I lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years. All for her...

I lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years. All for her. And then she chooses a spic instead of me (a taII aryan male who is attractive). This makes no sense. Women will doom the West.

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thanks for shitting up our board again shlomo

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also NYPA

Shekelburg, next time you do this thread, crop off where it has 2012 to make it more believable.

Lick your wounds for a moment then get back on the horse. Don't be a pussy.

Why wasn't it, "lifted 4 hard years for MYSELF." You goddamn shit tier pussy. Man the fuck up. You deserve what you got, if she cheats or leaves, you made it happen.

Why are you lifting for a woman? That's your problem right there.

Never do anything for a woman. Nothing. If you don't want to work out for yourself, then you shouldn't work out.

>lifted for her

lmao you faggot

you ask a girl out once and if she says no then you forget about her and move on to the next one

She's like a 5 or 6

>look mom i posted this thread again


she is extremely average. Spic bo actually values himself. You don't. Fix that and forget this meaningless blip in your life. Stop wasting your time with mediocre thots.

Your fucking fault dumbass. Either choose a good woman or mold one.

Did you ever even meet her father before "dedicating yourself to her"?

don't swipe too many on tinder and bumble,

The absolute state of Jewmerica

Lifting alone is not enough user, you should know this if you were smart.

Stupid faggots who blame jews for everything

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>Did you ever even meet her father before "dedicating yourself to her"?

Jow Forums

she's cute i guess, she might be a spaniard...

she looks tiny, like a child

if youre a tall buff aryan, why don't you find a tall aryan woman?

did you consider you were seeking the wrong girl?

>implying the ''jews'' are even jewish anymore

Dude really there are other women out there
Don't be a fucking moody bitch, take the hit and move on.
Also is she really worth it if she chose a spic over you implying your not some insecure twat?


But in the remote case it isn't, jesus christ, YOU are everything that will doom the west you fucking homosexual faggot.
Take a good look in the mirror.

You probably have some shit-tier cuckboy extreme job and he has a few misdemeanors, maybe a felony, dresses in tight track pants, weighs about as much as her, and is covered in tattoos, right?

Shoo shoo pajeet.

did you not listen to Jow Forums for 4 fuckin years? Lifting doesnt get u girls

stupid retards who blames spics for everything

Your problem was lifting for anyone but yourself.

This. Jow Forums is just what would happen if you dropped r9k off at a 24 hour fitness. You can't lift away insecurity.

Stop trying to rationalize women's behavior.

Sorry, women / pussy is all a jewish trick
This. I felt burned when I took a chick out on a few dates, spent money on her, got nothing in return (sex or whatever) but I wasn't looking for that. I think she just wanted my dick, but I didn't want to give it to her... I can't wait for Easter with the senpai. My parents are going to ask why I am 29 and not having a GF... I'm going to red-pill the shit out of them as well as my SJW nigger loving sister.

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>You DO NOT lift for HER.
You only lift for YOURSELF.


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You needed to shoplift.

daily reminder that your grandfathers parachuted into france, took AA and MG42 rounds to the face, died with their guts all over the sands of normandy to stop the nazis all just for your "SJW niggerloving sister"

>lifting FOR HER
nice gyno, fag

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I lift because I want to be able to throw a 45lb kettlebell at another mans chest with enough force to kill him.

She could pick up on your desperation and lack of self-value. "Plz notice me, I lifted waits 4 u." Women want an independent guy that could do with or without them. They'll entertain a lap dog for awhile, but they get bored quickly when he is constantly looking for affirmation and turns into a "Plz baby I'll do anything for you I need you so much" fag. You probably had an internal panic attack any time she was with friends or heard a males voice in the background when talking to her on the phone when she was out. Gey your shit together.


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You are a fucking dork. You spent all that time lifting for a woman? What the fuck is your problem? You clearly have astoundingly low self-esteem, and she must've sensed it, hence why she dumped you for a border-hopper.

Young fellow. Bit of advice from an old fag. Never expect sense from a woman.


Looks are all that matter
You stupid faggots always say that

This thread is pasta. I remember seeing it a few months ago.

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No, other insecure faggots like you say its all that matters. I see goblinos with pretty women all the time.