with B-grade academics who never bothered to contribute anything novel to their fields and are content to tow the line.

Albert Einstein was travelling the U.S. in 1933 and realised that returning home to Germany would mean persecution and death. He remained the the U.S. and became involved with the Manhattan Project.

Meanwhile, in Nazi Germany, the German Nuclear Weapon Project concluded that nuclear fission would not contribute significantly to ending the war.


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This is the answer I was looking for. If the Nazis had won, we would most certainly be in space by now. We would have a colony on Mars.

White people have some sort of fascination with space. NASA was run by a top Nazi (Wernher Van Braun was hardcore SS) scientist when it put a man on the moon. Today we have Elon Musk (White South African) leading the charge to privatize space exploration.

If the White man ceases to control this rock we live on, humanity will be doomed to extinction when the Sun explodes.

OP you are one stupid faggot, the Nazi's themselves always put their retarded ideology ahead of technology, their vision of utopia in the East was explicitly oppressive, pro-violence, and anti-trade or anti-science, Eastern Europe was to become a neo-Spartan state with ordinary Germans lording over masses of uneducated Slav serfs digging the ground for a living, centuries worth of industrialisation would've been undone due to planned confiscation of any industry in the region, also, what kind of "allies" are you babbling about you foaming mouth moron? Soviets, Brits, Americans? Which branch of technology? The entire point of Blitzkrieg - Hitler's preferred way of waging war in quick, short, cheap operations feeding the economy was embraced precisely because the Germans needed to rely on superior strategy and surprise, as they were unable to go down one on one with their enemies in long, drawn out wars, the Wehrmacht was an absolute fuck of a *JOKE* before their looting of France. Educational standards also vaned in the 3rd reich due to petty populism, every single scientific breakthrough Nazi Germany achieved was done by an intellectual elite that already existed prior to Hitler's taking of power, Nazi science is nothing but a pervasive myth, the above written most definitely doesn't give the image of a highly sophisticated and intellectual society of Keplers and Newton's.

There would only be one race.

We'd all be living in comfy bavarian densely built villages and farming for the fuehrer

Except the whole world not just inside of bavaria

Subhuman mutt.

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Europeans are fucking retarded.

>Ooga booga me da top monkey man
Can America just be banned already

That has nothing to do with building the first nukes.

theres proof that the nazis test fired 2 nukes though..

Post proof, brainlet.

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Are you white?

If the ideology was National Socialist, planets colonized by us would be only for us. If some alien scum wanted to share space with us we would just wipe them out. If democracy and/or other retarded ideologies ruled the planet than yes, we would have problems like that. Planets would be like those in Star Wars ruled by Republic( full of ugly aliens with civil rights and freedoms to co-exist with humans). Kind of like Earth today with Jews and other scum.

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Except that didn't happen - look up polish population surge after ww2 - the kikes all got new names.
It's what they have always been doing in history for their agenda - engels and marx - kikes, germanized their names.

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Appropriate ID for a (((Turd Reich))) shill

Germany didn’t have access to enough uranium to pull it off. Based Russia
Lol good one

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(((nazism))) is judaism

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Fuck Off cappie

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>and their tanks were NOT superior to allied tanks.

The number of commie tanks killed proves otherwise

Stop shilling.
You're either a jew, or "muh Hitler invaded Poland, so now I hate him" type of Polish fuckwit.

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For the majority of the war the Nazi's were ahead of the U.S. in the nuclear race.
They were producing weapon grade u-235 at a rate that blew the U.S. out of the water, not to mention the submarine (U-boat 234) that wound up transporting the proximity triggers and a lot of other goodies to the U.S. it's specific cargo was (1) Two Japanese officers;
(2) 80 gold-lined cylinders containing 560 kilograms of uranium oxide;8
(3) Several wooden cases or barrels full of "water";
( 4 ) Infrared proximity fuses;
(5) Dr. Heinz Schlicke, inventor of the fuses.
Source: the cargo manifesto.
There are also eye witness accounts for successful nuclear trials in Germany in 1944. One of the more notable ones being "Hans Zinsser", a German pilot who's testimony was only declassified near the end of the century.

I just don't like your disgusting ideology, yid.

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And that's your source?
Also, no-one in Germany called National Socialism Nazism. That is a derogatory term made up by the Jews.

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>you want to know what's really sad? even if the germans (in germany, as others have pointed out the actual scientists were german) had developed nukes, they wouldn't have used them.

they weren't monsters like you.
Most accurate thing in this thread.
But... the japs also had a nuclear program that was relatively successful. I have a feeling that if the U.S. didn't get the materials from plundering Germany, Japs would have finished before them.
>Germany didn’t have access to enough uranium to pull it off. Based Russia
Wrong. Sudetenland, an area annexed by Germany in 1938 has one of the richest weapons grade uranium deposits in the world.

Oh noes, the last thing I want is to be degregatory towards you, my dear (((yid).

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Ah. So you're just a polish cuck who gets off by watching his wife sleep with a negro, now I get it.
And who also enjoys watching European history getting destroyed because he can't accept the fact that Hitler was right.

I know plenty of Poles who support Hitler, so you're just ((( ))).

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nanking is a meme you dip


Would require controls on retards that breed like rats. Used to be, monarchs needed serfs for manual labor, times have changed, and most people should be steralized at birth

You're right, but operation paperclip wasn't the only operation to do with German scientists.
Operation Epsilon was the one relating to the Manhattan project, where a lot of German nuclear scientists were detained and recorded creating the farm hall transcripts.
>Relying on wikipedia to feed you an opinion.
Who's the real one living in an echo-chamber.
>Einstein is the only smart German...
What an ignorant opinion.
Erich Bagge
Kurt Diebner
Werner Heisenberg
Otto Hahn
Walther Gerlach
Paul Harteck
Horst Korsching
Max von Laue
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker
Karl Wirtz
These were the German nuclear scientists that were captured by the U.S.
Almost all of them were at least nominated for noble prizes and at least 3 of them won (too lazy to look up the rest).