... who can translate this? Thanks
Any German Bros here?
Owen Gonzalez
Jaxon Jones
I studied German in school, it says "Be in the world, but not of it"
Cooper Martinez
It’s actually italian
James Bell
thanks, great saying too
Daniel Ortiz
Brazulo yf●■》》》□●●
Josiah Jenkins
There's a bit more there than that. The words 'people', 'leader' 'Thank' and 'yes' I recognize
Brayden Morris
Oh yea user?
Angel Howard
volk - people
fuhrer - leader
dank - thanks
ja - yes
Or am I hallucinating?
Dylan Price
Fuhrer-Couch Cushion
Dank-good weed
Ja- ice on ma wrist
Yea how much acid have you taken user?
Owen Collins
Bloody murricans. You shit up every thread!