How do i escape this timeline?

how do i escape this timeline?

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Just go back the way you came

I have an idea.

Eat pumpkin seeds. They help produce testosterone. Also maybe think about becoming the leader of a nuclear country and just blowing up all countries that empower women and give free money to poor people.

After that, live the rest of your life inventing a dimension-hopper and bring one thousand virgins with you from your conquered countries.

Once in the alternate timeline where you didn't nuke the world, introduce yourself (preferably to a low-IQ group) as god and show them your Aryan virgins and promise them each a life in heaven if they follow your new religion. Make some random bullshit up and conquer the free world from there, dying a peaceful death while cursing Jews for all eternity with your last dying breath.

After passing on, watch your minions forcibly construct a super society where there is no sexual liberation, and all worship you. Have fun.

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It's okay user, just put on the beanie, everything will be alright

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You don't

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At least he wasn't homophobic

Pumpkin seeds, onion juice, cabbage, raw garlic. Be a bad goy and flush out that soy

>tfw you're at whole foods when the soy hits

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