Attached: eu template8.png (1374x1245, 82K)
Map Thread
Ryder White
Gavin Thomas
Jonathan Cox
thanknyou for loving me
I love you too
Jose Cooper
sup poland
Jeremiah Hughes
Dominic Moore
Ryan Phillips
Ain't got much of a right to criticize but here
Liam Williams
Benjamin Torres
Gavin Bennett
rated only the countries ive been to
Joseph Hughes
Adam Campbell
Owen Lewis
no one cares about your opinion you subhuman slavshit
Sebastian Powell
lol why do you hate west germans but love dutch, they're basically the same people
Alexander Ortiz
Noah Mitchell
David Morales
i dont understand that map
Adrian Hill
not really
Nicholas Gray
Grayson Rodriguez
Luke King
Adrian Nguyen
>Western Ukraine in Poland
No thanks. Seriously, we've been there, done that, unless you deport >all< Ukrainians from there it's just no gonna work. Go learn our history bro.
Liam Anderson
I don't hate any country particularly.
To me, most of it could be "mixed feelings" but that's too easy.
Balkans is a clusterfuck. I only dislike Serbia because they would sell out rest of Europe to Russia at any given chance.
Fucking russophiles.
Andrew Long
Love you too Tomek
Robert Howard
we're just gonna kill them
Dominic Kelly
Parker Walker
No we can't.
David Gray
Easton Long
>Primorska in Slovenia is a part of shitaly
Very, very disrespectful
Benjamin Howard
im the next hitler and poland will be my machine,
see you in the next 20 years
Grayson Gonzalez
So you're a proxyfagging russian/ukrainian/jewish shill?
Jayden Hill
No, you are going to cry about another poleshit "genocide", when we'll retaliate.
Joshua Gonzalez
Ryan Brown
I'm a very peaceful person.
Angel Martin
Ragtag militia of a collapsing prolapse statr vs highly militarized and trained army. Lwow will be Polish within our lifetime.
Zachary Foster
no, im just gonna create a new order and change the rules
Robert Nelson
>likes russia
>mixed feelings about germany
fucking retard
Cooper Adams
I'm fine with pic
William Flores
>LARPing this hard
John Murphy
Name one thing to like about Germany. I'll wait.
Hunter Young
ill take care about germany as well
dont worry about it
Jaxon Nelson
Juan Richardson
Why does the Spaniard like us
Adrian Murphy
Scat porn.
Chase Kelly
russians are savage,destructive,oriental nation.
germans are our natural geo-political enemy but comparing to russians they are people of high culture and with significant civilization achievements.
genetically they are also quite similar to us
Nathaniel Jenkins
Are these commies because these could go in my qt untermensch folder
Aiden Richardson
>likes norway, but denmark is only OK
>have no liking for brother baltics
>dislikes ukraine fighting for europe against russkie
>likes russia
>mixed feel to germany while still getting holohoax reparations
/leftypol/ detected
Grayson Collins
They are fighting against commies, you ignorant paki.
You still call these untermenschen?
Benjamin Peterson
>russians are savage,destructive,oriental nation
It takes some serious lack of irony to write that as a detriment and post a picture of Nietzsche at the same time.
>have no liking for brother baltics
I (kinda) like Estonia. Latvia is too butthurt for my taste and Lithuania is hostile to Poland.
>dislikes ukraine fighting for europe against russkie
Ukraine is not fighting for Europe.
>likes russia
Absolutely, great nation.
>mixed feel to germany while still getting holohoax reparations
Poland got no reparations from Germany.
Brody Thomas
I saw the red and black flag and thought antifa they will go in my ‘wholesome women with wholesome personalities but even more wholesome politics’ folder
Andrew Cruz
this one sums it up pretty well
Eli Bailey
I appreciate this, but, how tf are we better than spain?
Hudson Watson
you dont get it
Nolan Nelson
I really don't like this argument but ''read a book''
also, look at the map of germany with all mosques highlighted and it should become clearer
Julian Evans
Andrew Sullivan
wife material right there
Nolan Barnes
>abloo bloo muh civilization and autism, oriental culture is bad
Fuck off nigger. Keep in mind that Poland is not part of your precious west, by the way.
Michael Hill
but russian subhumans are fine?
Angel Long
A pole that likes my country.
That's a first.
Andrew Adams
dumb katsap.
Poles are unanimously anti-russian.
Ian Jones
Well at least you made Dietsland orange.
John Richardson
Gavin Rogers
Carter Nguyen
Nathan Perez
Jacob Perez
Xavier Rivera
Ukrainians are not against you. You should be united with the Ukrainians against Russian imperialism, but you choose to dwell on minor trivial historical struggles.
Who benefits from the conflict between Poles and Ukrainians? This is being done to make Polish people forget about Russian imperialism. So you see Ukrainians as a common enemy, shared with Russia.
I hope that Russia will create a communist proxy state at your border to Kaliningrad and invade you, just like Ukraine is experiencing.
Aaron Wilson
Why do you like the Scots but not the English?
Evan Myers
>you should
Eli Watson
Empathy for having to deal with England's bullshit
Benjamin Hernandez
>liking the UK in the current year
Elijah Reyes
right on point
plus they have a great accent
Austin Brown
Eli Richardson
a distinctive way of pronouncing a language, especially one associated with a particular country, area, or social class.
Gabriel Parker
Nicholas Lopez
Gavin Rogers
Jason Johnson
Brayden Kelly
Ukraine has been sabotaging every polish effort to establish a meaningful partnership. There is nothing to be gained for Poland in further indulging them.
>This is being done to make Polish people forget about Russian imperialism
Wait there hohol toilet cleaner, looks like you're contradicting yourself. We should forget polish-ukrainian historical differences in order to remember polish-russian historical differences?
Isaiah Lopez
+ map fixed
Ethan Cruz
You must be ginger
Grayson Hill
Jordan Perez
I don't know how you guessed that but I genuinely am lol.
Brayden Peterson
escaped Ukr tedected
Jack Cook
Adrian James
Noah Myers
I'm I-M253. ;)
Noah Hill
>not including Eupen-Malmedy or German Switzerland in the Reich
were you even trying?
Noah White
step by step..
Evan Murphy
>Kraków and Małopolska in Germany
What in the fuck
Oliver Green
Luke Johnson
Pretty standard right-wing Brit, our allies largely lay outside of Europe
Ryder Sanders
comfy map
Jonathan Lee
Carson Reyes
This. So much.
Cameron Lopez
I have very boring opinions
Kayden King
You catholics started it, don't be mad.
Lucas Green
you protestants made it up
Samuel Anderson
Colton Smith