He is an associate Professor at Austin community college. This is a Cancerous cell that spawns many cancerous tumors. How to treat the Cancer. There are many like him.
WELL Jow Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
He sounds upset
How do you fuck up a screen shot, why is this so fucking blurry
Trump is going to mandate that all EDU Staff Country wide have to pass psyche evaluations. Trump will conduct surgery on these idiots with a Death Star Imperial Class Lazer. Have no fear.
Thread Theme;
Here you go. For (you).
phew. i thought my vision was all fucked up. all the images in this thread are either small, blurry, or fucking both. wtf
Source? Ass?
I'm just tired of posting
As Always, I Am The Source.
Then you spew sewage from your mouth, and I always wind up being right.
Do you appologize? No. You wait until you see a watered down lamestream story a couple of days later, then rush to post the link like you are some kind of fucking intel wizard. Fuck off.
>thinks everyone who owns a gun is a "NRA type"
>we're gonna have to kill them all
>we enforce it
>we'll have to oblige them
>we'll really need to eliminate half the US population
Good luck with that sport.
I could envision every single cop on a police force dying in the first week of 'no-knock' gun seizure raids.
Then what? Those pasty faced soy boys gonna give it a go? KEK!
I'm not really here to shill or anything I'm just legitimately curious if there's some initiative Trump has started. Like, is congress going to do an education bill?
So it was a serious request for a source, so is there anything you can give me to validate this? because i would love to believe it.
what does this fuckstick 'profess'?
i live in austin and will bitch to ACC about his shit opinions
My Sister is about to retire from The Department of Education, plus, I work at Nintendo.
You have the info. Follow up. I've gone as far as I legally can with providing info.
Just beat him up pussy
Fuckin hope Trump btfos these commie educators... its one of the largest problems we have in our country right now. They have stolen our future generations and turned them into mealy mouthed retards
God bless you if you arent LARPing
Checked. Trump just came out and said 2A was here to stay, unaltered in its current interpretation. He is just giving these idiots free rope, and tying off the other end. They are the ones jumping off a cliff.
That it what they want. Go after him in every legal way possible.
EDU Surgery is scheduled. I suggest all Liberal / Communist within EDU reading this put in for early retirement.
For (You)
What I don't understand is do they really think testosterone meat heads from police and military would be lefties? What in the fuck kek
All deputies, many police, and all military are 2A supporters. So, if EDU Faggots want the guns, I guess they have to go take them. That should go famously for them.
>if EDU Faggots want the guns, I guess they have to go take them. That should go famously for them.
WHat if that's what they want? They hate cops, they hate gun owners, they hate guns.
Kill three birds with one stone.
Does he really think we would all just sit in our houses and wait for the swat team?
>If we have SWAT teams use the guns FOR us, WE don't have guns. Only the GUN NUTS have guns. WE'RE peaceful!
Total blindness/denial of the use of proxy violence. As if proxy violence doesn't exist. Just like the ways the left denies the violence of women by having men do proxy violence to other men on their behalf.
this reads fake as fuck
This. If a federal decree came down to my department to start confiscating guns we'll be down to about 7 guys for the whole metro area. No one is going to do this shit. That's why these guys don't understand. No one likes them and no one is willing to die for them.
And what're they going to kill us with, essence of hippy and love?
No they'll bring guns. Fuck these people. It's war. Come to my house.
How are these faggots expecting to take the guns when they dont even have guns themselves?
Who is going to do it the police the military? Kek most of these people are patriots unlike the faggot leftists so they wont do that shit. Not to mention it violates other constitutional rights.
So here is how it would work in reality.
It passes there are 2 options
It isnt enforced
Civil War
For a bunch of "educated" people they sure dont understand the words
"Due to a recent automobile accident Brian Garvey is now dead. He will be unavailable for any job openings at any salary for the foreseeable future -- probably forever. Unless you want him to hand out towels at the shower room used by a major university women's volleyball squad: he might come back to life for that."
Dafuk? Apparently this was posted "1mo" ago from his profile.
>NOT going to comply with gun laws
>they aren't going to leave the country
Hes talking about niggers and spics
>if we want a safe Amereica we're going to have to kill them all
t. Brian nigger carver Garvey
Too much Baklava on the brain, my friend. This is definitely not about niggers and spics. If only it was. If only..
>What I don't understand is do they really think testosterone meat heads from police and military would be lefties? What in the fuck kek
In the cities the departments are full of minorities. I'd say less than 30% of police forces in large cities would have any sympathy for our side.
In my line of work I work with cops and military. I live in the desert Southwest. An area that's still fairly conservative and pro 2a. The brass are all cucked faggots. Lots of the beat cops are too. Same goes for the military. A lot of air force in my area. There are a lot of Whites in the air force but a lot of them are college graduate liberals. There are also a lot of minorities in the air force. It's not like the Marines are anything but there are still a lot of non-Whites.
If it goes down the police will not be on our side. If the military are brought in that may chance things. The military being deployed inside the US is so anit-American that it may cause a lot of both police and military to reevaluate whether they are fighting terrorists or patriots.
report him to the fbi and let the college know hes posting threats
>openly advocating for tyranny now
Just tell the SWAT teams to start in black neighbourhoods and see if crime drops. Also Brian Garvey is obviously a massive virtue signalling cuck who is realistically going to take the guns if all of the police and military are pro 2nd amendment