So im on my trip around MOTHER RUSSIA and noticed one interesting thing when we entered the Kazansky Cathedral... You can see on pic related a triangle with an eye above every holy icon. Immediately i thought illuminati and NWO n shet but then remembered where we stood.
After all it's a cathedral where royal heirs were getting married. People still come there for service and pray. I know feel like the triangle represents the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It's that simple.
Same must be with, for example the dollar note.
What can Jow Forums say about that? I mean illuminati didnt exist at the time the cathedral was built. Around 1780s if i remember it correctly.
P.S. im now in love with Russia, honestly. Some of the nicest people i ever met.
Also the population is like 90% white not including the swarms of chinese tourists. Incredibly unusual after London. Legit considering living here for a while.
Leo Perez
Go rape a dog and calm down fucking leaf
Evan Sanchez
Satan, Moloch, and Lucifer are TITLES or designations, NOT names. YHWH, Jesus, and Kek are NAMES, NOT titles.
Satan means adversary, opponent, accuser, or enemy in Hebrew. Lucifer means lightbringer in Latin. Moloch means King. The being designated by the TITLE Satan varies depending on who is speaking. To the Jews, Jesus is Satan and is called such in the Old Testament. To Christians, YHWH is Satan, and is called such in the New Testament.
Lucifer is a title of Jesus/Kek, who are both emissaries of the True God above the demi-urge, sent into YHWH/Saturn's material prison to bring light to specific groups.
Moloch is a title for YHWH
Satan being resister for whichever side, so a resister of natural and resister of synthetic, also from Sanskrit Satanama, truth.
YHWH or "jehovha" is a self actualising meditation, obviously appropriated by the kike god and forgotten.
Lucifer as a good morning light name of Yeshua and Venus
Nolan King
no. you
Ayden Campbell
Bavarian Illuminati founded in 1776
Charles Nguyen
Schizophrenia, the post
Landon Wright
Make sure you try some Mëdovukha...basically a sweet mead drink usually with 4 to 10% alcohol content. It is the nectar of the gods. Best type is the one you can buy in Suzdal.