from an evolutionary perspective, i mean. have you guys ever stopped to consider how weird and anomalous they are? let me explain what i mean
its common knowledge on Jow Forums that jews have a higher IQ than non-jewish europeans. they test a full standard deviation higher, which is the same disparity between whites and blacks (so in other words, intellectually we are niggers compared to them - let that sink in.)
it's tempting to think of jews as the real masterrace and for awhile i did. but then i noticed something else. left to their own devices without a host population of europeans to parasitize, jews live in nigger-tier third world condition. they will literally squat in their own shit in mud huts drinking dirty water. just look a their interractions with the egyptian and roman empires and the difference in technological and social advancement
so that leaves the question - what ARE they? why would the smartest race be as lazy and unmotivated as the dumbest? jews are the most intelligent but all they use their intellect for is scamming and mischief. they seem to have no interest in exploration or technology
considering the harsh region they evolved in and its scarcity of resources, shouldnt they be even more advanced than whites? wtf?
They also interbred way back when, because they saw everyone else below them That's where the big nose came from, sort of like the Habsburg jaw
Mason Barnes
Jews are Arabs.
>its common knowledge on Jow Forums that jews have a higher IQ than non-jewish europeans
Actually it's not. Go watch some The Alternative Hypothesis or Jean François Gariépy videos on the subject. Jews are not actually as smart as you may have been led to think.
>jews are the most intelligent but all they use their intellect for is scamming and mischief.
Having ability to swindle and cheat and have high in group preference and insularity doesn't make them smart.
>considering the harsh region they evolved in and its scarcity of resources, shouldnt they be even more advanced than whites?
Genetic Jews (as in Jews like the Ashkenazi) evolved to have social ability to thrive within other host countries by grifting off them.
Josiah White
you are wrong. They are different types of jews..
Hasidic jews (who have a central or eastern european origin) tend to be really clever.
then there are the spehardic jews who have a north african /spanish origin who often work as market sellers or store owners.. very cunning, but not as intelligent as hasidic jews.
they also looks different usually.
Also you are wrong in term of technology.. just looking at the number of nobel prize winners should tell you enough
Gabriel Young
>Jews are Arabs. Wrong, Jews are from North middle East, while Arabs are from the Arab Peninsula. Two far different locations.
>just looking at the number of nobel prize winners should tell you enough Ohhh, yeah, the (((nobel prizes))). Wasn't obongo given a "peace" one for being a good goy in your hands, rising racial tension and continuing with pointless death of Americans in your conflicts?