You know what, fuck Jewdan Pedoson, I'm cancelling my Patreon donations as effective from tomorrow

You know what, fuck Jewdan Pedoson, I'm cancelling my Patreon donations as effective from tomorrow

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Other urls found in this thread:

keep blaming niggers for your shit life. bet it turns out great

I don't understand how someone like him so deeply entrenched in philosophy and symbology can't understand the connection between the individual and their ancestor's creations. It's like looking at a castle that your great relatives built. It's knowing your birthright. If you start from scratch with every life like he wants then we can never build.

> donating anything to him in the first place

>so deeply entrenched in philosophy
Kek, you're retarded user

I'm better than someone who was born mentally handicapped yet I didn't choose to be born normal

Real talk: why would you ever give your hard earned money to some random turd on the internet? Are you buying a product or service? You're literally being a cuck by doing this.

Kill yourself, Paco.

>.t Mexcan

I didn't choose supremacy

Supremacy chose me

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but he's right

He DOES understand it, but he doesn't tie it to genetic heritage. He's more of a Campbell, believing in monomyth as a memeplex rather than the emergent property of a genetic lineage. To that end, I actually agree with him.

t. a brown skinned person

>donating at all
That's where you fucked up, kiddo

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So you expect us to believe that a faggot with a nazi meme flag was contributing to Jordan Peterson's patreon account in the first place? Gtfo kid. Time for bed.

Fine. You go live with them, let us know how it works out.

>nice flag

Liberal larping as a Nazi. Oh so orginal

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eternal mental state of anger. kek thats some top teir drama.

When do we get the next Hitler?
I'm sick of all these half-assed Petersteins.

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I blame my own people, really. It was our own greed that got christianity here in the first place. But who was it that pushed christianity to them? Hm..

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>to think you are better than someone else because of things you didn't choose is stupid
JBP confirmed to think he is on the same mental level as a retarded windowlicking child.

thanks for posting the correct timeline, reminds me of home.

I don't though, I blame them for social tension and unrest caused by crime plus ruining cities and consistently voting for gibs

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White nationalists are just people who want white nations, thats it. Why is this so hard for kikes and cucks to understand? They arent blaming our problems on shitskins, they just want countries without shitskins.

Seems like a conflation on Peterson's part.

I’m tired of this Juden Pederstein guy

Nobody is blaming niggers except as a product of Jewish influence. Not one white person would care about blacks if it weren't for their ghetto culture. Some conflate genetic predisposition towards low effort, quick reward. That there are normal, sane blacks show that they are capable of self control. Why is the equivalent of redneck behavior so glorified?

>complains about Canadian government and leftists straw manning his points
>straw mans nationalists
>hardline individualists pile on the same way sjws piled on him
the utter hypocrisy

Why the fuck would you even support this guy in the first place? He is an individualist and who was anti-SJW blah blah blah. He wasn't offering any solutions, just rehashing boomer rhetoric with less anti white focus

that's a dumb ass post

why is a superiority complex necessarily intrinsic to white nationalism?

say someone said, i don't claim to be superior, but i think this is my people's home and to protect it we need to keep out outside, negative, foreign influences.

should we be excited to invite a religion of racism or violence against our culture into our countries?

why should this involve anger?

doesn't it seem more pragmatic than angry?

Peterson is some emotional, narcissistic actor in my eyes.

His speeches remind me of old Charlie Chaplain clips where he's acting in an effeminate, impassioned manner

>mexican intellectuals

>it's another Jow Forumsdit falls for fake tweet by shill meme flag thread

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How can he miss that tho? He talks about resurrecting ur father ( eg osiris, pinnocio stories) who in a perfect world did the same to a man who did the same etc. U take ur place in a liniage.

He only says shit like this because of the immense pressure hes under now. Canada is straight fucked and for you guys to be such little kids like no one is going to openly support nationalism like this you fucking knobs hes a professor he has to keep that very quiet!

He's a university professor with a pension, why the fuck are people donating to him anyway? He already has money, there's no need to throw what little money you have at a Liberal Prof.

>paying people that do shit for free
Only our fucking pathetic generation.

I strongly believe he's at the very least unconsciously aware of it. Jordan is trying to suppress the monster within him that'd tell the truth, Jordan is trying to prevent being the monster he is ( He talks about this constantly). Jordan knows that if we were to realize this the world would undergo severe conflict and pain so he skirts in safety for optimism and fear of reality.

You had better return that rug too, son.

Im not blaming the negroids and arabics for anything, i just want them to go to their own home, for the sake of myself and my posterity. How is that wrong at all?

Buy. My. Rug.

>He is an individualist and who was anti-SJW blah blah blah
jbp aside, what's inherently wrong with that?
Would you rather people be collectivist sjw faggots?

Dis guy doesn't even fucking understand SJW let alone understanding the natsocs.
The SJW blames whites for niggers problems, they dont even blame it for their OWN problems, thats why they piss me off even more.
We try to make our lives better so ofc we try to see who's the culprit for our miserable lives but this guy is totally retarded and off the target by a mile and a half.

Overall pretty disappointing but I consider Peterson more of a jumping point for further redpilling the many. It's up to the people to choose to go deeper and pass his ideas.

It's not, the problem is when you allow masses of them to bunker in your society; this gives liberals a thousand different pleas to emotions, and shallow arguments made to appeal to the general population.

Okay, so sort your life out then you can be proud of what your ancestors did in parallel with being proud about what you have done.

He understands them completely until he completely shuts down on going forward. They're run by a fragmented ideology that collectively comes together in a mass group. They despise Western civilization and all that it stands for ( the architects of this ideology and they aim to destroy it by appealing to " useful idiots".

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I'll be your mentor.
Tidy your room and don't be a nazi. Breath deeply. You can achieve shit and stuff.
That's £15 plz

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holy fuck how does someone miss the point this badly? what a complete retard

I love Jordan Peterson but this is hilarious


gtfo, leftist scum

Hypocritical not facing the truth, doing whats easy. Might be a stratergy one bad at a time.
This, if JBP mistakes silence for peace he's not as wise as some like to think. There is a growing argument for culture being evolved, so real tough for jbp to keep dodging.

>...blame there problems on external stimuli... therefore are the same as everyone else with an external 'stimuli' based problem
I didn't even read that at first.
Now I have - and it's the first time I've ever wasted the time reading stuff from this source - I can confirm that it is fortune cookie Christmas cracker tier drivel.
You'd might as well ask for advice from Lauren, or your cat.

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He isn't anti-SJW, he is just anti-calling trannies by words he doesn't like.

He is controlled opposition, making it seem like he is against the liberal order by attacking just one small part everyone hates.
Lowest hanging fruit, so he is going to derail the truth by deflecting it onto shit that quite literally doesn't matter.

Nothing in this world is more sad than people who fall for Jewish tricks.

The extinction of whites is deserved just like the dodo bird, useless cunts without any self-preservation instinct.

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Citing me out of context is really not the rightf way to understand me here. The closest thing he does to promoting anything

I doubt that they go that deep in knowledge. What im thinking is that they are young and impressionable.

I remember saying to myself when i was 20 and heared people throwing rocks at gay protesters: gee what a buch of savages, im progressive i accept them. Ofc it was a lie i was still disgusted in my hearth, and now i want them hanged, but thats how easy they can get into this retarded shit.

I think that if the governments stop them from protesting up until the age of 30 nobody would end up being a libtard.

It's a fake tweet.

You won't find it on his Twitter feed:

For what it's worth, I find him frustrating at times. And yes, there is the broader point about how he could quite plausibly have tweeted this.

But let's fact-check first before rushing to judgement.

Sage in all fields.

I was just curious about that specific part is all. I don't really like the dude, all he does is offer basic life advice (LOL CLEAN ROOM!) and, as you said, offers no real solutions.

You're both wrong and right. He goes into Marxism, Communism and Post Modernism and the supreme dangers of it and the horrors of Communist states and equality of outcome. The problem is that he stops exactly where it becomes truly politically incorrect.

Because why should you care so much.
"White" and "black" race exist only in the mind of deluded rootless american and whoever they corrupt.


Right, that's the useful idiots part that Saul Alinisky talked about (Master Jew). They're retarded kids that are too dumb to realize they're acting out a murderous ideology, but by the time they realize it they'd have already fallen in love with it.

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You're a fool for giving him shekels in the first place.

I'm not wrong at all, I am talking about the current political climate, not one that died more than 20 years ago.
Liberalism = Cultural marxism.
It was always toxic, liberals constructed "cultural marxism" in order to deflect from themselves the toxicity that follows their ideology.

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That tweet is fake, albeit believable

>To think that you are better than someone else due to things you didn't choose is stupid

Well then, I guess I'm no better than a kid with down syndrome showing his dick around during recess.

I don't understand why you guys give credit to this boring person.

It's also true.

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I don't understand what your saying here. It all looks back to the french " intellectuals", none of this is new or has been constructed in the 21st central. They're acting out Karl Marx's work to all of the offshoots like Post-Modernism, this isn't new, it's how these ideologies are supposed to be.


What? How did Marxism and Post Modernism die off? I get that you don't know English well ( excuse my auto correct ) but this playbook is a century of subversion long.

If id run the society id ban protesters under the age of 30 and if id see them and catch them id fine the fuck out of them and their parents and put it on tv, then they'd be like fuuuk i dont wanna pay that fine and danzo fixed the libtardation. Hold the parents accountable and the problem will be fixed.

>I'm cancelling my Patreon donations
lol, you’re a disgusting poorfag neet living in your mommies basement. you never had money you subhuman nigger.

That's what I'm saying.
"cultural marxism" is a constructed word to "otherize" the negative aspects of liberalism, as if it wasn't a part of it in the first place.

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It's the other way around. There's no such thing as modern liberalism, just call it Marxism. Liberals are all Marxists.

Well it's actually a fake tweet but this faggy pseudointellectual is a hypocrite. He talks about truth and his shitty opinions and politically correct views as matter of factly as any post modernist. He denies race and racial differences. He talks about "humanity" and our history as if race is not real because he is a hypocrital cuck. You won't catch this post modernist admitting that although he talks about "us" and "our" past that niggers couldn't figure out the wheel and written language. He's the kind of faggot to think "well I've met some really nice and seemingly intelligent black (mixed) folks! So if there are dilumb whites and smart blacks, what's the point, we are all the same!"
In short get your own history and culture or just fuck off to Canada and blow a dog shitskin

Hey dumb dumb, have you ever seen Forrest Gump? It proves you wrong because I learned what's real from television.

But where is he wrong?

>calls me a nigger.
fuck you leaf.

Also this is a slide thread and this tweet is fake. Shills keep remaking this because it's easy bait.

Not everyone needs to choose between donating to a patreon account and their weekly rations of bread, vodka and pickles, Dmitri

He is not wrong. AR and SJW are very similar. They want to set rules for others to follow but not themselves. AR followers want to end white genocide but they don't have white children of their own.

Another similar thing is that when they are in trouble, they always, without fail, cucked to the morality of the centre. They are just 2 sides of the same coin, basically just ideology people adopt to relieve themselves from responsibilities.

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>They want to set rules for others to follow but not themselves.
Lolwha??? I want to follow the same rules that other follows and are benefit to my well-being. From where the fuck did you come up with that nonsense?
> basically just ideology people adopt to relieve themselves from responsibilities.
Having responsibility for my own safety and my own family but i dont want responsibilities. Dude are you new to the board or what?

No they aint' ask any actual marxist.

Lol, are you serious? Postmodernist Marxists (like the antifa crowd) view your average liberal as a giant fucking pussy about "progressive causes", never going far enough and never addressing the root of the problem: power dynamics. No fuck is given about what is morally superior; only the crushing of power dynamics.

Top Kek

Please stop posting this fake tweet. There are so many real tweets of his that are more damning than this fake tweet, just post those.