NEETs / Hikikomoris

This phenomenon is on the raise everywhere.

Why do people chose to be shut-ins when there is plenty to live? Life is beautiful and yet those people chose to be recluses, not even wanting to get a job.


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meh.. Internet is more fun.. And when i go outside i could get dust in my eyes and i dont want that! No sir!

get yelled at all day by some foreigner boss, be expected to give more effort than everyone else just because you are male, get paid like shit. Working is self destructive.

the internet is beautiful

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Working kills more people annually than warfare, look at industrial diseases.

If you think about it, you will understand. Just give it a try. You know what they say, thinking doesn't hurt.

Stupid slide thread, 1 post by this ID.

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autism, i guess

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it's all meaningless and artificial.
Then you throw in the low employment rates and that's that.
You get young adults who go for too long without job pretty much losing their work value in the eyes of the employers and at the same time they get also passivized because of this long phase.
It's a cycle that is hard to stop. I should know, I've been there myself. When I finally got my job my whole life turned around. I became active.
I claim most of the NEETs are not NEETs because they don't want job or are lazy. They're just hibernating which makes them incapable or harder to look for job but not meaning as in not wanting a job.

fuck off with your interracial dating agenda fucking kike

The only things I do include studying and wasting time not studying. How fun is it to go outside? When is it too late? I spend all my time on the internet and just don't have ability to go outside the house for the time being.

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It is not nearly as frequent as you may believe. However, it is the inevitable result of such foolishness as socialism. For what reason would a person work if all their needs are provided to them by the state? This model is unsustainable.

On top of that, the people who do manage to work are the types who cause trouble and just love to eat shit.
Two of my coworkers tried to get me fired, one tried to frame me, they were both always lazy and skipping out leaving me doing 80% of the work.
I quit that job and I'm done trying to find another.
The world can go fuck itself.

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Its time to take the asian pill, lad

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Because my life is NOT beautiful. It has been a struggle since day one. I missed 8 years of school because of an illness, bullied endlessly and failed out of college all the while receiving no attention from the opposite sex. My father is severely disabled and I'm his caretaker, so I have to clean up his shit every day and help him when he falls and take him to doctors. I have only one friend who moved out of town.

I could go out and do something, but it's just easier to curl up in a ball and do what is comfortable and easy, which is nothing.

Fuck you for saying life is beautiful. It really, really isn't.

Working sucks. 90%+ wouldnt work given the chance

What if all welfare is cut out overnight? How would you and your ilk survive?

I'm not on welfare, I don't think they'll let me on it even though I'm diagnosed with a few things.
But boy, if that happened, you would see capital buildings and cities razed within 3 days.

Stop taking their women you white devil and maybe they'll go outside.

>Why do people chose to be shut-ins when there is plenty to live?
Because niggers

>be me
>23 year-old college dropping out NEET who literally have never ever worked at all
>still a fucking kissless virgin (i've managed to get a blow job twice by my female classmate when i was a high school student though)
>have never talked with white girls at all, like 0 seconds in my whole life and have literally zero percent chance for me to fuck with them forever
>the only fun i can get at this point on a daily basis is from fapping to porn (huge-assed thicc woman is my favorite)
>3 house cats are the only companions i have now
>Jow Forums, especially Jow Forums, is the only place where i can actually connect with others

it looks like it's just over here
the only cure left to me is apparently just committing suicide here at this point
every night when in bed before falling to asleep i just wish that when i woke up i was just a 12 year-old elementary school kid having adventures with my friends every day and every morning i wake up in fucking indescribable despair and depression

my life's theme:

this is my life
life is nothing but just pain, misery and suffering to me
the only thing i need is courage to actually commit suicide
i'm so sorry for my family

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Nice blog Bitch

This is stupid. Diversity hires pester me while I work. They keep trying to talk to me about feelings and giving my earnings to poorer people.

>every day and every morning i wake up in fucking indescribable despair and depression
Damn I can relate far too well

These two will never be as attractive as

Funny, because I find the Asians much more attractive.
Funny that the nip likes American-looking girls, and that some Americans like me like Nip girls.

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Perhaps you should find the courage to end your pathetic excuse for life and cease to burden society.

I could have been a housewife with a nice family. Feminists suck.

user, don't give advice that you can't follow yourself.

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Life is inherently tragic because you die and everyone you know dies and unless that had happened calm down faggot it could be worse

Life is only not beautiful if you're only consider beauty to be comfort and ease

My mom completely ruined me cause no one loved her, overprotecten me, shut my dad out so no father figure, had the same only for grandfather, was the only one who did something then my family starts bashing me after he died so I had a huge fucking fallout

I got bullied severely in all years before high school, in high school no one had the chance to bully me because I pushed everyone away

4 suicide attempts before 17, either chickened out or failed

All it took for me was a single fucking walk through the local Woods at 23 just staring at trees and plants and shit on a sunny day by myself for a few hours and I was fine again

Stop being a faggot

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there's nothing wrong witn racemixing tho

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>cease to burden society

whilst i agree that i should end myself as soon as possible i actually don't care about this shit country at all
how the fuck can you have so much fucking patriotic feeling when your country got nuked twice?
all of those being patriotic to this nation are fucking sewage
patriotism is just ridiculous as the only things matter are after all myself and my family

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>Life is beautiful

Only if you're already a mutt and have nothing to lose since you're a mud anyway

why should I give my kids a racial downgrade?

Whenever you feel like your life is shit, think about the 9 lifes that the 3 cats have to live stuck with you.

How common are white girls in Japan?

Break the mold with that jap suicide, user!
How'd you get blowjobs without even being kissed kek

typical english teacher

I am happy in my life, thank you.

Are you English teacher, exchange student, or military? If you do not like Japan, go back.

When the job I want accepts me I’ll gladly work, until then, no I’m not slaving and being miserable at work

There is literally nothing wrong with being a NEET

extremely rare

as i said she was just my friend and we both didn't want to give our first kisses to each other yet have really interested in a sex so i just teased her, asking to suck my dick and surprisingly she agreed to do that
that's all

i'm an actual nip and despise all of you feeling some sort of patriotic feelings to this literal shit nation

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the machines want you to keep looking at screens. so they make you afraid of doing anything else. or not worth the effort.

also people don't grow up anymore we just create new generations that will idolize the older generations.

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I vomit multiple times per day from anxiety

Its terrible

>every night when in bed before falling to asleep i just wish that when i woke up i was just a 12 year-old elementary school kid having adventures with my friends every day and every morning i wake up in fucking indescribable despair and depression
damn that hit me hard

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Tolerance of female promiscuity breaks to society structure of human animal, the superorganism that we are.

Self pity is a terrible thing

Sucks to be you. I'm travelling the world and bagged a girl who's well out my league. Have you considered killing yourself?