Where are the European borders?

And who sets them? Where does Asia start and where does Europe end? Is it a DNA question or more of a geography question?

Attached: europe-and-asia-map-image-is-kazakhstan-in-europe-or-asia-answers-800-x-650-pixels.jpg (800x650, 514K)

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DNA would be a good starting point...

it pretty much stops at greece

What about the Ural, where does it stop there?

>Where are the European borders?
We used to part it with the river formerly known as Vanakvisl, that would be Donau. To the east of it was Asia, to the west Europa or Enea. This is however a very long time ago.

I will never consider Russia to be European

Europe is NOT an actual continent just a geopolitical line.
whites are just as Asian as a Chink. Its a huge fucking continent with many ethnics.

>I will never consider Russia to be European
And that is why?

European Peninsula

Attached: BlankMap-Europe-v4.png (2100x1525, 92K)

They were definitely European from 1721-1922

No Lebensraum im Osten for you, m8! ;)

Attached: just_passing_by.gif (413x313, 500K)

Because it's in Asia.

Europe isn’t a continent, it’s just a peninsula of Asia.

european border should stop at mongolia
t. indo european aryan man from afghanistan

Attached: afghan-girl-615.jpg (615x440, 48K)

Siberia and the Eurasian steppe underneath are the key in 'recent' human evolutionary terms. If you want to define by ancestry, define by the populations deriving from these 'Urheimaten'.

Attached: ANE_K8.png (1600x867, 790K)

Peter the Great set the eastern border of Europe

Here's another view of Europe.

Attached: Europa.png (1271x845, 261K)

>Where does Asia start and where does Europe end?
Ural mountains

it's called geology
they decided that eu end with Ural mt.
now, in this modern age, when everyone that has it's own 25 identities and genders and hate everything msm hates
we come to a point were everyone must hate Russia, Putin, Greece, turks, gypsies and so on, they come up with new boarders to exclude those I just named above and make a perfect EU boarders, while in reality YOU LOOK RETARDED

Attached: 4U.jpg (313x233, 26K)

Fuck the EU, it is an abomination. Either create a pan-Eurasian alliance based on shared Indoeuropean/Siberian ancestry or go back to nationalism and direct competition. Hating the Russians is borderine retarded anyway, only issue is Putin, I have a grudging respect for the man's Machiavellian streak but he simply lacks in vision to lead us into a brighter future ... just another piece of ideological dead weight pulling us down.

Here you go.

Attached: 1420549507276.png (1000x880, 223K)

Russia is the only transcontintental that is actually European.

Add another red line on the northwestern turkish border.

How (((they))) want it no European borders.
The reality: Anything west of the Elbe is Europe.

What is
>czech republic

Doesn't look bad. Armenia should not be considered European and this map is good in that aspect.

Slavs, tartars, and cumins don't count.

Ancient GREEKS claim Europe on West from Don river.

Attached: 333.png (713x535, 100K)

interestingly enough, that would make proto-Indo-Europeans non-European, who most likely have originated in the Pontic Steppe

pretty much everyone (except the Basques) speaks a non-white, non-European language

Russia is still European.

Mashallah, KARA BOGA, borther

waallaihu wal sallah, al qadr!