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First good thing he's ever done.

god isnt real jewish cock suckers

God is real.

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kurwa, what crazy times we're living in.
the pope, supposed leader of the christian faith is abolishing it, while islam cannot even be criticised and is returning to their 1,500 year old fanatic roots.

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>Soul disappears
>Not hell


How has the church not kicked this fucker out? How much are you goddamn Catholics let this migrant-loving, feet kissing spic, ruin your church?!

Go back to didling kids you fucking mutt

>lol don't even repent, don't worry about it goys, you won't even go to hell
The Pope is the antichrist. I pray that God strikes him down.

this is exactly what's going on

Even Satan thinks the pope is a fucking heratic.

so unrepentant sinning is a good thing then

That man is disgusting

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no idea man, that idiot shouldnt even be pope.
i palm faced when he said we need to import all those millions if niggers, but when he started kissing their feet i just couldnt believe what im seeing.

he wasn't speaking Ex Catedra so it doesn't matter fags, it's just his opinion

Should white man give a fuck what the top semite muslim toe licker says?

Pope retard the 1st


If Jesus died to save us from Hell, and the head of the church claims there is no hell, then what the fuck did Jesus died for? This should wqke up every true Catholic into really considering what is really up with Lucifer.

How old is the pope? How many more years till he dies?

Only kikes believe there is no hell.

I guess I'll go kill myself then lol
enjoy living in this nightmare, bye

Every state religion is bastardized to have a hell. Chinese Buddhism is a great example. They're "Buddhists" who believe in heaven and hell.

It's not good to take it away, even if it's a lie though. Every religion contains the universal law, if you can understand it. They're all set up to be approachable, and yet at the end, if you so desire to seek it, is Truth.

>just his opinion.

yeah dont take any notice of him guys hes just gods apparently elected leader of the worldwide church on earth - dont expect him to be correct or even close to correct with regard to millenia old teaching friends.

Pope dumbcunt the 29th

now he just has to abolish heaven, god, jesus & the devil, good stuff, he's on the right track !

isn't this essentially Annihilationism eschatology?


Doesn't suicide damn you to hell?

/thread xtians btfo


Any Catholics who still adhere to this antipope's authority are literally kissing the devil's ass.

This has been the position of the church for a long time
No salvation simply means eternal death

>Lucifer is abolished from hell after rebellion
>Ceases to exist
>Can't tempt Eve into eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
>No fall of man
>No original sin
>Jesus is crucified for ?????

So he’s officially a heretic. That is lively news.

catholics are as christian as jews are white

meant abolished from heaven obviously

>pope actually reads the Bible
This is actually pretty fucking huge news.

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False and menatl illness

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Hell is real and Bergoglio is going to go there.

Ignorant fucks, he isn't even the first Pope to say that Hell isn't a real place.

Guaranteed 90% of the people in this thread are
>american educated

And have no clue that the Catholic church doesn't follow the same retarded doctrine that your garbage american protestant/evangelical churches do.

This is the only correct thing any pope has ever done. The wages of sin are death and Jesus Christ is the only path to eternal life.

Eternal torment in hell is a marketing meme, not biblical or Christian.

You have to back Lucy

if hell isn't real, neither is heaven

The devil is here and he's not impressed

To my best knowledge old detament does not have neither haven nor helle - those things were introduced later, for goy motivation. Because stores of flood, sodom and gommora, and other lessons of obedience did not appeal to simple-minded europeans.

With jews it is:
- God told us, we didn't listen, and we got SO fucked IRL. Next time he tels us something - we just fucking do it.
- What if?
- No If. Just do it, or we all get fucked. Like, NOW

Cristians needed permanent and personalised Candy and Whip.

You mean the one that doesn't fucking exist anymore?

>If unicorns aren’t real neither or horses!
You people have a mental illness.

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He is not God, therefore this means nothing.

Spreading lies and disinfo seem to be a key part of this Satan spawn as head of the Catholic Church

Pope Francis is a retarded faggot confirmed

You might want to get into a new line of work, brah. Business might be drying up real soon. Also, tell my dad I said hello

>listening to the media

A (((journalist))) claims the pope said this in a private conversation with no recordings or notes. The church denies he said this.

what do those guys look like without the power armor

but unicorns are a mythical made up creature and horses exist. what you typed makes you look fucking stupid.

only an american could make such a bafflingly retarded analogy.

i wonder, do you even have the capacity to see what a dumb fucking thing you just said without it being pointed out to you?

reading this post turned me retarded, just thought you should know

Nah this nigger is a liar and a false prophet
He will burn in hell God will it

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it`s a mis-quote
nice try

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Lol Satan knows whats up. I hope in another dimension you could still be a cool angel

How does the relationship with Poland and the Vatican work?

Read your Bible faggot. Eternal torment for humans isn’t fucking in it. In fact, dozens of verses explicitly oppose the existence of eternal torment For humans.

As if he dident give enough reason for people to hate him before.

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Actually it's more like saying if Hogwarts isn't real then neither is Harry Potter, both are fictional just like heaven and hell. Unless of course you can show us an example of heaven like I can a horse by pointing to the nearest stables.

Honestly you are on the bad end of the spectrum.

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So hell is a mythical made up place and heaven exists.

We did it, Reddit!

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Don't worry Satan, you'll still get souls to torture.

>tfw Satan himself is pissed at the pope

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You are a special type of impenetrably dense, aren’t you?

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It's all made up you stupid assholes, when are you gonna key in?

Man I wish we could get Hitler Youth pope back. He and John Paul were alright, they weren't a bunch of faggot pseudo-commie egalitarians like Francis is.

no proof stupid nigger

Fake news

theyre big guys

he's right though it called the second death and the only spirits going to hell are those who committed original sin and Judas Iscariot

Those who aren't ready to go at the first resurrection and enter the 1000 year kingdom of peace with God will likely experience hell as Satan is to be released after said event and reek havoc. So hell does exist, although perhaps not just yet

Matthew 13:42

So you are putting something you read in some old jewish folklore above the word of the holy church?
How heretical.

>making sheeple believe that the illusory self can escape samsara just by dying
Lame try desu

That's the problem, they're not protestant. Why are you a (((catholic)))?

Yawn. Chapter and verse, heretic.

This fucking pope is a pawn of the devil. Do you think Satan would admit there's a hell? Hell no.

They don't believe in an afterlife period. The messianic craze is about creating paradise on earth.

Catholicism is a joke.
It'll be productive if catholics stopped calling themself christians at all. Because, well, they jerk off to reformation so much that it's turns into some weird clone of protestantism, which is by itself retarded mockery over faith.
Just name it like "Boylovers club" or something.
It's quite bizarre to know that Russian orthodox church is pretty much only true christianity left.

w0ah guess he is

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Okay and? Any mention of eternal in there?
Pop quiz, bucko:
>what are the wages of sin?
>can one achieve eternal life without Christ?
>is eternal torment for 70-100 years of sin justice?

Actually seems worst than hell for people that believe we keep on existing forever. Sure, hell is eternal torture and darkness but now you don't even get that.

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Why isn't anyone storming the vatican and hanging this satanist in front of the square?

Catholic. Not Christian. He does not speak for me, and yes, this is heresy.

Pssst... jesus saved us from eternal death

I think Hindus call it nirvana

Protestants in full swing here.

If souls cease to exists then it means that there won't be afterlife for sinners, and they still won't get into heaven.

Hell not existing =|= heaven not existing.

Nice try with all your Hurr satan is the pope you heretical protestants.

He speaks for catholics though, and many of those think they have to follow every word of him

because the pope has more security than the devil himself and because catholics were breed into moronic creaturas

The only Hell is our own regrets and Heaven is our perspective, our life. Death is the transition to a new set of Hells and Heavens. So, yeah, he may be right, but he's still a mentally ill, suicidal asshole that needs to transition to his next life ASAP.

By now you could attach a turbine to the cemetery of Vatican and the generated power from all the previous popes turning in their graves would power the all of Italy for years to come, bloody hell

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>tfw when Nazis are not in hell

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This. We were saved from the second death and given the opportunity to join with God.

>those digits.

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Society is in full decline.

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